Matthew Brock

Headshot of Matthew Brock

Professor, Department of Educational Studies

Program Area: Special Education

(614) 688-1421


Matt Brock is an Associate Professor of Special Education at Ohio State University, a Faculty Fellow at the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy, and a Faculty Affiliate at the Nisonger Center. He has two lines of research that both focus on students with significant disabilities who have diagnoses of autism, intellectual disability, or multiple disabilities. Specifically, he is interested in inclusion and peer-mediated intervention, and preparing teachers and paraprofessionals to implement evidence-based practices. He currently is implementing a large-scale federally-funded efficacy study of FLIP Recess, a peer-mediated intervention to improve communication and social outcomes at recess for elementary students with significant disabilities. Matt was awarded the 2020 Early Career Researcher Award by TASH for excellence in research on inclusive practices for people with significant disabilities. Click here to check out Matt’s latest research publications.


  • PhD, Special Education, Vanderbilt University, 2014
  • MA, Education, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2009
  • BS, Special Education and Elementary Education, University of Indianapolis, 2004

Research Interests

Selected Publications

  1. Brock, M. E., Barczak, M. A., Anderson, E. J., & Bordner-Williams, N. M. (2020). Efficacy of tiered training on paraeducator implementation of systematic instructional practices for students with severe disabilities. Exceptional Children. Advance online publication.
  2. Brock, M. E., Barczak, M. A., & Dueker, S. A. (2020). A Randomized evaluation of group training for paraprofessionals to implement systematic instruction strategies with students with severe disabilities. Teacher Education and Special Education. Advance online publication
  3. Brock, M. E., & Anderson, E. J. (2020). Training paraprofessionals who work with students with intellectual and developmental disabilities: What does the research say? Psychology in the Schools. Advance online publication.
  4. Brock, M. E., Barczak, M. A., & Dueker, S. A. (2020). Effects of delayed video-based feedback and observing feedback on paraprofessional implementation of evidence-based practices for students with severe disabilities. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 35, 153-164.
  5. Brock, M. E., Schaefer, J. M., Seaman-Tullis, R. (2020). Self-determination and agency for all: Supporting students with severe disabilities. Theory into Practice. 59, 162-171.
  6. Brock, M. E., Dynia, J. M., Dueker, S., & Barczak, M. (2020). Teacher-reported priorities and practices for students with autism: characterizing the research-to-practice gap. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities. 35, 67-78.
  7. Brock, M. E. (2018). Trends in the educational placement of students with intellectual disability in the united states over the past 40 years. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities. 123, 305-314. doi:10.1352/1944-7558-123.4.305
  8. Brock, M. E., Seaman-Tullis, R. L., & Gatsch, A. (2018). Efficacy of video modeling and brief coaching to train teachers to implement an evidence-based practice for students with severe disabilities. Journal of Special Education Technology. 33, 259-269. doi:10.1177/0162643418770639
  9. Brock, M. E., & Beaman-Diglia, L. E. (2018). Efficacy of coaching preschool teachers to manage challenging behavior. Education and Treatment of Children. 41, 31-48. 
  10. Brock, M. E., Dueker, S., & Barczak, M. (2018). Improving social outcomes for students with autism at recess through peer-mediated pivotal response training. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders. 48, 2224-2230. doi:10.1007/s10803-017-3435-3
  11. Brock, M. E., Seaman, R. L., & Downing, C. (2017). Promoting learning for a student with a severe disability through paraprofessional training. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 42, 211-224. doi:10.1177/1540796917729682
  12. Brock, M. E., Cannella-Malone, H. I., Seaman, R. L., Andzik, N. R., Schaefer, J. M., Page., E. J., Barczak, M., & Dueker, S. (2017). Findings across practitioner training studies in special education: A comprehensive review and meta-analysis. Exceptional Children, 84, 7-26. doi:10.1177/0014402917698008
  13. Brock, M. E. & Huber, H. B. (2017). Are peer support arrangements an evidence-based practice? A systematic review. The Journal of Special Education, 51, 150-163. doi: 10.1177/0022466917708184
  14. Brock, M. E., & Carter, E. W. (2017). A meta-analysis of educator training to improve implementation of interventions for students with disabilities. Remedial and Special Education, 38, 131-144. doi:10.1177/0741932516653477
  15. Brock, M. E., Cannella-Malone, H. I., Schaefer, J. M., Page, E. J., Andzik, N. R., & Seaman, R. L. (2016). Efficacy of training job coaches to implement evidence-based instructional strategies. Journal of Vocational Rehabilitation. 45, 351-364. doi:10.3233/JVR-160835
  16. Brock, M. E., & Carter, E. W. (2016). Efficacy of teachers training paraprofessionals to implement peer support arrangements. Exceptional Children, 82, 354-371. doi:10.1177/0014402915585564
  17. Brock, M. E., Biggs, E., Carter, E. W., Cattey, G., & Raley, K. (2016). Implementation and generalization of peer support arrangements for students with severe disabilities in inclusive classrooms. The Journal of Special Education. 49, 221-232. doi:10.1177/0022466915594368
  18. Feldman, R., Carter, E. W., Asmus, J., & Brock, M. E. (2016). Presence, proximity, and peer interactions of adolescents with severe disabilities in general education classrooms. Exceptional Children, 82, 192-208. doi:10.1177/0014402915585481
  19. Brock, M. E., & Schaefer, J. M. (2015). Location matters: Geographic location and educational placement of students with developmental disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities. 40, 154-164. doi:10.1177/1540796915591988
  20. Brock, M. E., & Carter E. W. (2015). Effects of a professional development package to prepare special education paraprofessionals to implement evidence-based practice. The Journal of Special Education. 49, 39-51. doi:10.1177/0022466913501882
  21. Brock, M. E., Huber, H. B., Carter, E. W., Juarez, A. P, & Warren, Z. E. (2014). Statewide assessment of professional development needs related to educating students with autism spectrum disorder. Focus on Autism and Other Developmental Disabilities, 29, 67-79. doi:10.1177/1088357614522290
  22. Brock, M. E., & Carter E. W. (2013). A systematic review of paraprofessional-delivered educational practices to improve outcomes for students with intellectual and developmental disabilities. Research and Practice for Persons with Severe Disabilities, 38, 211-221. doi:10.1177/154079691303800401