Section Items

Résumés and Letters

The résumé

This is the centerpiece document in any job search. It is the document that employers will rely on to make the decision regarding who they will interview. A résumé will not get you the job, but it can help you stand out so that you get the interview. Generally, a résumé is one page. Occasionally, two pages will be appropriate. A young professional should never submit three or more pages. The second consideration is content. A résumé should be well organized and easy to read. Remember: a résumé should not have typos, misspellings, or grammatical mistakes. A résumé is a personal document. It should reflect the person you are, your skills and accomplishments.

Resume Guide

Section Items

The cover letter

This document explains your credentials and interest in the position. Consider these tips in writing a cover letter: Be brief. Employers are busy people and won't take the time to read a very long letter. Be specific about the position in which you are interested. If you know someone in the organization or were recommended by someone, mention their name. This is the place to cite awards, results, or compliments you might have been given. Consider mirroring the words of the employer used in the job announcement to describe yourself. Always check your spelling and grammar. Don't criticize current or past employers and always be positive and confident.

Cover Letter Guide

The traditional cover letter has three parts:

  • The opening - This is where you explain why you are writing.
  • The body - This is where you tell the person about your qualifications.
  • The closing - Explain here how you will follow up the letter.