Hospitality Management (CONSCI-PH, HMT)
Specialization Curriculum

Doctor of Philosophy in Consumer Sciences - Hospitality Management Specialization
Core Requirements (5 hours)
- CONSCI 6000 Introduction to Research in Consumer Sciences (3)
- CONSCI 7900 Graduate Seminar in Consumer Sciences (1) repeat to earn total 2 credits
Research Methods and Statistics (Choose 15 hours)
Common selections:
- ESQREM 7648 GLM I: Introduction to Regression and ANOVA (4)
- ESQREM 8659 Structural Equation Modeling (3)
- ESQUAL 8286 Qualitative Data Analysis Methods and Applications (3)
- PSYCH 6810 Statistical Methods in Psychology (4)
- PSYCH 6811 Statistical Methods in Psychology II (4)
- PSYCH 6822 Statistical Mediation, Moderation, and Conditional Process Analysis (3)
- SOCIOL 5649 Intro to Quantitative Research/Multiple Regression (3)
- SOCIOL 6650 Categorical Data Analysis (3)
- SOCIOL 6655 Sociological Research Methods (3)
- STAT 5301 Intermediate Data Analysis I (4)
- STAT 5302 Intermediate Data Analysis II (3)
- STAT 6410 Design and Analysis of Experiments (4)
Specialization Requirement (Choose 12 hours; unselected courses can be used as electives)
- CSHSPMG/CSFRST 5780 Leadership for the Service Industry (3)
- CSHSPMG 8630 Services in the Hospitality and Retail Industries (3)
- CSHSPMG 8640 Managing Hospitality and Retail Operations (3)
- CSHSPMG 8660 Recent Developments in Hospitality and Retail Management (3)
- CONSCI 5333 Finding Happiness in the Classroom, Workplace, and Beyond (3)
- CONSCI 6010 Individual and Family Behavior in the Marketplace (3)
Major and Supporting Course Electives (Choose 12 hours)
- CSHSPMG/CSFRST 5555 Management Consulting for Hospitality and Fashion Retail Operations (3)
- CSHSPMG 5640 Marketing in Hospitality Enterprises (3)
- BUSML 8250 Consumer Behavior (4; repeatable)
- CONSCI 7193 Individual Studies in Consumer Sciences (1-4; repeatable)
- CONSCI 7194 Group Studies in Consumer Sciences (1-4; repeatable)
- CONSCI 7991 Research Practicum in Consumer Sciences (1-4; repeatable)
- CONSCI 7992 Teaching Practicum in Consumer Sciences (1-4; repeatable)
- CONSCI 7993 Industry Practicum in Consumer Sciences (1-4; repeatable)
- CONSCI 8193 Individual Studies in Consumer Sciences (1-4; repeatable)
- CSCFFS 5130 Solutions to Consumer Problems (3)
- CSFRST 5701 Readings and Theories in Fashion and Retail Studies (1-4; repeatable)
- CSFRST 5710 Ethical Decision-Making in Consumer Sciences (3)
- CSFRST 5720 Economic History of Power in Fashion (3)
- CSFRST 5730 Fashion, Textiles, and the Environment (3)
- CSFRST 5575 Social, Psychological, and Cultural Aspects of Fashion and Dress (3)
- CSFRST 6576 Global Sourcing and Trade in Textile Products (3)
- CSFRST 6585 Retail Merchandising II (3)
- CSFRST 7472 History of American Dress: Issues, Theory and Method (3)
- CSFRST 7478 Textiles: A Global and Cultural History (3)
*Additional elective courses from other departments and colleges determined by student and advisor
Exit Requirement (6 hours)
- CONSCI 8999 Research for Dissertation
Minimum hours: 50 credits beyond a master’s degree
Application Requirements: GRE or GMAT TOEFL