Paul Post

Faculty Emeritus, Department of Teaching and Learning
Program Areas:
- Technology Education, STEM
- Science, STEM
(614) 292-7471
Paul Post is an Assistant Professor in Technology Education in the Department of Teaching and Learning. He is concerned with increasing the technological literacy of all students. He has worked with the Ohio Department of Education in the development of Ohio's Technology Academic Content Standards, a research resource for using the standards and model lessons. His research interests are in the application of new technologies in the technology education curriculum and the development of new curriculum. He has served as president of the Ohio Technology Education Association and currently serves on its government liaison committee. He also chairs the accreditation committee of the Council of Technology Teacher Educators.
- PhD, Industrial Technlogy, Purdue University, 1984
- MS, Industrial Education, Purdue University, 1980
- BS, Industrial Arts Education, Pennsylvania State University, 1978
Research Interests
- Educational Assessment, Testing, and Measurement
- Educational/Instructional Technology
- Learning Technologies
- Teacher Education
- Standards and accreditation
- Technology Integration
- Robotics
- Technology Teacher Education
- Design education
- Engineering education
- Technology education
Selected Grants
- June 2005 - June 2006, Ohio Department of Education, $12,501, Technology Research Review for the Ohio Instructional Management System, Post, P.E., Zuga, K.F., &Ku,W.
- February 2005 - June 2005, Ohio Department of Education, $4,996, Technology Research Review for the Ohio Instructional Management System, Post, P.E., Zuga, K.F., &Ku,W.
- 2000-2003 MSAT portion of College TETL/PT3 grant, $36,000.
Selected Publications
- Post, P. E. (May/June, 2004). Ohio Develops Technology Academic Content Standards. The Technology Teacher, 63(8), pp 25-29.
- Post, P.E., Ku, W., Zuga, K.F. Evidence base for Technology Teaching and Learning, submitted June 2005 through June 2006, to be published on the ODE Instructional Management System.
Selected Presentations
- Ku, W., Post, P.E., Zuga, K.F. (2006, March 25). A Review Of Research Related To Standards Implementation. Presented at the International Technology Education Association Conference, Baltimore, MD.
- Post, P.E. (2006, April 8). Engineering Education: The New Technology Education or a New Area of Technology Education. Presented at the Ohio Technology Education Association Conference, Columbus, OH.
- York, T., Post, P.E., & Stefan, V. (2005, March 18). Lego Applications In Technology Education. Workshop. Presented at the Ohio Technology Education Association Conference, Dayton, OH.