EHE student teacher

Accreditation, Placement and Licensure

The Office of Accreditation, Placement and Licensure (APL) monitors and supports all Ohio State educator preparation programs that lead to a PK-12 state license in teaching, administration or pupil services. 

APL partners across communities to envision and promote equity, innovation, and continuous improvement within education. 

Learn more about APL

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The Office of Accreditation, Placement, and Licensure (APL) serves as the headquarters for data collection and analysis in the preparation of reports to both state and federal accreditation bodies. The data collected by the APL is shared with the Unit, as well as each individual program, for continuous review (and improvement). These reviews ensure that our programs are aligned with professional standards, producing high-quality teachers and other PK-12 professionals.

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Field experiences are paramount to the success of the students in our educator preparation programs. APL provides support to students, program representatives and mentor educators as they prepare for and progress through observations, student teaching, and internships.

APL Applications

Program Representatives who have been granted roles in one or more web applications can sign into the APL Web Application Suite: Program Enrollment Verification (PEV) and Placement Applications.

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The Ohio State University Educator Preparation Programs prepare individuals for work in the P-12 system and recommends individuals for teaching, endorsement, administrator, and pupil services licenses. Ohio State academic programs are designed to prepare students for licensure or certification in Ohio. If you plan to pursue licensure or certification in a state other than Ohio, please review state educational requirements for licensure and certification.

Applying for your License

When you are ready to apply for your Ohio license, refer to the Licensure Application guide and corresponding video.

Non-Ohio Licensure Processes
  • NASDTEC Interstate Agreement: Individuals applying for a license in another state.
  • Education Preparation Verification forms: Individuals requiring a form to be completed by the Dean should send it to for signature. 
The oval at Ohio State

Professional Development for Educators

Professional development is continuously offered through the Office of Accreditation, Placement, and Licensure. We can help one teacher, a classroom of teachers or whole buildings and districts. 
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About APL

The Office of Accreditation, Placement and Licensure partners with stakeholders across Ohio State in the preparation of highly effective educators. Meet our staff and learn more about our mission, vision and purpose. 

Learn more