The link between finances and loneliness in older adults
Professor Cäzilia Loibl and colleagues study impact of emergency savings during COVID-19
Ohio State is an R1 research institution. Learn about your research opportunities as a graduate student in our college.
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Happening around the college

You know this elusive emotion when you feel it, and especially when you don’t. Learn ways to rethink and cultivate joy, even in the tough times

Organized by Professor Stephanie Power-Carter, PhD, this symposium will engage elementary teachers (pre-K through grade 5) by sharing teaching methods that ignite a passion for reading in young learners.

Explore Top 10 College Highlights That Grabbed Attention Last Year

Jay Plasman, research director of the Dennis Learning Center, invites research to benefit students by examining self-regulated learning and motivation strategies

Diversity and Inclusion
EHE’s focus on diversity and inclusion can be found in our events, our education opportunities, and in our culture.