Ralph Gardner

Ralph Gardner, III is an associate professor of special education in the Department of Educational Studies. Dr. Gardner is a graduate of The Ohio State University and has expertise in special education and applied behavior analysis. His professional teaching, research, and service are focused on academic and social interventions for students with mild/moderate disabilities and children at risk for school failure. Recently, Dr Gardner has been engaged in researching effective academic interventions, especially reading strategies, for urban youth who are at risk for school failure. He currently directs a reading clinic in an urban elementary school that serves the duel purposes of preparing pre-service teachers to instruct literacy skills and provides effective reading instruction for at-risk children. His professional writing including books, numerous articles, and monographs.
- PhD, Special Education, The Ohio State University, 1989
- Dissertation: Differential Effects of Hand Raising and Response Cards on Rate and Accuracy of Active student Response and Academic Achievement by At-Risk and Non At-Risk Students During Large Group 5th Science Instruction.
- MA, Special Education, The Ohio State University, 1982
- Thesis: The Effects of Cross-Age Tutoring on The Mealtime Behavior of Severely Disturbed Children.
- BS, Psychology, The Ohio State University, 1974
Research Interests
- Literacy
- Special Education
- Children with mild/moderate disabilities
- Urban Education
Selected Publications
Book Chapters
- Lovelace, T. S., Gardner, R. III, Axe, J. S. & Sainato, D. M. (2010). Early childhood special education birth to eight. International Encyclopedia of Education.+
- Anastasiou, D., Gardner, R. III, Michail, D. (2011). Ethnicity and exceptionality. In J. M. Kauffman & D. P. Hallahan (Eds.) Handbook of Special Education.
Referred Journal Articles
- Gardner, R. III, & Mayes, R. D. (2013). (invited) African American learners. Preventing School Failure, 57(1), 22–29.
- Gardner, R. III, Cihon, T., Morrison, D., & Paul, P. (2013). Implementing a tier two visual phonics intervention with kindergarteners at risk for reading failure. Preventing School Failure, 57(1), 30–42.
- Yong, T. J., Tam, K. Y., & Gardner, R. III. (2012). Teacher comments on report cards: American Perspective. Fujian Education, 8, 15–17.
- Graham, K., J., Gardner, R., III, Hsin, Y. (2010). Increasing on-task behaviors of high school students with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder: Is it enough? Education and Treatment of Children, 33(3), 205–221.
- Cihon, T., Gardner, R., III, Morrison, D., & Paul, P. (2009). Using visual phonics as a strategic intervention for at-risk kindergarten students. Journal of Early and Intensive Behavior Intervention, 5(3), 138–155.
- Geisler, J. L., Hessler, T., Gardner, III, R., & Lovelace, T. S. (2009).Differentiated writing interventions for high achieving urban African American elementary students. Journal of Advanced Academics, 20(2), 214–247.
- Gardner, R., III, & Hsin, Y. (2008). Reading and children with emotional/behavioral disorders. Balanced Reading Instruction, 15(2), 25–40.
- Kauffman, J. M., Conroy, M., Gardner, R. III, & Oswald, D. (2008). Cultural sensitivity in the application of behavior principles to education. Education and Treatment of Children, 31, 239–62.