Antoinette Miranda

Headshot of Antoinette Miranda

Chair, Department of Teaching and Learning
Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning

Program Area: School Psychology

(614) 292-5909


Antoinette Miranda is professor of School Psychology in the Department of Educational Studies. She was the first recipient (2014) of the William H. and Laceryjette V. Casto Professorship in Interprofessional Education in honor of Henry and Ruth Leuchter and Van Bogard and Geraldine Dunn. Her research interests include developing effective interventions with at-risk children in urban settings, consultation services in urban settings and the development of racial identity and its relationship to academic achievement. She is a past president of the Ohio School Psychologist Association and Trainers of School Psychologists. She also was the secretary for the Council of Directors of School Psychology Programs. She was the 2014 recipient of the TSP Outstanding Trainer of the Year Award. 


  • PhD, School Psychology, University of Cincinnati
  • MEd, School Psychology, University of Cincinnati
  • BA, Psychology, University of Cincinnati

Research Interests

Selected Publications

  • Vega, D., Moore, J. L., III, & Miranda, A.H.  (2015). Who really cares? Urban youths’ perceptions of parental and programmatic support. School Community Journal.25(1). 
  • Miranda, A.H., Radliff, K.M., Graves, S., & Worrell, F. (2014) Culture counts. Psychology in the Schools.
  • Miranda, A.H., Radliff, K.M., Cooper, J., Eschenbrenner, C. (2014) Graduate Student Perceptions of the Impact of Training for Social Justice: Development of a Training Model. Psychology in the Schools.
  • Gruenwald, S., Wheeler, A.  O’Bryon, E., Shriberg, D., Miranda, A.H. & Rogers, M. (2014)  Examining Diversity Research Literature in School Psychology from 2004 to 2010. Psychology in the Schools
  • Tabbah, R. & Miranda, A.H. ( 2012) Self-Concept in Arab American Adolescents: Implications of Social Support and Experiences in the Schools. Psychology in the Schools.
  • Shriberg, S., Song, S., Miranda, A.H., Radliff, K.M. (Eds). (2012) School Psychology and Social Justice: Conceptual foundations and tools for practice. New York, New York, Routledge.
  • Miranda, A.H., Eschenbrenner, C.R. (2012). Behavioral Issues in the Classroom.  In D. Shriberg., S Song., A.H. Miranda., K.M. Radliff (Eds.). School Psychology and Social Justice (pp.206-224).  New York, New York: Routledge Publishers. 
  • Radliff, K.M, Miranda, A.H., Stoll, T., & Wheeler, A. (2009). A conceptual framework for infusing social justice in school psychology training. Trainers’ Forum.
  • Eggeleston, T., & Miranda, A.H. (2009). Black girls’ voices: exploring their lived experiences in a predominately white high school.  Race/Ethnicity: Multidisciplinary Global Contexts. 2(2).
  • Loe, S. & Miranda, A.H. (2005) The incidence of ethnic incongruence in school psychology services and practitioner’s perspectives on cultural diversity training. Psychology in the Schools 42(4).

Selected Presentations

  • Miranda, A.H. (2014).  Best practices in increasing cross cultural competence in school psychology. In A. Thomas & P. Harrison (Eds.). Best Practices in School Psychology-VI. Silver Spring, MD, National Association of School Psychologists.
  • Miranda, A.H., Savage, T., Radliff, K.M., Raines, T.(2014) School Psychology through our eyes. Invited Paper presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, D.C.
  • Miranda, A.H., Radliff, M., Eschenbrenner, C. (2014) Advocating for Social and Emotional Learning in Urban Schools. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, D.C.

  • Tabbah, R., & Miranda, A.H., (2014) Correlates of Ethnic Identity in Arab American Adolescents. Poster presented at the National Association of School Psychologists, Washington, D.C. 

  • Song, S., Miranda, A.H., Radliff, M. (2013)Shaping our future as leaders of social justice. Mini-skill session at the National Association of School Psychologists, Seattle, Washington

  • Miranda, A.H., (2013) ­Effective interventions for at risk students in urban schools. Invited Workshop presenter, The Illinois School Psychology Association, Springfield, Illinois.

  • Miranda, A.H., Boland, A., Hemmeler, M. (2009) Privilege in America.  In J. Jones (Ed.), The Psychology of Multiculturalism in the Schools: A Primer for Training, Practice, and Research.  Silver Spring, MD, National Association of School Psychologists.