Michael Battista

Faculty Emeritus, Department of Teaching and Learning
Program Area: Math, STEM
(614) 247-2426
Michael T. Battista has taught mathematics to students of all ages, from preschool through adult, and has been involved in teacher education both at the preservice and inservice levels. Professor Battista has authored more than 140 publications, including 23 books, and he has given more than 135 presentations at professional meetings. He is a recognized expert worldwide on research concerning the learning and teaching of geometry. He also has written widely about the use of technology in mathematics teaching.
For close to 25 years, Professor Battista has been supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF) for conducting research on students' mathematics learning and for developing school mathematics curriculum materials based on this research.
He has served on the editorial panel for the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, as editor of the Journal for Research in Mathematics Education Monograph Series, as member and chairperson of the Research Committee of the National Council of Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM), and he is one of the authors of the first edition of the NSF sponsored, standards-based elementary mathematics curriculum, Investigations in Number, Data, and Space.
- PhD, Mathematics Education, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1977
- MS, Mathematics, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana, 1973
- BS, Mathematics, Kent State University, Kent, Ohio, 1971
Research Interests
- Ohio State University: EHE Distinguished Professor of Mathematics Education
- Michigan State University: Professor of Mathematics Education
- Kent State University: Professor of Mathematics Education
- Purdue University: Visiting Assistant Professor of Mathematics Education
- University of Central Arkansas: Assistant Professor of Mathematics
Selected Publications
- Battista, Michael T. (2012). Cognition Based Assessment and Teaching of Addition and Subtraction: Building on Students' Reasoning. Heinemann.
- Battista, Michael T. (2012). Cognition Based Assessment and Teaching of Multiplication and Division: Building on Students' Reasoning.
- Battista, Michael T. (2012). Cognition Based Assessment and Teaching of Place Value: Building on Students' Reasoning. Heinemann.
- Battista, Michael T. (2012). Cognition Based Assessment and Teaching of Fractions: Building on Students' Reasoning. Heinemann.
- Battista, Michael T. (2012). Cognition Based Assessment and Teaching of Geometric Measurement (Length, Area, and Volume): Building on Students' Reasoning. Heinemann.
- Battista, Michael T. (2012). Cognition Based Assessment and Teaching of Geometric Shapes: Building on Students' Reasoning. Heinemann.
- Battista, M. T. (2011). Conceptualizations and issues related to learning progressions, learning trajectories, and levels of sophistication. The Mathematics Enthusiast 8(3).
- Battista, M. T. (2010). Representations of learning for teaching: Learning progressions, learning trajectories, and levels of sophistication. In Brosnan, P. Erchick, D. & Flevares, L. (eds.), Proceedings of the Thirty Second Annual Meeting of the North American Chapter of the International Group for the Psychology of Mathematics Education, Columbus, Ohio, October, 2010.
- Battista, M., Boerst, T., Confrey, J., Knuth, E., Smith, M., Sutton, J., White, D. and Quander, J. (May, 2009). Research in mathematics education: Multiple methods for multiple uses. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education.
- Battista, M. T. (2007). The development of geometric and spatial thinking. In Lester, F. (Ed.), Second Handbook of Research on Mathematics Teaching and Learning (pp. 843-908). NCTM. Reston, VA: National Council of Teachers of Mathematics.
- Battista, M. T. (2007). Learning with understanding: Principles and processes in the construction of geometric ideas. In M. E. Strutchens and W. G. Martin (Eds.), 69th NCTM Yearbook, The Learning of Mathematics (pp. 65-79). Reston, VA:NCTM.
- Battista, M. T. (2006). Understanding the development of students' thinking about length. Teaching Children Mathematics, 13(3), 140-147.
- Battista, M.T. (2004). Applying cognition-based assessment to elementary school students' development of understanding of area and volume measurement. Mathematical Thinking and Learning, 6(2), 185-204.
- Battista, M. T. (2003). Shape Makers: Developing Geometric Reasoning in the Middle School with the Geometer's Sketchpad. Berkeley, CA: Key Curriculum Press.
- Battista, M. T. (2003). Understanding Students' Thinking about Area and Volume Measurement. In Clements, D. H. (ed.), 2003 Yearbook, Learning and Teaching Measurement (pp. 122-142). NCTM.
- Battista, M. T. (July 1999). Fifth graders' enumeration of cubes in 3D arrays: Conceptual progress in an inquiry-based classroom. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education, 30(4), 417-48.
- Battista, M. T., Clements, D. H., Arnoff, J., Battista, K., & Borrow, C. V. A. (1998 November). Students' spatial structuring of 2D arrays of squares. Journal for Research in Mathematics Education 29(5), 503-532.