Terri Bucci

Headshot of Terri Bucci

Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning

Program Area: Math, STEM

(419) 755-4243

Personal Website


I am an associate professor and researcher in mathematics education. My areas of expertise and interest are in the fields of mathematics education and international teacher education. I am interested in primary school preservice and inservice teacher education in Haiti. I have worked collaboratively with Haitian and US colleagues toward imported education and teacher training in this, one of the poorest of countries in the world. I am interested in the potential of collaborative international work on the improvement of primary education. I am also interested in the connections between the five mathematical process standards (communications, connections, representations, problem solving, and reasoning and proof) and how these principles translate to teaching and teacher education across the curriculum.I am currently involved in a collaborative project which connects the human, intellectual, and fiscal resources between US faculty of education and our Haitian colleagues. Through this work, faculty from the US spend short-term placements in a regional campus of education in the countryside of Haiti.My past research and writing has been on the comparison between research paradigms and pedagogy in expert teachers of mathematics and on technology in teacher education. I hold a teaching certificate in elementary teaching (K-8) and secondary mathematics and general science teaching. I have 4 years of public school teaching experience in middle school mathematics and science and 10 years experience in teaching high school mathematics.


  • 1999 - Ph.D. Mathematics Education, The Ohio State University: Columbus, OH
  • 1998 - M.A. Mathematics Education, The Ohio State University: Columbus, OH
  • 1995 - M.A. Mathematics, The Ohio State University: Columbus, OH
  • 1985 - B.A. Elementary Education, Michigan State University: East Lansing, MI

Research Interests

Selected Grants

  • 2007-2009 - Haiti Empowerment Project. Collaborative professional development for rural Haitian Teachers. The Ohio State University Office of Outreach and Engagement. $70,000. (PI- Terri Teal Bucci)
  • 2005-2007 - PreK-6 Mathematics Coaches Project. Professional Development with Ohio Schools, Ohio Department of Education; $500,000. (PI-Patti Brosnan, Co-PI's Terri Teal Bucci and Diana Erchick).
  • 2004/2005 - K-12 and University Connections: Connecting Mathematicians. Working with Mansfield Senior High Teachers and OSU Math Faculty, Mansfield High School/Ohio Department of Education; $52,000. (PI- Terri Teal Bucci).
  • 2004-2007 - PI. Access to Higher Education. Course Development Grant, Office of Continuing Education: The Ohio State University; $45,000. (PI- Terri Teal Bucci).

Selected Publications

  • Bucci, T. T., Haury, D., Lee, H. J.. (2006) E.nopi MATH teacher's guides: Basic Mathematics and Critical Thinking Mathematics. Levels 1-23. Daeyko Cooperation. Seoul, South Korea.
  • Bucci, T. T., Cherup, S., Cunningham, A., Petrosino, A. J.. ( 2004). ISTE Standards in Teacher Education: A collection of practical examples. The Teacher Educator, 39(2), 95-114.
  • Bucci, T. T., Bell, R., Carmack, G., Cherup, S., Cunningham, A., Cohen, S., Hofer, M., Petrosino, A. J., Wetzel, K. (2004). Meeting the ISTE Challenge in the Field: An overview of the first six distinguished achievement award winning programs. Journal of Computing in Teacher Education.
  • Bucci, T. T. (2003). Researching Expert Teachers: Who Should We Study? The Educational Forum, 68 (1), 82-88.
  • Bucci, T. T. (2003). The Technology Teaching Lab: Meeting the ISTE Challenge. Action in Teacher Education, 24 (4), 1-9.
  • Bucci, T. T. (2002). The Significance of Parallel Paradigms. Journal of Educational Thought, 36(1), 69-85.
  • Bucci, T. T. (2002). Learning from experts: Relational stories and the textual assimilation interchange. Mid-Western Educational Researcher, 15(2), 32-36.