Theory Into Practice was founded in 1962. Its first editor was the eminent educational scholar, Egon Guba. The opening page of the inaugural issue stated the journal's mission—both then and now: "Committed to the point of view that there is an integral relationship between theory and practice for the Administrator, Teacher, and Board Member in the public schools." Since then, over 200 issues have brought together some of the most articulate and thoughtful educational theorists and practitioners to discuss topics ranging from technology to teacher education, from school reform to nonverbal communication, from child and adolescent development to curriculum theory.
Theory Into Practice (TIP) is one of the most highly respected, peer-reviewed journals within the field of educational research. Each issue of TIP is organized around a single theme, and features multiple perspectives and scholarly, yet accessible, discussions of current and future concerns of interest to today's educators. Nationally recognized for excellence in the field of educational journalism by the Educational Press Association of America, TIP has won the Distinguished Achievement Award in the Learned Article category. Currently over 1,000 schools, universities, libraries, and educational researchers subscribe.