Adolescent, Post-Secondary, and Community Literacies (APCL)
Department of Teaching and Learning
Program Curriculum
Program Curriculum

Specialization leading to Master of Arts in Teaching and Learning
Program Requirements (9 hours)
Core Courses (9 hours)
- EDUTL 6808 Multicultural & Global Perspectives on T&L (3)
- EDUTL 6050 Multiple Perspectives on T&L (3)
- EDUTL 6053 Balanced Assessment of T&L (3) (OR assessment course approved by faculty advisor)
Area of Study Required and Elective Courses
Required (8-9 hours)
- EDUTL 7365 Linguistics for Literacy Education (3)
- EDUTL 7370 The English Curriculum: Past, Present, & Future (3)
- EDUTL 7371 Teaching Writing in the Secondary School (2-3)
Elective (6-9 hours)
- EDUTL 6892 Special Topics in Education (1-4)
- EDUTL 7189 Advanced Field Placement (3)
- EDUTL 6101 Dramatic Inquiry Across the Curriculum (3)
- EDUTL 7035 Teaching for Social Justice (3)
- EDUTL 7101 Drama, Literacy, & Learning (3)
- EDUTL 7322 Literature Across the Curriculum (3)
- EDUTL 7324 Literary Theory & Adolescent Literature (3)
- EDUTL 7356 Advanced Literature for Adolescents (3)
- EDUTL 7374 Sociocultural Theory & Literacy Education & Research (3)
- EDUTL 7393 Teaching Writing (3)
- EDUTL 7420 Teaching Literature for Engagement & Equity (3)
- EDUTL 7550 Advanced Studies in Deafness (3)
Research Requirement (minimum of 3 hours)
Select ONE of the T&L Research courses below or one that is approved by your faculty advisor (minimum of 3 credit hours)
- EDUTL 6052 Classroom-Based Inquiry (3)
- EDUTL 7010 Diverse Approaches to Research on T&L (3)
Final Examination (1-3 hours)
Students must select either a Thesis or Non-Thesis option and must be registered for at least 3 credit hours the term of graduation.
- EDUTL 7999 Thesis Research (3)
- EDUTL 7193 Independent Study (1-3)
Minimum hours: 30