Emily Rodgers

Professor & Section Head, Department of Teaching and Learning
Program Area: Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood Education
(614) 292-9288
Emily Rodgers is a professor in the Department of Teaching and Learning. She is affiliated with the Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood Area of Study where she mentors graduate students, and teaches undergraduate and graduate courses related to early literacy. Rodgers studies educational policies and practices that influence the reading development of young students who are having difficulty learning to read and write; lines of inquiry that have their roots in her early career as a classroom teacher, a reading specialist and a special education teacher. Her research examines the nature of effective scaffolding in early literacy instruction, effective coaching of teachers, and challenges of reforming, implementing, scaling and sustaining effective literacy intervention practices. She was the co-investigator for the successful five-year $45 million scale-up grant to scale Reading Recovery in the U.S.; a grant awarded by the U.S. Department of Education’s Office of Innovation, and is currently the principal investigator for a $3 million i3 grant to develop an effective literacy instruction intervention called HEROES for students who have IEPs for beginning reading.
- PhD, Language Arts, Children's Literature and Reading, The Ohio State University, 1998
- MA, Language Arts, Children's Literature and Reading, The Ohio State University, 1995
- Additional Qualifications in Reading, University of Ottawa, Ottawa, Ontario, 1989
- BS, Special Education, Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland), 1988
- BA, Education, Memorial University (St. John's, Newfoundland),1985
Research Interests
- Achievement
- Early Childhood Education and Teaching
- Elementary Education and Teaching
- Literacy
- Early literacy
- Emergent literacy
- Reading difficulties
- Scaffolding literacy learning
- Reading Teacher Education
- Evidence based practices
- Special Education
- Teacher Education
- Educational reform
- Literacy coaching
- Professional development
- Supporting teachers to improve instructional practices
Research Summary
I study educational practices that influence the reading development of young students, particularly those students having great difficulty learning to read and write. My work around these educational practices can be expressed as three lines of inquiry:
- What is the nature of effective scaffolding?
- What is the nature of effective professional development for teachers who work with beginning readers with reading difficulties?
- What can be done on a large scale to improve educational practices that affect beginning readers?
The main goal of my professional activities has been to make a difference in the literacy lives of young children having great difficulty learning to read and write. Why is this important? For one, Juel (1988) showed with her longitudinal research that the children in her study who fell behind in first grade had about an 88% chance of still being behind in fourth grade, while average students had a 12 percent chance of struggling with reading later on. Through my research, publications, teaching, consultation, conference presentations, I have been working with teachers or literacy coaches (called teacher leaders) who all work directly with students, to make a difference to teaching and learning.
National Reading Conference's Outstanding Student Research Award, 1999
Reading Recovery Trainer Fellowship
Amount: $7,500 NZD
June 2002 - August 2002
This award was given to carry out research, "Scaffolding Reading Performance in Reading Recovery Lessons", in Auckland, New Zealand for which I was the principal investigator
Selected Grants
I3 Development Grant
Improving Literacy Outcomes for Beginning Readers with Disabilities. Principal Investigator: Emily Rodgers Co- Investigator: Jerome D’Agostino January 2015 – December 2018 Sponsor: Investing in Innovation Fund Office of Innovation and Improvement U.S. Department of Education Amount: $3.5 M ($ 2,995,039 from USDE and a private sector match of $499,255) -
I3 Scale Up Grant
Reading Recovery: Scaling Up What Works Project Director: Jerome D’Agostino Co-Director: Emily Rodgers October 2010 – September 2015 Sponsor: Investing in Innovation Fund Office of Innovation and Improvement U.S. Department of Education
Amount: $54.2M ($46.1M from USDE and a private sector $9.1M) -
Excellence in Engagement Grant
Preparing Expert Literacy Volunteers in Schools July 2006- July 2008 Co-Investigator Principal Investigator: Adrian Rodgers Sponsor: OSU University Outreach and Engagement Amount: $81,680 -
Teacher Quality Research Grant
Can Literacy Professional Development be Improved with Web-based Collaborative Learning Tools: A Randomized Field Trial July 2004 – August 2008 Key Personnel Principal Investigator: Anthony Bryk Sponsor: Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Dept. of Education Amount: $451,567Learning how to scaffold children’s reading: Case studies from effective literacy tutors. Principal Investigator 2001 Sponsor: Columbus Foundation Amount: $3,000
A Case Study of Educational Reform Principal Investigator 1999-2000 Sponsor:The Reading Recovery Council of North America Amount:$5000
Selected Publications
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Rodgers, E., D’Agostino, J.V., Kelly, R.H., & Mikita, C. (In press). Oral Reading Accuracy: Findings and Implications From Recent Research. The Reading
Teacher,. https://doi.org/10.1002/trtr.1686
Harmey, S.J., D'Agostino, J.V. . & Rodgers, E.M. (In press). Developing an Observational Rubric of Writing: Preliminary Reliability and Validity Evidence. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy
D’Agostino, J. V., & Rodgers, E., Mauck, S. (2018). Addressing inadequacies of an Observation Survey Of Early Literacy Achievement. Reading Research Quarterly, 53, 51-69. doi:10.1002/rrq.181
Harmey, S. & Rodgers, E. (2017). Differences in the early writing development of struggling children who beat the odds and those who did not. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 22(3), 157-177. DOI: 10.1080/10824669.2017.1338140
Rodgers, E. (2017). Scaffolding word solving while reading: New research insights. The Reading Teacher, 70(5), 525–532. doi: 10.1002/trtr.1548
D’Agostino, J. V., Rodgers, E., (2017). Literacy achievement trends at entry to first grade.
Educational Researcher, 46(2), 78-89.
Rodgers, E.M. (2016). Scaling and sustaining an intervention: The case of Reading Recovery. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 21, 10-28.
Rodgers, E.M., D'Agostino, J.V., Harmey, S.J., Kelly, R.H. & Brownfield, K. (2016). Examining the nature of scaffolding in an early literacy intervention. Reading Research Quarterly, 51(2), 345-360
D’Agostino, J. V., Rodgers, E., Harmey, S., & Brownfield, K. (2015). Introducing an iPad app into literacy instruction for struggling readers: Teacher perceptions and student outcomes. Journal of Early Childhood Literacy, 16, 522-548. doi: 10.1177/1468798415616853
Hough , H., Kerbow, D., Bryk, A., Pinnell, G., Rodgers, E., Dexter, E., Hung, C., Scharer, P., Fountas, & Fountas,I. (2012). Assessing teacher practice and development: The case of comprehensive literacy instruction. School Effectiveness and School Improvement, 23, 1-34.
Briggs, C., Rodgers, E. & Simpson, A. (2011). A review of the U.S. text level assessment process. Journal of Reading Recovery, 10, 45---48.
Rodgers, E. (2005). Interactions that scaffold reading performance. Journal of Literacy Research, 36, 501---532.
Rodgers, E., Gómez---Bellengé, F. X. (2003). Closing the achievement gap in Ohio with Reading Recovery. Journal of Reading Recovery, 3(1), 65---74.
Rodgers, E., Fullerton, S. & DeFord, D. (2001). What does it take to reform instructional practices? In J.V. Hoffman, D.L. Schallert, C.M. Fairbanks, J. Worthy & B. Maloch (Eds.), Fiftieth yearbook of the National Reading Conference (pp. 519 – 531). Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference.
Rodgers, E. (2000). Collaborative Inquiry in Reading Recovery, or "Why Sit in a Circle?"
Running Record, 13(2), 6---7.
Rodgers, E., (2000). Language Matters: When is a scaffold really a scaffold? In T. Shanahan & F. Rodriguez---Brown (Eds.), Forty---ninth yearbook of the National Reading Conference, (pp.78---90). Chicago, IL: National Reading Conference.
Editor-Invited Journal Articles
Rodgers, E. & D’Agostino, J. (2013). Meeting the twin challenges of sustaining and scaling-up. Journal of Reading Recovery, 13 (2), 32-36
Rodgers, E. & D’Agostino, J. (2012). Scaling up Reading Recovery: Two years of remarkable outcomes. Journal of Reading Recovery, 12 (2), 37-40.
Rodgers, E. & D’Agostino, J. (2012). Funds to support scale-up of Descubriendo la lectura. Journal of Reading Recovery, 12 (1), 39---42.
Rodgers, E. & D’Agostino, J. (2011). Scaling up Reading Recovery: Poised to start year 2.
Journal of Reading Recovery, 11, 39---42.
Rodgers, A. & Rodgers, E. (2007). The Effective Literacy Coach. NY: Teachers College Press.
Tompkins, G. & Rodgers, E. (In Preparation). Literacy in the Early Grades: A Successful Start for PreK-4 Readers and Writers (5th Ed.). Columbus, OH: Pearson Education
Edited Books
Rodgers, A. & Rodgers E. (2004). Strategies for Scaffolding Literacy Instruction in
K---4 Classrooms. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Rodgers, E. & Pinnell, G. (2002). Learning From Teaching In Literacy Education: New Perspectives On Professional Development. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann
Book Chapters
Harmey, S. & Rodgers, E. (2016). Turning around the progress of young struggling writers: Key finding from recent research. In E. Ortlieb, E.H. Cheek, &
W. Verlaan (Eds.), Literacy Research, Practice, and Evaluation (Volume 7): Writing Instruction to Support Literacy Success. Emerald Press.
Rodgers, A., & Rodgers, E. (2013). Effective literacy coaching for teachers: Context and practice. In D. Strickland, D. Quatroche, & S. Wepner (Eds.), The administration and supervision of reading programs. (5th Ed). New York: Teachers College Press.
Rodgers, E. (2012). Using systematic observation to assess early literacy development and plan instruction. In E. Ortlieb and E. Cheek, (Eds). Literacy research, practice and evaluation; Vol 1, Emerald Press.
Rodgers, E., Pinnell, G. & McGee L. (2010). Reading Recovery. In Thomas Hunt, James Carper, Thomas Lasley, Daniel Raisch, C. (Eds). Encyclopedia of Educational Reform and Dissent. Sage: Thousand Oaks, CA.
Rodgers, E. (2008). Write now: Don’t wait to teach struggling readers about writing. In
G.S. Pinnell and P. Scharer (Eds). Guiding K---3 writers to independence: The new essentials. (pp.193---208). Scholastic.
Rodgers, A. & Rodgers, E. (2007). Preparing for diversity: Professional development for today's teachers. In M. Schulz & B. Honchell (Eds.). Literacy for diverse learners. Christopher Gordon.
Pinnell, G.S. & Rodgers, E.M. (2004). Reflective inquiry as a tool for professional development. In D. Strickland & M. Kamil (Eds). Improving reading achievement through professional development (pp169---193). Christopher--- Gordon Publishers.
Rodgers, E. & Rodgers, A. (2004). The role of scaffolding in teaching. In A. Rodgers &
E. Rodgers (Eds.) Strategies for scaffolding literacy Instruction in K---4 classrooms. (pp. 1---10). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Pinnell, G.S. & Rodgers, E. (2002). Making decisions as professional developers. In E. Rodgers & G. Pinnell (Eds.). Learning from teaching in literacy education: New perspectives on professional development (pp.173---190). Portsmouth,
NH: Heinemann.
Rodgers, E. (2002). Lessons from a successful reform initiative. In E. Rodgers & G. Pinnell (Eds.). Learning from teaching in literacy education: New perspectives on professional development. (pp.158---172). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Rodgers, E., Fullerton, S. & DeFord, D. (2002). Making a difference with professional development. In E. Rodgers & G. Pinnell (Eds.). Learning from teaching in literacy education: New perspectives on professional development. (pp.52---62). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Rodgers, E. M.& Pinnell, G. (2002). Professional development scenarios: What is and might be. In E. Rodgers & G. Pinnell (Eds.) Learning from teaching in literacy education: New perspectives on professional development. (pp.1---8). Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
Bulletins and Technical Reports
Rodgers, E. & Bwire, D. (2015). Reading Recovery in Ohio: 2009–2014 State Report.
Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University
Rodgers, E. (2009). Reading Recovery in Ohio. 2007---2008 State Report. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Rodgers, E.M. (2008). Reading Recovery in Ohio: Executive Summary, 2007---2008.
Columbus: The Ohio State University.
Rodgers, E. (2008). Reading Recovery in Ohio. 2006---2007 State Report. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Rodgers, E. & Brymer---Bashore, J. (2008). Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura National Report, 2006 ---2007. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Rodgers, E.M. (2007). Reading Recovery in Ohio: Executive Summary, 2006---2007.
Columbus: The Ohio State University.
Rodgers, E. & Gómez---Bellengé, F. X. (2006). Reading Recovery in Ohio. 2005---2006 Final Project Report. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Gómez---Bellengé, F. X., Rodgers, E. (2006). Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura National Report, 2004 ---2005. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Rodgers, E. & Gómez---Bellengé, F. X. (2005). Reading Recovery in Ohio. 2004---2005 Final
Project Report. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Gómez---Bellengé, F. X., Rodgers, E. & Schulz, M. (2005). Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura National Report, 2003 ---2004. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Rodgers, E., Gómez---Bellengé, F. X. & Schulz, M. (2005). Reading Recovery in Ohio: 2003---2004 State Report. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Gómez---Bellengé, F. X., Rodgers, E., (2004). Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura National Report, 2002 ---2003. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Rodgers, E., Gómez---Bellengé, F. X. (2004). Reading Recovery in Ohio: 2002---2003 State Report. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Gómez---Bellengé, F. X., Rodgers, E., & Fullerton, S.K. (2003). Reading Recovery and Descubriendo la Lectura National Report, 2001 ---2002. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Rodgers, E., Gómez---Bellengé, F. X. & Fullerton, S.K. (2003). Reading Recovery in Ohio: 2001---2002 State Report. Columbus, OH: National Data Evaluation Center.
Rodgers, E. (1998). Understanding Teacher and Student Talk During Literacy Instruction in a One---to---One Tutoring Setting. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University.