Leslie C. Moore

Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
Program Areas:
- Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education
- Language, Education, and Society
(614) 247-2429
Leslie C. Moore is an associate professor of Foreign, Second and Multilingual Language Education and Language, Education and Society in the Department of Teaching and Learning. As an applied linguist and a linguistic anthropologist, her research examines the social and cultural patterning of learning and language development in communities whose members use multiple languages and participate in multiple learning traditions. She specializes in language socialization research, an ethnographic and interactional discourse analytic approach to the study of human development and learning.
Moore’s interest in multilingualism and double schooling (participation in both secular and religious schooling traditions) grew out of her experiences as a Peace Corps volunteer in Cameroon, where she later conducted research in rural and urban communities. In her newest research, she seeks to advance the knowledge and awareness of needs and practices related to informal science programming for young children who are learning English as an additional language. This project builds on Moore’s work in the Somali community in Central Ohio. It also builds on her work at Columbus’ Center of Science and Industry (COSI) as Educational Director of the Buckeye Language Network Language Pod, a space that provides the public with a research-in-real-time experience and learning activities grounded in the language sciences.
Moore’s work has appeared in anthropological, linguistic, educational research and interdisciplinary journals and reference works, including Text and Talk, Social Analysis, Language Arts, Language and Communication, The Handbook of Socialization,The Handbook of Language Socialization, The Anthropology of Learning in Childhood, The Encyclopedia of Language and Education, and Early Childhood Science Education.
Her research, outreach and engagement have been funded by the National Science Foundation, Fulbright, the Ford Foundation, the Spencer Foundation, and the National Endowment for the Humanities.
- PhD, Applied Linguistics, University of California, Los Angeles, 2004
- MA, Teaching English as a Second Language, University of California, Los Angeles, 1997
- BA, Language Studies, University of California, Santa Cruz, 1991
Research Interests
- Access and Equity
- Anthropology
- Anthropology of childhood
- Anthropology of education
- Language socialization
- Bilingual, Multilingual, and Multicultural Education
- Child Development
- Cultural-historical theory
- Early bilingualism
- Language socialization
- Early Childhood Education and Teaching
- Elementary Education and Teaching
- Equity
- Foreign Language Teacher Education
- Kindergarten/Preschool Education and Teaching
- Linguistics
- Linguistic diversity
- Linguistics for educators
- Literacy
- Science Teacher Education
- Second Language Learning
- Informal science learning for preschool dual language learners
- Sociolinguistics
- Language socialization
- U.S. Student Fulbright Program National Screening Committee member
- Internal Review Board, 2013-present
- Language Sciences Graduate Interdisciplinary Specialization Advisory Committee Member, 2013-present
- Buckeye Language Network Language Pod Educational Director, 2012-present
- Buckeye Language Network Steering Committee Member
- Literacy Studies@OSU Executive Committee Member
- Center for African Studies Advisory Board Member
- College Council Member, College of Education and Human Ecology, 2011-2013
- Department of Teaching and Learning Equity and Diversity Committee member, 2009-2011
- American Association of Educational Research Program Co-chair of 2010 for 2010 Annual Meeting Division G Section 5 Social Context of Research on Schools and Communities (with Judy Kalman)
- Speaker at 1st and 2nd Annual Ohio Somali High School, College, and University Graduation Ceremony and Ohio Teachers Workshops, 2010 and 2011
- Reviewer for several journals, including Anthropology and Education Quarterly, Applied Linguistics, Journal of Linguistic Anthropology, Journal of Literacy Research, The Modern Language Journal, Reading Research Quarterly, TESOL Quarterly
Key Appointments
- Assistant Professor, 2007
- Core faculty in Language, Education, & Society
- Core faculty in Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education
- Postdoctoral Fellow, 2003-2006, Center for Informal Learning & Schools (a National Science Foundation Center for Learning & Teaching), UC Santa Cruz
- Visiting scholar, 1997-1998 Department of African Languages & Cultures, Leiden University, the Netherlands
- EDUTL 8610 Second Language Acquisition
- EDUTL 8363 Sociolinguistics & Language Education
- EDUTL 7431 and 7432 Ethnography of Communication, Parts I and II
- EDUTL 7306 Language Socialization
- EDUTL 6303 Linguistic Diversity in Education
- EDUTL 5365 Linguistics for Literacy Education
- EDUTL/LING/PSYC 5700 Training in Informal Science Outreach, aka the COSI Course or the Language Pod Course
- EDUTL 917 Issues in Foreign/Second Language Education
- EDUTL 727 Somali History, Language, & Culture (workshop)
- EDUTL 703.07 Linguistic Diversity in Early Childhood Education
- Informal Science Education (contract workshop)
Selected Grants
- Cross-College Seed Grant with Dr. Monique Mills (Speech and Hearing Sciences), ‘Assessing Students’ Narrative Language: Emic and Etic Perceptions.”
- National Science Foundation Advanding Informal STEM Learning (AISL) Pathways Grant, ‘Expanding Repertoires of Practice: Improving Informal Science Learning Experiences for Dual Language Learners’ with Jen Cassidy (COSI) ($291,051)
- Fulbright U.S. Scholar Grant to the Netherlands
- Battelle Engineering, Technology and Human Affairs Endowment (BETHA) grant ‘Engineering, Tech, Human Affairs and Social Justice: From Columbus to Colombia’ with PI Kevin Passino, Betty Lise Anderson, John Clapp, Melissa Wilson ($59,985)
- Humanities Institute at OSU Pilot Working Group Grant ‘Multimodality and Second Language Acquisition’ with Carmen Taleghani-–Nikazm ($2000)
- Hubei Science and Technology Museum Core Talent Training Program, Co-director with Kathy Trundle and Donna Farland Smith ($234,815)
- OSU College of Education and Human Ecology International Seed Grant to develop Joint Graduate Course on Culture, Language and Literacy Research with the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil with David Bloome, Mollie Blackburn, Caroline Clark, Elaine Richardson ($6,400)
- Grant for Innovation Group for the Study of Language Variation (SoLV) from the Office of the Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (PI Rob Fox, $60,000)
- Ohio Humanities Council/National Endowment for the Humanities Grant 2008 with Laura Joseph, Center for African Studies; for development, digital documentation & dissemination of Outreach & Engagement course on Somali history, language, & culture ($15,000)
- Grant from the Center for African Studies' UISFL (Undergraduate International Studies and Foreign Language) Grant from the US Department of Education for O&E course development & documentation ($8000)
- University Libraries Course Enhancement Grant 2008 ($2000)
- Spencer Dissertation Fellowship for Research Related to Education
- National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Award (BCS-0002212)
- Fulbright Student Award
- Ford Foundation Grant for Students of Developing Areas
- National Science Foundation Graduate Fellowship
- Title VI / National Resource Fellowship
Selected Publications
- Moore, L. C. (2017 online). Multilingual socialization and education in non-Western settings. In P. Duff & May, S. (Eds.), Encyclopedia of language and education (3rd ed.), Vol. 8: Language socialization. New York: Springer.
- Moore, L. C. (2016). Change and variation in family religious language policy in a West African Muslim community. Language Policy, 15(2), 125-139.
- Moore, L. C. (2016). Moving across languages, literacies, and schooling traditions. In V. Lytra, D. Volk, & E. Gregory (Eds), Navigating Languages, Literacies and Identities: Religion in Young Lives, pp. 126-140. Oxford, UK: Routledge.
- Wagner, L., Speer, S. R., Moore, L. C., McCullough, E. A., Ito, K., Clopper, C. G., Campbell-Kibler, K. (2015). Linguistics in a science museum: Integrating research, teaching, and outreach at the Language Sciences Research Lab. Language & Linguistics Compass, 9(7), 420-431.
- Moore, L. C. & Smith, M. M. (2015). Chapter 15: Science education for young emergent bilinguals. In K. Cabe Trundle & M. Sackes (Eds), Research in Early Childhood Science Education. New York: Springer.
- Moore, L. C. & Park, S. H. (2014). “Something for linguists”: On-the-fly grammar instruction in a Dutch as foreign language classroom. L2 Journal, 6(1), 1-20.
- Rogoff, B., Moore, L. C., Correa-Chavez, M., & Roberts, A. L. D. (2014). Children develop cultural repertoires through participation in everyday routines and practices. In J. Grusec & P. Hastings (Eds.), Handbook of Socialization, 2nd edition, Theory and Research, pp. 472-498.. New York: Guilford Press.
- Moore, L. C. & Smith, M. M. (2014). Science education for young emergent bilinguals. In K. Trundle (Ed), Research in Early Childhood Science Education. New York: Springer.
- Moore, L. C. (2013). Qur’anic school sermons as a site for sacred and second language socialisation. Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, 34(5), 445-458.
- Moore, L. C. (2013). Double schooling in Northern Cameroon and Central Ohio. In S. Blum (Ed), Proceedings of Learning In and Out of School: Education Across the Globe. Notre Dame, IN: Kellogg Institute for International Studies.
- Moore, L. C. (2012). Muslim children¹s other school. Childhood Education, 88(6).
- Moore, L. C. (2012). Language socialization and repetition. In A. Duranti, E. Ochs, & B. Schieffelin (Eds), Handbook of Language Socialization, pp. 209-226. Malden, MA: Blackwell.
- Moore, L. C. & Joseph, L. (2011). The OSU K12 Teacher Somali Workshop Project. Bildhaan: An International Journal of Somali Studies, 11.
- Moore, L. C. (2011). Moving across languages, literacies, and schooling traditions. Language Arts, 89(2), 288-297.
- Moore, L. C. (2010). Language socialization and second/foreign language and multilingual education in non-Western settings. In P. Duff & N. Hornberger (Eds.), Language Socialization (pp. 175-185). New York: Springer Reference.
- Moore, L. C. (2010). Learning in schools. In D. F. Lancy, J. Bock, & S. Gaskins (Eds.), The Anthropology of Learning in Childhood (pp. 207-232). Lanham, MD: AltaMira Press.
- Moore, L. C. (2009). On communicative competence…in the field. Language & Communication, 29(3), 244-253.
- Moore, L. C. (2008). Body, text, and talk in Maroua Fulbe Qur'anic schooling. Text & Talk, 28(5), 643-665.
- Moore, L. C. (2008). Language socialization and second/foreign language and multilingual education in non-Western settings. In P. Duff & N. Hornberger (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Language and Education, Volume 8: Language Socialization (pp. 175-185). New York: Springer Reference.
- Rogoff, B., Moore, L. C., Najafi, B., Dexter, A., Correa-Chávez, M., & Solís, J. (2007). Children's development of cultural repertoires through participation in everyday routines and practices. In J. Grusec & P. Hastings (Eds.), Handbook of Socialization (pp. 490-515). New York: Guilford Press.
- Moore, L. C. (2006). Learning by heart in Qur'anic and public schools in northern Cameroon. Social Analysis: The International Journal of Cultural and Social Practice, 50(3), 109-126.
- Moore, L. C. (2006). Changes in folktale socialization in a Fulbe community. Studies in African Linguistics, Supplement 11, 176-187.
- Moore, L. C. (2005). Language socialization, in Linguistic Anthropology, A. Sujoldzic (Section Ed.), Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS). Oxford, UK: UNESCO.
- Moore, L. C. (2004). Second language acquisition and use in the Mandara Mountains. In G. Echu & S. Gyasi Obeng (Eds.), Africa meets Europe: language contact in West Africa (pp. 131-148). New York: Nova Science.
- Moore, L. C. (2002). Language mixing at home and school in a multilingual community. In J. E. Alatis, H. E. Hamilton & A.-H. Tan (Eds.), Proceedings of the Georgetown University Round Table 2000 (pp. 135-140). Georgetown: Georgetown University Press.
- Moore, L. C. (1999). Language socialization research and French language education in Africa: a Cameroonian case study. The Canadian Modern Language Review, 56(2), 329-350.
- Moore, L. C. (1999). Secondary language socialisation in a multilingual context: incongruence between community and classroom practice. Acquisition et Interaction en Langues Etrangères, 1, numèro spècial, 143-153.
- Language Pod at COSI
- Somali History, Language, and Culture: A Workshop. Ohio State University Foreign Language Publications (2013).
- Somali Studies for Educators. Online resource for educators and other professionals who work with Somali children, youth, and families.