Tuba Gezer

Visiting Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Tuba Gezer, Ph.D. is a postdoctoral fellow at Ohio State University. She worked at the Institute for Education Policy, Johns Hopkins University. She completed her Ph.D. in Educational Research, Measurement, and Evaluation from the University of North Carolina at Charlotte. Her dissertation examined providing equal educational opportunities to English learners in the United States. She is passionate about equity and equality in educational settings. Her research interests are English learners, English learners with disabilities, academic achievement, structural equation modeling, research methodology, digital citizenship, and the digital divide.
Dr. Gezer has presented widely, including annually, at the American Educational Research Association conference, as well as at conferences such as the Association for Educational Communication and Technology and the EdMedia World Conference on Educational Media and Technology. She is the recipient of the Excellent Research on Inclusion and Accessibility in Education Assessment by American Educational Research Association. She has published articles in journals such as the American Journal of Distance Education, and the Journal of Research on Technology in Education.
• Ph.D., Educational Research, Measurement and Evaluation, UNC Charlotte, 2021
• M.Ed., Educational Research and Evaluation, Ohio University, 2017
• BA, Elementary Mathematics Teaching Program, Dicle University 2009
Research Interests
- Access and Equity
- English learners
- English learners with disabilities
- Educational Assessment, Testing, and Measurement
- Test accommodations
- Educational Statistics and Research Methods
- Structural equation modelling
- Technology Integration
Selected Publications
Wakeman, S.Y., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L, Gezer, T., Pennington, R., & Saunders A. (2022). Using action research to develop a professional development and coaching package for educators within inclusive reading instruction. Disabilities, 2,641–661. https:// doi.org/10.3390/disabilities2040046
Martin, F., & Gezer, T. Wang, W., Petty, T. & Wang, C. (2022).Examining K-12 educator experiences from digital citizenship professional development. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 54 (1), 143-160. https://doi.org/10.1080/15391523.2020.1815611
Lee, O. E., Kim, S. Y., & Gezer, T. (2021). Factors associated with online learning self-efficacy among students with disabilities in higher education. American Journal of Distance Education. doi: 10.1080/08923647.2021.1979344
Gezer, T., Wang, C., Polly, A., Martin, C. Pugalee, D., & Lambert, R. (2021). Examining the relationship between online formative assessment applications and classroom assessment. International Electronic Journal of Elementary Educadtion, 13(5), 673-685.
Martin, F., & Gezer, T., Anderson, J., Polly, D. & Wang, W. (2021). Examining parents’ perception on elementary school children digital safety. Educational Media International. 1-18. https://doi.org/10.1080/09523987.2021.1908500
Sadaf, A. & Gezer, T. (2020). Exploring factors that influence in-service teachers’ intentions to integrate digital literacy into K-12 classrooms. Journal of Digital Learning in Teacher Education. doi:10.1080/21532974.2020.1719244.
Benson, T., Bryant, A., & Gezer, T. (2020). Segregation within integrated schools: Racially disproportionate student-teacher assignments in middle school. Education Policy Analysis Archives, 28 (170). DOI: https://doi.org/10.14507/epaa.28.5503
Martin, F., Gezer, T., & Wang, C. (2019). Teachers and technology facilitators perception of student digital citizenship practices. Computers in the Schools, 36(4), 238-254.
Selected Presentations
Gezer, T., Flowers, C. & Kim, S. (2022). Examining Measurement and Prediction Invariance in English Learners Large-Scale Assess. Paper is presented Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Cincinnati, OH.
Gezer, T., Kim, S. Y., & Lee, O. E. (2022). Examining the external validity of self-efficacy questionnaire of online learning for student with disabilities. Paper is presented Mid-Western Educational Research Association, Cincinnati, OH.
Gezer, T., &Flowers, C. (2022).Predicting postschool outcomes for English learners with disabilities: Secondary analysis of data from the NLTS2. Paper presented at American Educational Research Association (AERA) San Diego, CA, USA.
Wakeman, S.Y., Gezer, T., Pennington, R., Ahlgrim-Delzell, L., Saunders, A. (2022). Using action research to develop a professional development and coaching package for educators within inclusive reading instruction. Poster presented atNorth Carolina Association for Research in Education (NCARE)
Gezer, T., & Frantzreb, D. (2022). Theory to practice: Psychometric properties of a common statistics exam. Poster presented at North Carolina Association for Research in Education (NCARE)
Martin, F., & Gezer, T., Anderson, J., Polly, D. & Wang, W. (2021). Examining parents’ perception on elementary school children digital safety. Paper is presented Association for Educational Communication & Technology (AECT) Chicago, IL, USA.
Gezer, T., Kim, S. Y., & Lee, O. E. (2021). Validation of online learning self-efficacy for students with disabilities in higher education. Poster is presented International Meeting of the Psychometric Society (IMPS).
Gezer, T., Wang, C., Pugalee, D., Lambert, R., Polly, A., & Martin, C. (2019). Examining the relationship between online formative assessment applications and classroom assessment. Round table presentation at American Educational Research Association (AERA), Toronto, Canada.