Dean Cristol

Associate Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning
Program Area: Multicultural and Equity Studies in Education
(567) 242-7151
Currently, I am an Associate Professor and Academic Coordinator of Educational Programs on the Lima Campus. My area of teaching is social studies PK-8, with expertise in curriculum and teacher education. My social studies research is specific to issues of diversity and international education. My teacher education research is specific to issues of education for disenfranchised children, defined by race, class and national representation. My research has taken me to many educational contexts from large and small urban school systems in the United States to Mexican preschools as well as working closely with governmental and non-governmental organizations. My burning research questions: how disenfranchised children are being educated and why are they marginalized and how it impacts their lives both in the present and future.
- American Educational Research Association
- Association of Teacher Educators
- Australian Association for Research in Education
- National Council for the Social Studies
- Ph.D. Curriculum and Teaching, School of Education, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro, 1995.
Research Interests
- Assessment
- Civic Education
- Curriculum and Instruction
- Educational/Instructional Technology
- Mobile technology
- Elementary Education and Teaching
- Equity
- Disenfranchised students access
- Multicultural Education
- Social Justice
- Teacher Education
- Technology Integration
- Integrating technology in the classroom
- Urban Education
- 805 Social-Economic Perspectives in Global Education
- 807 Teaching About Latin America and Latin American Perspectives
- 9xx International Perspectives on Educational Equity and Diversity
- 738 Social Studies for Middle Childhood Education
- 737 Social Studies for Early Childhood Education
Selected Grants
- Transition to Teaching in Newport News Schools submitted to the US Department of Education. Funded ($1,712,760). 2003-2007. Principal Investigator, Dean Cristol
- VM-CAST: Virginia's Mentors Challenging and Supporting Teachers submitted by Newport News Public Schools to the Virginia Department of Education. Funded ($100,000). 2003-2005. Lead Evaluator.
- The Ohio State University: Office of OUTREACH AND ENGAGEMENT Mathematics Specialist (course reformatting for distance delivery): Two grants funded ($25,000). 2007-2008 Co-Principal Investigators Hea-Jin Lee, and Terri Teal Bucci.
- OSU-Lima Campus Research and Special Projects Grant, "Color and Racial Attitudes and Awareness in Recent Latin Immigrant and Mexican Young Children". Funded ($2,000). Principal Investigator.
Selected Publications
- Cristol, D. (2001). Becoming a multicultural educator: Talking the talk and walking the walk. In W. Goodman (Ed.) Living in an Unjust World: New Perspective on Multicultural Education. 162-174. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann.
- Cristol, D. and Gimbert, B. (2002). A case study of an urban school-university partnership: Designing and implementing curriculum for Contextual Teaching and Learning. Professional Educator. 25 (1), 43-54.
- Cristol D. (2003). A Visionary Latin American Preschool Educator: A Conversation with Franklin Martinez Journal of Latinos and Education, 2 (2) 101-108.
- Cristol, D. (2003). The U.S. and Cuban Governments Response to a New International Exchange Program. International Journal of Social Education. 18 (2).
- Gimbert, B. and Cristol, D. (2005). Learning to Teach with Technology: Designing and implementing technology-enhanced curriculum during teacher preparation. In Charalambos Vrasidas and Gene Glass (Eds.), Preparing teachers to teach with technology Greenwich, CT: Information Age Publishing, pp. 205 - 223.
- Gimbert, G., Cristol, D., Sene, A. and Wallace, D. (2005) A case study of a competency-driven alternative route to teacher licensure in an urban 'hard-to-staff' school system. Action in Teacher Education. 27 (1) 53-71.
- Gimbert, G. Cristol, D. and Sene, A.M. (2007). The impact of teacher preparation on student achievement in algebra in a "hard to staff" urban pre-K-12-University Partnership. School Effectiveness and School Improvement. 18 (3) 245-272.
Selected Presentations
- The Impact of Alternative Certification on Student Achievement in Algebra I Through a School/University Partnership in a High-Need, "Hard-to-Staff" Urban School System. American Educational Research Association. San Francisco, April 2006.
- Racial Prejudice Development: Implications for Educating Young Children. Encuentro Internacional de Educación Inicial y Preescolar. Monterrey México, May 2006. Dean S Cristol and Belinda G. Gimbert.
- The impact of job-embedded literacy professional development on middle school student achievement in a high need, 'hard to staff' school system. Association of Teacher Educators. San Diego, CA, February 2007.
- Assessing the Impact of Content-Specific Coursework for Teaching Literacy on Middle Student Achievement through a Teacher-Preparation Partnership in a High-Need Urban School System. American Educational Research Association. Chicago, IL, April, 2007.
- Education for Disenfranchised Children. Inter-American Symposium Understanding the State of the Art in Early Childhood Education and Care: The First Three Years of Life. Organization of American States Washington DC, May 2007.
- Documentation in the Reggio Emilia Approach: The science of teacher inquiry. Encuentro Internacional de Educación Inicial y Preescolar. Monterrey México, October 2007.