Adolescent, Post-Secondary, and Community Literacies (TCHLRN-PH, APCL)

Department of Teaching and Learning
Specialization Curriculum
OSU Oval Seal

Specialization leading to Doctor of Philosophy in Teaching and Learning

Core Requirements (20 hours)

Teaching and Learning Required Courses (choose two, 8 hours)

  • EDUTL 8003 Theorizing and Researching Teaching and Learning (4)
  • EDUTL 8015 Diversity and Equity in Education (4)

Research Requirement (choose three, 9 hours)

Take a minimum of 9 semester hours of research methods. Choose a qualitative focus, a quantitative focus, or a combination. Recommended courses are listed below. Students may select courses from beyond this list with the approval of the advisor and the Graduate Studies Committee


  • EDUTL 7431 The Ethnography of Communication 1 (3)
  • EDUTL 7432 The Ethnography of Communication 2 (4)
  • EDUTL 8001 Discourse Analysis and Educational Research 1 (4)
  • EDUTL 8002 Discourse Analysis and Educational Research 2 (4)
  • ESQUAL 8280 Qualitative Research in Education: Paradigms, Theories, and Exemplars (3)
  • ESQUAL 8290 Qualitative Research in Education: Methods and Analysis (3)


  • ESQREM 6625 Introduction to Educational Research (3)
  • ESQREM 6641 Introduction to Educational Statistics (3)
  • ESQREM 7627 Sampling Designs and Survey Research Methods (3)
  • ESQREM 7648 Univariate Experimental Design (3)
  • ESQREM 8648 Multivariate Experimental Designs (3)

Breadth Requirement (choose one, 3 hours)

Take at least one course outside of specialization but within in Teaching and Learning.

  • EDUTL Breadth Requirement (3)

Specialization (24 hours)

Students must meet with a faculty advisor within the first two semesters to plan a program of study. With the approval of a faculty advisor and the Graduate Studies Committee, the program of study may deviate from the curriculum below depending on scholarly and research interests.

Required Course (3 hours)

  • EDUTL 8301 Research and Theory on Adolescent, Post‐Secondary and Community Literacies (3)

Elective Courses (choose seven, 21 hours)

  • EDUTL 6101 Dramatic Inquiry Across the Curriculum (3)
  • EDUTL 7008 Sociocultural Studies of Teaching and Teacher Education (3)
  • EDUTL 7102 Drama, Literacy, and Learning (3)
  • EDUTL 7324 Literary Theory and Adolescent Literature (3)
  • EDUTL 7370 The English Curriculum: Past, Present, and Future (3)
  • EDUTL 7374 Sociocultural Theory and Literacy Education and Research (3)
  • EDUTL 7420 Teaching Literature for Engagement and Equity (3)
  • EDUTL 8010 Critical Discourse Analysis (3)
  • EDUTL 8306 African American Language and Literacies (3)
  • EDUTL 8313 Research and Theory in Written Composition (3)
  • EDUTL 8890 Advanced Seminar (3)

Research Apprenticeship (minimum 6 hours)

  • EDUTL 8998 Research Apprenticeship in Teaching and Learning (2‐8)

Candidacy Examinations (minimum 3 hours)

Students must be registered for at least 3 graduate credits during the semester in which the candidacy examination is completed. These need not be additional, Individual Study hours.

  • EDUTL 7193 Individual Studies (1-15)

Dissertation Research (minimum 6 hours)

  • EDUTL 8999 Dissertation Research (1-15)

Minimum hours: 80

Post MA/MS: 59

Program Degree Department Email
Doctoral Teaching and Learning


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.