Moira Konrad

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: Special Education
(614) 514-5948
Dr. Moira Konrad joined the Ohio State faculty in 2005 and is an associate professor of special education. Dr. Konrad’s research interests focus on examining the effectiveness of instructional practices designed to improve outcomes for youth with high-incidence disabilities. Specifically, she studies interventions designed to improve students’ self-determination (e.g., goal-setting, self-awareness, self-management), their academic skills (particularly in reading and written expression), and, where possible, both simultaneously. She has over 50 publications, which include journal articles, chapters, a curriculum package, and a book. Dr. Konrad teaches courses that focus on assessment and intervention for children and youth with high-incidence disabilities. Before joining the OSU faculty, Dr. Konrad spent nine years teaching secondary students with a range of disabilities in urban, rural, and suburban settings. She has been involved in teacher training since 2000.
Outside of work, Dr. Konrad enjoys traveling and spending time with her family, cooking and exploring the restaurant scene around Columbus, and running (she’s making slow but steady progress toward her goal of running a race in each of the 50 states).
- PhD, Special Education, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, 2005
- MEd, Curriculum and Instruction, Kent State University, 1998
- BA, Dance (Psychology), University of Massachusetts at Amherst, 1993
Research Interests
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Literacy
- Special Education
- Behavioral research methods (single subject design)
- Instructional efficiency
- Student involvement in the IEP process
- Written expression interventions for youth with disabilities
Research Summary
Konrad's research focuses on developing and testing the effectiveness of interventions designed to improve outcomes for children and youth with disabilities and those at risk for developing disabilities. Specifically, she is interested in interventions that improve students’ written expression skills and promote students’ self-determination skills. Self-determination is the “combination of skills, knowledge, and beliefs that enable a person to engage in a goal-directed, self-regulated, autonomous behavior” (Field, Martin, Miller, Ward, & Wehmeyer, 1998, p. 2). Konrad's belief, which is supported by empirical data, is that if we can improve students’ self-determination, we can improve their outcomes. That is, self-determined students will perform better academically and socially, and they will find greater post-school success than those students with low levels of self-determination. Therefore, if we can identify interventions that teach students self-determination skills, while also teaching them academic and social skills, we are maximizing our instructional time. For students with disabilities, this efficient use of time is critical to closing the achievement gap that exists between students with and without disabilities.
Some of her other interests include secondary transition for youth with disabilities, curriculum-based measurement (particularly in written expression), diversity and equity in education, and effective teacher education.
- Associate Editor, Intervention in School and Clinic (2015–present)
- Member, Editorial Board, Remedial and Special Education (2013–present)
- Ad Hoc Reviewer (e.g., Preventing School Failure, Psychology in the Schools Journal of Special Education, Behavioral Disorders, Education and Treatment of Children, Remedial and Special Education)
- Curriculum Specialist/Corps Member Advisor, Teach for America (2000–2001, summers)
- Special Education Teacher (1993–2002)
Selected Publications
- Konrad, M., Graham-Day, K. J., & Peters, M. T. (2023). Systematically design instruction toward a specific learning goal. HLPs for Intensive Instruction. New York: Routledge.
- Konrad, M., & Heward, W. L. (2023). Use strategies to promote active student engagement. HLPs for Intensive Instruction. New York: Routledge.
- Konrad, M., Hessler, T., Alber-Morgan, S. R., Graham-Day, K. J., Davenport, C. A., & Helton, M. R. (2022). Systematically design instruction toward a specific goal. In J. McLeskey, L. Maheady, B. Billingsley, M. Brownell, & Tim Lewis (Eds.). HLPs for Inclusive Classrooms (2nd Edition). New York: Routledge.
- Heward, W. L., Alber-Morgan, S. R., & Konrad, M. (2022). Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special Education (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson.
- Criss, C. J., Konrad, M., Alber-Morgan, S. R., & Telesman, A. O. (2021). Effects of GO 4 IT . . . NOW! on writing skills of students with emotional and behavioral disorders. Education and Treatment of Children, 44(2), 71–85.
- Clark, K. A., Test, D. W., & Konrad, M. (2019). Teaching soft skills to students with disabilities using UPGRADE your performance. Education and Training in Autism and Developmental Disabilities, 54, 41–56.
- Konrad, M., Criss, C. J., & Telesman, A. O. (2019). Fads or facts? Sifting through the evidence to find what really works. Intervention in School and Clinic, 54(5), 272–279.
- Telesman, A., Konrad, M., Gardner, R., & Cartledge G. (2019). Preventing reading failure for first-grade students in an urban school. The Journal of Special Education, 53(2), 85–95.
- Clark, K.A., Konrad, M., & Test, D. W. (2018). UPGRADE your performance: Improving soft skills of students with disabilities. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation, 49, 351–365.
- Fishley, K. M., Konrad, M., & Hessler, T. (2017). GO FASTER: Building morpheme fluency. Intervention in School and Clinic, 53, 94–98.
- Konrad, M., Clark, K., & Test, D. W. (2017). Effects of GO 4 IT…NOW! strategy instruction on expository writing skills of students with disabilities. Career Development and Transition for Exceptional Individuals, 40, 45–55.
- Cannella-Malone, H. I., Konrad, M., & Pennington, R. C. (2015). ACCESS! Teaching writing skills to students with intellectual disability. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 47(5), 272–280.
- Keesey, S., Konrad, M., & Joseph, L. M. (2015). Word boxes improve phonemic awareness, letter-sound correspondences, and spelling skills of kindergartners at risk of reading failure. Remedial and Special Education, 36, 167–180.
- Chan, P. E., Graham-Day, K. J., Ressa, V. A., Peters, M. T., & Konrad, M. (2014). Beyond involvement: Student ownership of learning in classrooms. Intervention in School and Clinic, 50, 105–113.
- Konrad., M., Keesey, S., Ressa, V. A., Alexeeff, M., Chan, P. E., & Peters, M. T. (2014). Setting clear learning targets to guide instruction for all students. Intervention in School and Clinic, 50, 76–85.
- Fishley, K. M., Konrad, M., Hessler, T., & Keesey, S. (2012). Effects of GO FASTER on morpheme definition fluency for high school students with high-incidence disabilities. Learning Disabilities Research & Practice, 27, 104–115.
- Konrad, M., Joseph, L. M., & Itoi, M. (2011) Using guided notes to enhance instruction for all students. Intervention in School and Clinic, 46, 131–140.
- Konrad, M., Joseph, L. M., & Eveleigh, E. (2009). A meta-analytic review of guided notes. Education and Treatment of Children, 32, 421–444.
- Konrad, M. (2008). Twenty ways to involve students in the IEP process. Intervention in School and Clinic, 43, 236–239.
- Alber-Morgan, S. R., Hessler, T. L., & Konrad, M. (2007). Teaching writing for keeps. Education and Treatment of Children, 30(3), 107–128.
- Konrad, M., Fowler, C. H., Walker, A. R., Test, D. W., & Wood, W. M. (2007). Effects of self-determination interventions on academic skills of students with learning disabilities. Learning Disability Quarterly, 30, 89–113.
- Konrad, M., Helf, S., & Itoi, M. (2007). More bang for the book: Using children’s literature to teach self-determination and literacy skills. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 40(1), 64–71.
- Konrad, M., & Test, D. W. (2007). Effects of GO 4 IT…NOW! strategy instruction on the written IEP goal articulation and paragraph-writing skills of middle school students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 28, 277–291.
- Konrad, M., & Trela, K. (2007). GO 4 IT…NOW! Extending writing strategies to support all students. TEACHING Exceptional Children, 39(4), 38–47.
- Konrad, M., Trela, K., & Test, D. W. (2006). Using IEP goals and objectives to teach paragraph writing to high school students with physical and cognitive disabilities. Education and Training in Developmental Disabilities, 41, 111–124.
- Konrad, M., & Test, D. W. (2004). Teaching middle school students with disabilities to use an IEP template. Career Development for Exceptional Individuals, 27, 101–124.
Selected Presentations
- Criss, C. J., Konrad, M., & Harris, A. B. (2022, February). The role of goal setting and performance feedback to support teachers’ classroom management. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Online.
- Criss, C., Konrad, M., Telesman, A., & Alber-Morgan, S. R. (2020, February). Increasing novice teachers’ use of evidence-based classroom management practices. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
- Konrad, M., Estervig, J., & Clark, K. A. (2020, February). UPGRADE your performance: Effective soft skill instruction for students with disabilities. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
- Telesman, A., Konrad, M., Criss, C. (2020, February). A second chance: Changing the reading trajectory for high school students with emotional and behavioral challenges. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Portland, OR.
- Criss, C., Konrad, M., Hessler, T., Gist, C., Telesman, A., & Alber-Morgan, S. R. (2019). Effects of GO 4 IT…NOW! strategy instruction on writing skills of students with behavior disorders: A maintenance study. Paper presented at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Helton, M., Telesman, A., Alber-Morgan, S. R., Konrad, M. (2019). Effects of peer-mediated repeated reading with self-monitoring on reading achievement and academic engagement. Paper presented at the Association for Behavioral Analysis International Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Helton, M. R., Oif, A., Criss, C., Alber-Morgan, S. R., Konrad, M., & Hessler, T. (2018, February). Increasing academic engagement and achievement through a Tier 2 intervention. Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Clark, K. A., Konrad., M., & Test, D. W. (2018, February). Improving soft skills for employment with UPGRADE Your Performance. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Tampa, FL.
- Konrad, M., & Clark, K. A. (2018, February). Improving self-determination and paragraph writing with GO 4 IT…NOW! strategy instruction. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Tampa, FL.
- Clark, K., Konrad, M., & Test, D. W. (2017, October). Teaching soft skills to students with disabilities using UPGRADE your performance instruction. Presented at the International Conference of the Division on Career Development and Transition (Council for Exceptional Children), Milwaukee, WI.
- Alber-Morgan, S. R., Joseph, L. M., Konrad, M., Helton, M. R., Ross, K., Amspaugh L., Davenport, C. (2017, August). Improving urban 5th graders’ reading comprehension skills using self-questioning. Presented at the American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Washington D.C.
- Konrad, M., Test, D. W., & Clark, K. (2017, April). GO 4 IT…NOW! A writing strategy to engage students in the IEP process and maximize instructional efficiency. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
- Konrad, M., Clark, K. A., & Test, D. W. (2016, October). GO 4 IT NOW! strategy instruction: Improving expository writing for students with intellectual disabilities. Presented at the International Conference of the Division on Career Development and Transition (Council for Exceptional Children), Myrtle Beach, SC.
- Konrad, M., Helf, S., & Joseph, L. M. (2011, April). Strategies for increasing instructional efficiency. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, National Harbor, MD.
- Keesey, S., Fishley, K. M., Konrad, M., & Hessler, T. (2011, May). Effects of scripted Spellography on spelling skills of elementary students with learning difficulties. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 37th Annual Convention, Denver, CO.
- Fishley, K. M., Konrad, M., & Keesey, S. (2010, May). Effects of an explicit teaching package on morpheme definition fluency. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 36th Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
- Moser, L. A., Fishley, K. M., & Konrad, M. (2010, May). Effects of copy-cover-compare on acquisition, maintenance, and generalization of spelling skills for children with disabilities. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 36th Annual Convention, San Antonio, TX.
- Konrad, M., Alber-Morgan, S., & Hessler, T. (2010, April). READY, AIM, WRITE! Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Nashville, TN.
- Konrad, M., & Hessler, T. (2009, November). Introduction to special education: What’s the big idea? Paper presented at the Conference of the Teacher Education Division (Council for Exceptional Children), Charlotte, NC.
- Konrad, M., & Joseph, L. (2008, May). A review of the writing intervention literature for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 34th Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Konrad, M. (2008, April). More bang for the book: Using children’s literature to promote self-determination and literacy. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Boston, MA.
- Itoi, M., Konrad, M., & Hessler, T. (2007, May). Effects of two supplemental writing interventions on fourth and fifth grade students’ written expression. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 33rd Annual Convention, San Diego, CA.
- Alber-Morgan, S. R., Hessler, T., & Konrad, M. (2007, April). Teaching writing for keeps. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Louisville, KY.
- Konrad, M., & Test, D. W. (2006, May). Curriculum-based measurement: A “write” way—CBM at the middle school level. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 32nd Annual Convention, Atlanta, GA.
- Walker, A. R., Konrad, M., & Fowler, C. H. (2006, April). Integrating self-determination into academic content instruction. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Salt Lake City, UT.
- Fowler, C. H., Konrad, M., & Test, D. W. (2005, October). Effects of self-determination interventions on academic skills. Paper presented at the International Conference of the Division on Career Development and Transition (Council for Exceptional Children), Albuquerque, NM.
- Konrad, M., & Test, D. W. (2005, May). Using GO 4 IT…NOW! to Teach Middle School Students With Disabilities to Write IEP Goal Paragraphs. Paper presented at the Association for Behavior Analysis International 31st Annual Convention, Chicago, IL.
- Konrad, M., Trela, K., & Test, D. W. (2005, April). Using IEP goals and objectives to teach paragraph writing. Paper presented at the Council for Exceptional Children Annual Convention, Baltimore, MD.