Kisha Radliff

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: School Psychology
(614) 292-6485
Kisha M. Radliff,PhD, LP,is associate professor in the school psychology program at The Ohio State University. She teaches the mental health sequence, school neuropsychology course and the school-based and clinical-based practica.
Radliff completed her internship at the Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia and a post-doctoral residency in private practice, primarily working with children, adolescents and their families, and collaborating with teachers and other professionals to address mental health issues. She is committed to social justice issues, particularly in the context of mental health and school psychology training.
Radliff is on the editorial board of the Journal of School Violence and an ad-hoc reviewer for School Psychology Review. She has authored various articles and book chapters related to bullying, relational aggression and social justice. She also has provided numerous paper and poster presentations locally, regionally and nationally at various professional conferences related to child and adolescent mental health issues.
- PhD, School Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- MA, School Psychology, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
- BS, Psychology, University of North Dakota
Research Interests
- Community/Youth Development and Organizations
- School Psychology
- Mental health
- Social Justice
- Framework for training program
- Mental health in schools
Research Summary
Radliff's research has focused on two areas within school psychology: mental health and social justice. Specific to mental health, she examines aggressive behavior (e.g., bullying, relational aggression) and related factors (e.g., internalizing issues, cognitive or psychosocial constructs, and substance use) that affect students’ educational experiences. Her research related to social justice encompasses the following areas: evaluation of the integration of a social justice philosophy into graduate student training and examining mental health issues through a social justice lens. This research is connected to social-ecological theory and a social justice philosophy.
Selected Publications
- Shriberg, D., Song, S. Y., Miranda, A. H., & Radliff, K. M. (Eds). (2013). School Psychology and Social Justice: Conceptual Foundations and Tools for Practice. New York, NY, USA: Routledge.
Book chapters
- Miranda, A. H., & Radliff, K. M. (In press).Consulting with a social justice mindset.In A. H. Miranda (Ed.), Consultation Across Cultural Contexts: Consultee-Centered Case Studies. New York, NY: Routledge
- Swearer, S. M., Radliff, K., & Lembeck, P. (2014). Best practices in using the DSM-5 and ICD-10 by school psychologists. In A. Thomas & P. Harrison (Eds.), Best Practices in School Psychology VI (pp. 321-334). Silver Spring, MD, National Association of School Psychologists.
- Radliff, K. M. (2013). Physical and Verbal Bullying. In J. Lipinski & L. M. Crothers (Eds.), Bullying in the Workplace: Causes, Symptoms, and Remedies (pp. 163-178). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Radliff, K. M., & Cooper, J. (2013). Mental Health Issues: Non-Academic Barriers to Success in School. In D. Shriberg, S. Y. Song, A. H. Miranda, & K. M. Radliff. (Eds.), School Psychology and Social Justice: Conceptual Foundations and Tools for Practice (pp. 244-269). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Shriberg, D., Song, S. Y., Miranda, A. H., & Radliff, K. M. (2013). Introduction. In D. Shriberg, S. Y. Song, A. H. Miranda, & K. M. Radliff. (Eds.), School Psychology and Social Justice: Conceptual Foundations and Tools for Practice (pp. 1-12). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Shriberg, D., Song, S. Y., Miranda, A. H., & Radliff, K. M. (2013). Moving forward. In In D. Shriberg, S. Y. Song, A. H. Miranda, & K. M. Radliff. (Eds.), School Psychology and Social Justice: Conceptual Foundations and Tools for Practice (pp.327-331). New York, NY: Routledge.
- Swearer, S. M., Collins, A., Radliff, K. H., & Wang, C. (2010). Internalizing problems in students involved in bullying and victimization. In Espelage, D. L. & Swearer, S. M. (Eds.). Bullying in North American schools, Second Edition (pp.45-61). New York: Routledge.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
- Radliff, K. M., Wang, C., & Swearer, S.M. (2015). Bullying perpetration and peer victimization: An examination of cognitive and psychosocial constructs. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. doi: 10.1177/0886260515572476
- Cooper, J. M. Dollarhide, C. T., Radliff, K. M., & Gibbs, T. A. (2014). No lone wolf: A multidisciplinary approach to creating safe schools for LGBTQ youth through the development of allies. Journal of LGBT Issues in Counseling, 8(4).
- Miranda, A.H., Radliff, K.M., Cooper, J.M., & Eschenbrenner, C.R. (2014). Graduate Student Perceptions of the Impact of Training for Social Justice: Development of a Training Model. Psychology in the Schools, 51 (4), 348-365.
- Miranda, A. H., Radliff, K. M., Graves, S. L., & Worrell, F. C. (2014). Culture Counts. Psychology in the Schools, 51(4), 329-331.
- Radliff, K. M., Wheaton, J. E., Robinson, K.,&Morris, J. (2012). Illuminating the relationship between bullying and substance use among middle and high school youth. Addictive Behaviors, 37, 569-572.
- Radliff, K. M., & Joseph, L. M. (2011). Girls just being girls? Mediating relational aggression and victimization. Preventing School Failure, 55(3), 1-9.
- Crothers, L. M., Hughes, T. L., Schmitt, A. J., Lipinski, J., Theodore, L., A., Radliff, K., & Ward, S. (2010). Gender differences in salary in a female-dominated profession. Gender in Management: An International Journal, 25 (7), 605-626.
- Radliff, K. H., Miranda, A. H., Stoll, N., & Wheeler, A. (2009). A conceptual framework for infusing social justice in school psychology training. Trainers Forum, Special Edition: Social Justice, 28 (4), 7-18.