Professional Development for Educators: Earn contact hours
The College of Education and Human Ecology supports educators by providing timely and relevant coursework in response to current needs and trends in education
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Professional Development Offerings

Workshop Registration
To register for a workshop, please select from the offerings above. There is no formal application process.
Participants receive documentation of contact hours spent completing the workshop at the end of the offering. Registration is for professional development only. You will not receive university credit nor will this course be posted on your Ohio State transcript. Contact hours (listed as credits on the enrollment page) are defined as time spent under scheduled instruction, which can be synchronous or asynchronous.
As each profession has unique professional development requirements, it is recommended that you view the policies of your specific accreditor, LPDC, or district/agency professional development liaison to identify how this offering will meet your professional goals. For additional details on how contact hours are determined, please review our Contact Hours Guide.
Interested in instructing a CEU course?
The College of Education and Human Ecology welcomes in-service educators, district administrators, and academics to submit proposals for future innovative CEU offerings. Complete our proposal form.
The submission of your materials below does not guarantee employment with The Ohio State University. Submissions are reviewed by The Professional Development Advisory Committee bi-annually or as needed. In addition, The Ohio State University reserves the right to run like coursework.
Questions can be directed to Lauren Salamone.