Tk20 for Faculty and Staff

What is Tk20?

In the student's journey to become the best educator possible, the Educator Preparation Unit utilizes an electronic portfolio with the Tk20 online assessment tool as the platform. Tk20 enables the educator programs to collect, monitor, and analyze students' progress toward meeting state and national standards for licensure. As part of their program, they will use Tk20 to: complete course assignments; build professional portfolios; and provide information regarding field experiences, student teaching and administrative internships.

How does a student register?

They go to, and follow the instructions at the bottom left where it says "Click here to purchase or register your student account."

Will it help students in the future?

Access to Tk20 is active for 10 years after the date of activation. This enables students to use data and files during their Resident Educator license renewal process. Tk20 allows candidates to create dossiers to house and display accomplishments and artifacts. These can be customized to deliver a professional presentation of skills and talents that can be edited online from anywhere and viewed by prospective clients or employers.

How can the student get help?

  • The quickest way to get your questions answered is to go to the Tk20 Help Desk. This site has a video tutorial as well as a Quick Guide and User Guide with step-by-step instructions for completing a given task.
  • For remaining Tk20 questions, students should contact the EHE OIT Service Desk or their faculty member.
  • Tk20 also has a list of Frequently Asked Questions.

Faculty and Program Managers:

See the Faculty Quick Guide for steps on how to assess an assignment or project in Tk20.