Ann Allen

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: Educational Policy
(614) 292-0289
- PhD, Educational Policy, Michigan State University, 2005
- MA, Adult and Continuing Education, Michigan State University, 1999
- BS, English and Journalism, Secondary Education, Central Michigan University, 1987
- Named P-12 Policy Scholar by the Office of Outreach and Engagement, College of Education, The Ohio State University, 2006.
Selected Grants
- Investigating Constituent Values and School Policy (PI), Education and Human Ecology SEED Grant, The Ohio State University, Jan 2009-Feb. 2010.
- The School Community Relationship in the Age of Choice (PI), College of Education P-12 Policy Scholar, The Ohio State University, May 2006.
- Who’s hiring whom and why?: A look at the socio-political influences of gender equity, women CEOs and the boards that hire them, Center for Technology Education, The Ohio State University, May 2006.
Selected Publications
- Allen, A. & Roberts, K. (2019). Space and Place in Rural Program Implementation: A Look at Two Early College Programs in Ohio. The Rural Educator, North America, 40, Available at: < >.
- Gawlik, M., & Allen, A. (2019). Charter School Board Members’ Readiness to Serve and Implications for Training. Journal of Educational Administration, 57 (2): 102-117.
- Allen, A. & Gawlik, M. (2018). Changing the Landscape: A Look at a Market District as an Emerging Model of K-12 Schooling. Educational Policy. Online First:
- Allen, A. & Roberts, K. (Summer, 2017). Evaluating the Implementation of the Early College Model Through a Theory of Change. International Journal of Educational Reform, 26 (3): 250-257.
- Allen, A. & Saultz, A. (2015). Parent Trigger Policy, Representation, and the Public Good. Theory and Research in Education, 13 (3): 351-359.
- Allen, A., Glassman, Riegel, L. & Dawson, H. (2013). Representing Neighborhoods in Local Schools: Constituent Values and School Policy. Education and Urban Society.
- Allen, A. (2012. Charter Schools and Achievement. In Hattie, J. & Anderman, E.M. (eds). International Handbook of Student Achievement. New York: Routledge.
- Allen, A. & Gawlik, M. (2012). Social Justice Leadership and Charter Schools. In Elizabeth Murakami-Ramalho & Anita Pankake (Eds.) Social Justice: Encouraging the Development of Others. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing.
- Allen, A. (2010). Neighborhoods and Schools: Using charter school policy to effect district change. Journal of School Public Relations, 31(1): 6-26.
- Allen, A. & Mintrom, M. (2010). Responsibility and School Governance. Educational Policy, Vol. 24(3): 439-464.
- Allen, A. (2009). School, Community Leadership and Election Structure. Journal of School Public Relations, 29(4): 456-475.
- Allen, A.(2006).Representation in the Age of Choice: Implications for Policy and Research in W. Hoy & C. Miskel (eds.). Contemporary Issues in Educational Policy and School Outcomes. Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, pp. 51-71.
- Allen, A.& Plank, D.N.(2005). School Board Election Structure and Democratic Representation.Educational Policy,19(3): 510-527.
- Allen, A. (2004).Changing Governance, Changing Voice? Democratic
- representation in public school governance reforms. In D. Walling (ed) (pp. 109-120) Public Education, Democracy, and the Common Good, Phi Delta Kappa.
Selected Presentations
- Allen, A. & Gawlik, M. (April 2019). Charter School Districts and Issues of Equity, Politics of Education SIG Symposium American Education Research Association, Toronto, CA.
- Allen, A. (March 2019). Student protests as political education. Academy of Education Studies, Critical Questions Conference, Savannah, GA.
- Allen, A. & Gawlik, M. (November 2017): Chartering a district: A heterogeneous approach to charter school governance. University Council of Educational Administration, Denver, CO.
- Allen, A. (September 2012). Policy, Power, and Change: Can charter policy effect change within a traditional school? British Education Research Association, Manchester, England.
- Allen, A. (April 2012). Parent trigger policies, representation, and the public good. Presentation at the American Education Research Association, Vancouver, BC.
- Allen, A. & Hanna, P. (April 2011). Power, Policy and Accent in Arizona: A look at majority interests in minority education. Presented at the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, Illinois.
- Allen, A., Glassman, M., Riegel, L. & Dawson, H. (May 2010). Representing Neighborhoods in Schools: Investigating Constituent Values and School Policy. Presented at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, Denver, Colorado.
- Allen, A. (October 2008). Responsibility and School Governance. Presented at the 13th
- Annual Values and Leadership Conference, Victoria, British Columbia.
- Allen, A. & Robinson, D. (November 2006). Closing the Information Gap: An Analysis of charter school newspaper coverage in 8 cities. University Council of Educational Administration Annual Meeting, San Antonio, Texas.
- Allen, A. (September 2006).Responsibility and Power Re-defined: A look at how shifts in educational policy affect authority and responsibility in public school governance. American Political Science Association Annual Meeting. Philadelphia, PA.
- Allen, A. (November, 2005). The changing relationship of schools and community: An examination of democratic representation in charter school decision-making. University Council for Educational Administration annual conference, Nashville, TN.
- Allen, A. and Plank, D.N.(April 2005), Hope Reconciled: Theory and Evidence on the Decline of Public Support for Charter Schools. Presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Meeting, Montreal, Canada.
- Allen, A. (November 2004). School-Community Relationships and the De-Politicization of America’s Schools: An Examination of Perspectives Among School and City Leaders Across Election-type. Presented at the University Council for Educational Administration annual conference, Kansas City, Mo.
- Allen, A.(October 2004).Changing Governance, Changing Voice? Democratic Representation in Public School Governance Reforms. Invited Symposium Participant Phi Delta Kappa International Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada