Youngjoo Yi

Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
Program Area: Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education
(614) 292-1696
Youngjoo Yi is an Associate Professor in Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education in the College of Education and Human Ecology at the Ohio State University. Yi’s teaching has revolved around middle and secondary students’ English language learning in the United States and Asia, K-16 world/heritage language instruction and graduate-level courses in TESOL and literacy education.
As an applied linguist and qualitative researcher, her research centers on the language and literacy experiences of multilingual students and their identity construction. Drawing from sociocultural perspectives of language and literacy learning, her work has explored how adolescent multilingual students engage in multilingual, digital, and multimodal learning across informal and formal contexts and negotiate their identities through multiple language and literacy practices.
Most recently, she has conducted research on digital and multimodal literacy practices of transnational children and families. She is currently a co-editor for TESOL Journal, with Peter Sayer (OSU). Her work has appeared in Applied Linguistics, Journal of Second Language Writing, TESOL Quarterly, Canadian Modern Language Review, Computers and Composition, Foreign Language Annals, and others.
- PhD, Foreign and Second Language Education, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, 2005
- MA, Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona, 1998
- BA, History Education (Minor: English Education), Kyungpook National University, Daegu, South Korea, 1995
Research Interests
- Literacy
- Digital and multimodal literacy practice
- Literacy practice in formal and informal contexts, literacy and identity construction
- Second Language Learning
- Adolescent multilingual students' language learning
- Teaching English as a Second or Foreign Language/ESL Language Instructor
- Teacher education for second and world language teachers
- Co-editor of TESOL Journal (2009-2012)
- Guest co-editor of a special issue on biliteracy practices for the Journal of Asian Pacific Communication (2009)
- Member of editorial review board for the Journal of Second Language Writing, TESOL Journal, TESOL Quarterly, Literacy Research and Instruction, and Journal of Language Sciences
- Chair for American Educational Research Association (AERA), Second Language Research-SIG (2011-2013)
- Program Chair for American Educational Research Association (AERA), Second Language Research-SIG (2009-2011)
- Newsletter editor for American Educational Research Association (AERA), Second Language Research-SIG (2007-2009)
- E-Discussion manager for Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL), Second Language Writing-Interest Section (SLW-IS)
- Designing and teaching a digital storytelling class for Rising 8th Graders in a summer program at the Latin American Association, Atlanta, Georgia, Summer 2012
Selected Publications
- Yi, Y., Shin, D. & Cimasko, T. (in press). Multimodal literacies in teaching and learning in and out of school. In L. de-Oliveira (Ed.), Handbook of TESOL in K-12. Wiley.
- Yi, Y., Shin, D., & Cimasko, T. (forthcoming). Special issue: Multimodal composing in multilingual learning and teaching contexts. Journal of Second Language Writing.
- Cho, S., & Yi, Y. (2019). Funds of knowledge and cultural capital: Working toward the diversity and equity of knowledges. Applied Linguistics, doi:10.1093/applin/amy062
- Cho, S., & Yi, Y. (2018). Intersecting identities and positionality of U.S-based transnational researchers in second language studies. International Journal of Research and Method in Education, DOI: 10.1080/1743727X.2018.1496416
- Yi, Y. & Angay-Crowder, T. (2018). Self-sponsored writing. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.). The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781118784235
- Yi, Y., Kao, C. & Kang, J. (2018). Middle school writing in L2. In J. I. Liontas (Ed.). The TESOL encyclopedia of English language teaching. Hoboken, NJ: Wiley Blackwell. doi: 10.1002/9781118784235
- Yi, Y. (2017, invited). Establishing multimodal literacy research in the field of L2 writing: Let’s move the field forward. Journal of Second Language Writing, 38, 90-91.
- Yi, Y., King, N., & Safriani, A. (2017). Re-conceptualizing assessment of digital
- multimodal literacy. TESOL Journal, 8(4), 878-885.
- Yang, S., & Yi, Y. (2017). Negotiating multiple identities through eTandem learning experiences. CALICO Journal, 34(1), 97-114.
- Yi, Y. & Angay-Crowder, T. (2016). Multimodal pedagogies for teacher education in TESOL. TESOL Quarterly, 50(4), 988-999.
- Yi, Y. & Choi, J. (2015). Teachers’ views of multimodal practices in K-12 classrooms: Voices from teachers in the United States. TESOL Quarterly, 49(4), 838-847.
- Yi, Y. (2014). Becoming a multilingual writer, researcher, and educator. In G. Tinker Sachs, & G. Verma. (Eds.), Critical mass in the academy: Symbiosis and diversity (pp. 50-61). Champaign, IL: Common Ground.
- Yi, Y. (2014). Possibilities and challenges of multimodal literacies in the learning and teaching of second and world languages. Language and Linguistics Compass, 8(4), 158-169.
- Yi, Y. (2013). Adolescent multilingual writer’s negotiation of multiple identities and access to academic writing: A case study of a Jogi Yuhak student in an American high school. Canadian Modern Language Review, 69(2), 207-231.
- Yi, Y. (2013). ESOL teachers as writing teachers: From the voices of pre-service teachers. In L. C. de Oliveira & T. Silva. (Eds.), Second language writing in the secondary classroom: Experiences, issues, and perspectives (pp. 133-148). New York: Routledge.
- Angay-Crowder, T., Choi, J. & Yi, Y. (2013). Putting multiliteracies into practice: Digital storytelling for multilingual adolescents in a summer program. TESL Canada Journal, 31(1). 36-45.
- Choi, J., & Yi, Y. (2012). The use and role of pop culture in heritage language learning: A study of advanced learners of Korean. Foreign Language Annals, 45(1), 110-129.
- Yi, Y. (2010). Adolescent multilingual writer’s transitions between in- and out-of- school writing practices. Journal of Second Language Writing, 19, 17-32.
- Yi, Y. (2010). Identity matters: Theories that help explore adolescent multilingual writers and their identities. In M. Cox, J. Jordan, C. Ortmeier-Hooper, & G. Schwartz (Eds.), Reinventing identities in second language (pp. 303-324). Urbana Champaign, IL: National Council of Teachers of English.
- Yi, Y. & Hirvela, A. (2010). Technology and ‘self-sponsored’ writing: A case study of a young Korean American. Computers and Composition, 27(2), 94-111.
- Yi, Y. (2009). Adolescent literacy and identity construction among 1.5 Generation students from a transnational perspective. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 19(1), 100-129.
- Yi, Y. (2008). Voluntary writing in heritage language: A study of biliterate Korean-heritage adolescents in the U.S. The Heritage Language Journal, 6(2), 72-93.
- Yi, Y. (2008). Relay writing in an adolescent online community. Journal of Adolescent and Adult Literacy, 51, 260-270.
- Yi, Y. (2007) Engaging literacy: A biliterate student’s composing practices beyond school. Journal of Second Language Writing, 16, 23-39.
- Yi, Y. (2005). Asian adolescents’ in and out-of-school encounters with English and Korean literacy. Journal of Asian Pacific Communication, 15(1), 57-77.