Kamontá Heidelburg

Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Kamontá Heidelburg, Ph.D., is a Nationally Certified School Psychologist and Assistant Professor in School Psychology in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University. Dr. H is a native of Cincinnati, Ohio, and a proud triple alumnus of the University of Cincinnati. Dr. H conducts research focusing on cultural adaptations to evidence-based individualized and systems-level interventions to support the positive social-emotional and academic development of Black students in schools. Dr. H developed a national-reviewed, evidence-based, culturally enriched social skills program for Black adolescent males titled Black to Success which aims to increase students’ positive racial identity and social skills development while reducing problem behaviors and discipline referrals.
In addition to studying racial inequities, Dr. H consults with school districts on systems-level implementation of culturally responsive policies and practices such as School-wide Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports (SWPBIS) to further promote equitable outcomes for racially/ethnically minoritized students in schools.
Dr. H has published widely in the top journals such as School Psychology Review, School Psychology International, School Psychology, and Urban Review, has five book chapters, and regularly presents at the National Association of School Psychologists annual conference.
Ph.D., School Psychology
University of Cincinnati
Date of Graduation: August 2020
Research Interests
- Access and Equity
- Black students and Black Males
- Child and adolescent development
- School-wide Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports
- Urban Education and School reform
- Achievement
- Adolescent and At-Risk Youth
- Black Prek-12 grade Students
- Educational Assessment, Testing, and Measurement
- Equity
- School Psychology
- Academic Interventions and Instructional Supports
- Consultation and Collaboration
- Data-Based Decision Making
- Mental and Behavioral Health Services and Interventions
- Social Justice
- Culturally Responsive Practices
- Multitiered System of Support (MTSS)
- Strength-based Interventions
- Urban Education
Research Summary
Dr. Heidelburg conducts research focusing on cultural adaptations to evidence-based individualized and systems-level interventions to support the positive social-emotional and academic development of Black students in schools.
Selected Publications
- Collins, T.A., Heidelburg, K., & Scott, M.N. (2020). Using Technology to Teach Cultural Competence. In T. Puckett, & N. Lind (Eds.), Cultural Competence in Higher Education (Vol. 28, pp. 219- 227). Emerald. https://doi.org/10.1108/S2055-364120200000028021
- Hawkins, R. O., Collins, T. A., Heidelburg, K., & Hawkins, J. A. (2021). Ethical issues in functional assessment. In J. Maston (Ed.) Functional Assessment for Challenging Behaviors and Mental Health Disorders (2nd ed., pp.407-416). Springer. 10.1007/978-3030-66270-7
- Heidelburg, K., & Collins, T. (2022). Development of Black to success: A culturally enriched social skills program for Black adolescent males. School Psychology Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/2372966X.2021.2001691
- Heidelburg, K., Phelps, C., & Collins, T. (2022). Reconceptualizing school safety for Black students. School Psychology International. https://doi.org/10.1177/01430343221074708
- Heidelburg, K., Rutherford, L, & Parks, T. (2021). A preliminary analysis assessing SWPBIS implementation fidelity in relation to disciplinary outcomes of Black students in urban schools. Urban Review. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11256-021-00609-y
- Zakszeski, B., Rutherford, L., Heidelburg, K., & Thomas, L. (2021). In pursuit of equity: Discipline disproportionality and SWPBIS implementation in urban schools. School Psychology, 36(2), 122–130. https://doi.org/10.1037/spq0000428
- Collins, T. A., Hawkins, R. O., Heidelburg, K., & Hill, K. (2019). Group contingencies. In K. C. Radley & E. H. Dart (Eds.). Handbook of Behavioral Interventions in Schools: MultiTiered System of Supports. Oxford University Press.
Selected Presentations
- Phelps, C., Heidelburg, K., & Collins, T. (2022). Reconceptualizing school safety for Black students. School Psychology International [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention.
- Heidelburg, K., & McDowell, E (2022, February). Trauma-informed approaches within a multitiered framework. PBIS Maryland, Buffalo, NY.
- Heidelburg, K., (2021, November). Culturally adapting evidence-based interventions to support Black students [Conference session]. New York Association of School Psychologist, Buffalo, NY.
- Heidelburg, K (2021, February). Culturally responsive at the core of school-wide positive behavioral interventions and supports implementation [Conference session]. PaTTAN Equity & PBIS Deep Dive Session, Harrisburg, PA.
- Heidelburg, K., & McDowell, E (2020, September). Enhancing equitable practices to eliminate disparities in school discipline SWPBIS [Conference session].PaTTAN 2020 Statewide PaPBS Network Facilitator Annual Summit, Harrisburg, PA.
- Woods, I., Heidelburg, K., Collins, T. A., Graves, S. L. & Jimerson, S. R. (2021, February). An introduction and call for proposals for promoting the development of Black males: Supporting social, behavioral, emotional, and academic success. School Psychology Review Webinar, https://youtu.be/7-QGTEyn-ww
- Zakszeski, B., Heidelburg, K., Rutherford, L., (2021, February). In Pursuit of Equity: Discipline Disproportionality and SWPBIS Implementation in Urban Schools. [Paper presentation]. National Association of School Psychologists Virtual Convention.