Jared Crossley

Assistant Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
Jared S. Crossley is an assistant professor of Literacy and Literature for Children and Adolescents at The Ohio State University at Marion. Dr. Crossley is most widely known for his work as the director of a documentary film on children’s author Lloyd Alexander, which was sponsored by Macmillan Children’s Publishing Group, Penguin Young Readers Group and the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University. He served on USBBY’s Outstanding Books for Young Reader’s with Disabilities Committee from 2018 – 2023, including chairing that committee in 2020-2021. He currently serves on the Notable Children’s Recordings Committee for ALSC. His research interests are in children’s literature, with emphases in middle-grade literature, diversity in children’s literature, children’s book awards, and the history of children’s literature. Dr. Crossley is a former elementary school teacher of students in grades 4-5.
- PhD, Literature for Children and Young Adults, The Ohio State University, 2023
- Med, Educational Psychology – Reading and Literacy, The University of Utah, 2019
- BS, Elementary Education, Brigham Young University, 2014
- AS, Business, Salt Lake Community College, 2010
Research Interests
- Children's Literature
- Cultural Studies
- Gender Studies
- History
- Middle-Grade Literature
- Elementary Education and Teaching
- Literacy
- English Language and Literature
- English/Language Arts Teacher Education
- Literacy
- Teacher Education
- Young Adult (Adolescent) Literature
Selected Publications
Peer Reviewed Journal Articles
- Crossley, J.S., & Liang, L.A. (2024). Storytelling in multiple modes: Using student-created book trailers to encourage development of visualization skills. The Reading Teacher, 78(1)74-79. doi:10.1002/trtr.2347
- Crossley, J.S., & Parsons, L.T. (2022). Portrayals of deafness in middle-grade literature: Disability or diversity? The Journal of Children’s Literature, 48(2), 8-18.
- Crossley, J.S. (2021). A chat with the chair: 2021 Newbery Medal chair, Dr. Jonda C. McNair on awards and middle-grade books. The ALAN Review, 49(1), 94-99.
- McNair, J.C., Alexander, L.D., Boyle, C.E., Brown, J., Cornelissen, A., Crossley, J.S., McNamara, E.K. & Thomas, C.A. (2021). The end is only the beginning: Exploring endpapers in picturebook biographies. The Reading Teacher, 75(2), 207-218. doi:10.1002/trtr.2054
- Crossley, J.S. (2021). Using Kent State to reach toward peace. The Dragon Lode, 39(2), 37-44.
Book Chapters
- McNair, J.C., & Crossley, J.S. (2022). The Newbery in a changing world: The recognition of racially diverse children’s literature. In L. Schulte-Cooper (Ed.) The Newbery: A practitioner’s guide: Making the Most of the award in your work (pp. 7-19). American Library Association.
Selected Presentations
- Crossley J.S. (2023, June). Looking Carefully: Analyzing Picturebook Biographies of Fred Rogers to Promote the Necessities of Learning. The Work of Fred Rogers: A Conference on His Context and Legacy, Latrobe, PA.
- Crossley, J. (2023, February). Gendered Identities of Teachers in Middle-Grade Novels. The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology Research Forum, Columbus, OH.
- Crossley, J. (2022, November). Shining Examples of Fictional Male Teachers in Elementary Classrooms: A Content Analysis of Middle-Grade Novels. National Council of Teachers of English Annual Convention, Anaheim, CA.
- Crossley, J. Patrick, L., Samjose, B., & Thomas, C. (2022, March). Freedom Songs in Children’s and YA Literature. International Board on Books for Young People Regional Conference, Nashville, TN.
- Crossley, J. Mikita, C., Parsons, L., & Pinkerton, L. (2022, March). Music of a Different Kind. International Board on Books for Young People Regional Conference, Nashville, TN.
- Crossley, J., Patrick, L., Samjose, B., & Thomas, C. (2022, February). Voices of Freedom in Children’s and YA Literature. The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology Research Forum, Columbus, OH.
- Crossley, J. (2020, October). How Student-Created Book Trailers Impact Reading Comprehension. International Literacy Association Conference, Columbus, OH. (Conference canceled due to COVID)
- Crossley, J. (2020, February). Student-Created Book Trailers in the Elementary Classroom. The Ohio State University, College of Education and Human Ecology Research Forum, Columbus, OH.
- Crossley, J. (2019, October). Student-Created Book Trailers Impact on Motivation and Comprehension. International Board on Books for Young People Regional Conference, Austin, TX.
- Crossley, J., & Shiba, S. (2019, March). From Author Skypes to Book Trailers: Using Technology to Increase Reading Motivation. Utah Coalition for Educational Technology 2019 Conference, Provo, UT.