Beverly Vandiver

Professor, Office of the Dean
Professor, Department of Human Sciences
Program Area: Human Development and Family Science
Personal WebsiteBiography
Beverly J. Vandiver is director of Quantitative Methodology Center in the Office of Research, Innovation, and Collaboration and professor of Human Development and Family Sciences in the Department of Human Sciences.
Vandiver previously was professor of counseling psychology, in the Department of Counselor Psychology and Counselor Education at Western Michigan University. Prior to this appointment, she was an associate professor of education (counseling psychology and school psychology) at The Pennsylvania State University. While at Penn State, she was also director of the Africana Research Center.
She has fellow status in three divisions of the American Psychological Association (APA): Society for Counseling Psychology; Quantitative and Qualitative Methods; and the Society for the Psychological Study of Culture, Ethnicity, and Race. The focus of her research is on measurement and scale development, most notably her research on Black racial identity, specifically the lead author and developer of the Cross Racial Identity Scale, identified as a “best practice” in scale development. Recently, she, as one of the Buros-Spencer Scholars, served as a consultant in the creation of an online Socio-Emotional Learning Assessment Technical Guidebook, sponsored by Buros Center for Testing, for teachers and stakeholders to use in selecting socioemotional assessments for K-12 students.
She was a member and chaired APA’s Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment and served as APA liasion to the Joint Committee on Standards for Educational Evaluation. She has also served on editorial boards for numerous professional journals, such as The Counseling Psychologist, Cultural Diversity and Ethnic Psychology, Assessment, Career Development Quarterly, Journal of Counseling and Development, and Journal of Multicultural Counseling and Development (also associate editor). She is currently the Editor-In-Chief of the Journal of Black Psychology.