2023 Accreditation, Placement and Licensure News


Full July Newsletter Delayed
Due to currently pending updates and summer schedules, please expect the APL Newsletter for July late this month. Information will include:

  • 2023-2024 Dates to Observe
  • Updated APL-administered training links, including Unit-Wide Data to Drive Instruction, preCPAST, and more.


Updated UTEC Appeals Handbook

Just in time for the AU23 appeals season, the UTEC Appeal handbook and appendices have been updated. Please share this with impacted students and/or update previous files on student-facing program platforms. Note: this update includes a new version of the "student appeal cover letter."

Updated Background Check Information from OHR

OHR has provided a new link for scheduling Columbus campus background check appointments. Columbus program representatives, please alert your students of the following resources to make sure they are compliant prior to field placement start dates:

  • APL compliance website: details all of the requirements for placements
  • Ohio State Human Resources background check instructions: download this guide from OHR and send it to your students requiring OHR background checks (provided in OneDrive: APL Programs: APL Unit Information and Key Assessments). Links within the document provide access to unique scheduling windows for your students.
  • Employer letter in lieu of background check: only for students who will be completing a placement within a district/agency they are currently employed.




APL Application Compliance Status Updates

The PEV App now reflects the 23-24 compliance data for upcoming AU23-SU24 placements. In addition, the following updates have been made in the application to include the new Computer Science and Computational Thinking (CSCT) course requirement.

  • The Compliance Status report now includes the CSCT course.
    • Available in the PEV App while in a program – export provides the current academic year compliance status for all students on the ‘Current’ tab in the program.
  • Compliance Pop-Up
    • Available in the PEV App while in a program and click on a Student ID
    • Updated the bottom section to include the CSCT course and the Opioid Module Completion
      • Previously only showed the completion status of the Ohio Standards course
    • The section was re-named ‘Online Courses and Module’
    • The section now shows the completion status of
      • Ohio Standard
      • CSCT
      • Opioid module
  • Viewing Student Compliance and OAE Information guide
    • Available in the PEV App in the Guides section and includes the updated information mentioned above.


OAE Accommodations Policy Update
Ohio Assessment for Educators policy on accommodations has been updated. Approved OAE accommodations will remain valid for one year. Students will not need to reapply for accommodation during that year as they did previously.

Sunsetting Procedures for OAEs 018/019: Primary and 013: Primary Intervention Specialist

Primary (PK-5) Licensure:

  • All educator candidates who successfully pass both the 018 and 019 Elementary Education examinations prior to July 24, 2023: These passing scores will be valid and continue to meet the content knowledge assessment requirement for initial licensure of Primary (PK-5) candidates through July 1, 2028;
  • All educator candidates who successfully passed one of the 018 or 019 Elementary Education examinations prior to July 24, 2023, and successfully passed both the 018 and 019 Elementary Education examinations prior to December 31, 2023: These passing scores will be valid and continue to meet the content knowledge assessment requirement for initial licensure of Primary (PK-5) candidates through July 1, 2028;
  • All other candidates will be expected to take and pass the 055 Primary Education (PK-5) Examination which becomes available July 24, 2023.   

Primary (PK-5) Intervention Specialist Licensure:

  • All educator candidates who successfully pass the 013 Early Childhood Special Education examination prior to July 24, 2023: These passing scores will be valid and continue to meet the content knowledge assessment requirement for initial licensure of Primary (PK-5) Intervention Specialist candidates through July 1, 2028;
  • All other candidates will be expected to take and pass the 058 Primary Special Education (PK-5) Examination which becomes available July 24, 2023.
  • ODE sunsetting dates for the 003 APK: Early Childhood P-3 exam have yet to be provided; however, APL recommends applicable P-5 programs transition to the new 057 APK: Primary P-5 exam as soon as possible.



State Review Program Designees Needed

Educator Preparation Programs (EPPs) across the University came together on April 21st to discuss the upcoming State Reviews due in SP24. EPPs should complete this survey by June 1 to identify your program designees for the Ohio Department of Higher Education (ODHE) state review. If you manage more than one licensure area/level, please fill out one form for each program. Once designees have been determined, follow-up communication will be sent with the next steps.

2023-24 Program/Faculty Leads Meetings Availability

The UTEC Program/Faculty Leads subcommittees provide important forums each term for cross-functional discussions about unit-wide data and goals, as well as an opportunity to share best practices across programs. Please complete the corresponding Doodle below by Thursday, June 1 to indicate your availability for the 23-24 meetings.

  • Advanced programs (Education Administration, School Psychology-EdS, and Orientation & Mobility) Doodle poll
  • Initial programs (all first-teacher licensure programs offered on all campuses): Doodle Poll

Access to APL Tableau Data Dashboards

APL is excited to introduce interactive OAE and survey data to programs during Data Days. These Tableau dashboards will provide programs an opportunity to explore data in new ways during the annual review and throughout the year.

EHE OIT staff has leveraged the permissions in the APL App to provide access to the correct users in these dashboards via Tableau Server. A university requirement to access the data is the annual completion of the OSU Institutional Data Policy (IDP) training. If you have not completed the IDP training within the last year, please search for it in BuckeyeLearn and complete it prior to your Data Day meeting. If you are unsure of your status, you can view your BuckeyeLearn transcript or email edprep@osu.edu for confirmation.


AU23 Using Assessment Data to Drive Instruction (UADDI) Double Scoring

If your program has AU23 student teachers and utilizes the UADDI assessment, double scoring is required. Please make arrangements for double scoring by qualified assessors. Training information and updated assessment materials and resources will be released later this summer.

New Site Supervisor Training Requirement for AU23 and SP24

Those who supervise feld placement site supervisors entering K-12 school buildings should communicate the following training to all supervisors (including GAs) per Ohio State policy: Activities with Minors Policy Video and Quiz and subsequent Standards of Behavior form. Site supervisor managers are responsible for documenting completion prior to site supervisors entering the field.

Columbus campus: APL will register site supervisors for this requirement once they are reported to APL prior to placements (August 15).

Regional campuses: should register supervisors to ensure supervisors are trained prior to their work in the field.

Student Teaching Survey Results

In SP23, APL distributed the Cooperating Teacher/Mentor Survey (68% response rate) and the Opportunities in Student Teaching Survey (66% response rate). Highlights of these results include:   

  • At a rate of 94%, CTs would accept another OSU candidate, and 94% were satisfied with the quality of OSU’s supervision.  
  • At a rate of 94%, student teachers indicated they participated in co-planning lessons, and 92% were challenged to use a variety of technologies in their practice and provided opportunities to analyze assessment data with their mentor.

Program-specific feedback will be provided during Data Days.


Preparing for the New Primary P5 Assessments

While new Primary P5: APK: 057, Primary Education: 055, and Special Education: 058 are still under development, ODE has stated that testing for these new assessments is anticipated to start on July 24th.

What primary programs need to know: Currently, students should follow the assessments listed on the ODE PDF. However, staff and faculty should relay to students that the testing requirements will change to the new assessments (Primary P5: APK: 057, Primary Education: 055, and Special Education: 058) in July. Once these new OAEs are available, previous OAEs will not be accepted by ODE, unless the old examinations were completed prior to the release date of the new examinations.