Michael Glassman
![Headshot of Michael Glassman](https://static.ehe.osu.edu/img/directory/150x200/glassman.13.jpg)
Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: Educational Psychology
(614) 292-5622
I have been interested in education since teaching at Sheepshead Bay High School and Brooklyn Tech high school in New York City more than thirty years ago. I can’t say I was amazingly successful as a teacher. As a matter of fact the experience convinced me that teaching is the most difficult of all professions. The experience also started my lifelong interest in education. My classroom experiences made it obvious to me that we needed to develop new approaches to education that in some way touched the lives of our students. I received a Ph.D. from the Graduate School of City University of New York, both because it would keep me close to the city that I grew up in and loved, and because they offered me support. After getting my doctorate, I went to teach in the Human Development department at the University of Houston where Rheta DeVries introduced me to the work of John Dewey, for which I will always be grateful. Dewey’s writings became the oil that loosened my thinking about education and what I hoped it would one day be. It is a fount of wisdom that I return to again and again.
- PhD, Psychology, The Graduate School of The City University of New York, 1992
- Dissertation: "Judgment Within the Game: The effect of the other on moral decision making"
- BA, Philosophy, Grinnell College (Iowa), 1983
Research Interests
- Computer Teacher Education
- Educational Psychology
- Learning Technologies
- Use of Internet applications to augment education
- Technology Integration
- Use of Internet applications to augment education
- Technology Teacher Education
Research Summary
I have been interested in the ideas of John Dewey and democratic education for more than three decades. My current interests revolve around the Internet as a tool in education. I became interested in the Internet around 2003, just as it was coming in to its own. Larry Cuban writes in Oversold and Underused: Computers in the classroom many teachers start by using computer technologies in their personal life, and this was true for me. But as I visited websites, actually seeing some of the young sites as they developed I began to see the ideas that Dewey was talking about in his concepts of democracy and experience come to life. There is no doubt that there are many uses of Internet technologies that are anything but democratic, but it was obvious to me that the potential was there. I worked with students to try and bring the computer in to my teaching, in particular the use of blogging in the classroom which I felt could be quickly assimilated to the Deweyan ideas I was looking to promote. There was little doubt it was a steep learning curve, for me, the graduate students who worked with me, and the students in my classes. We decided to start documenting and doing researchon our endeavors. There was also a steep learning curve in doing research of the Internet. There were few developed tools and methodologies for studying the impact of Internet technologies used in classrooms.
At the same time I started to do research on the Internet itself, delving in to its actual creation and its history. I came to find the work of Vannevar Bush, the founding thinker on issues such as hypertext and a number of Internet technologies, and Douglas Engelbart the visionary who pretty much invented all the applications we use today. It is Engelbart’s work that helped me realize that when we say Internet what we actually mean is a number of tools and ideas applied to a global internetworking system. But what was most important about Engelbart was not his inventions but the ideas behind why he created them – looking to create an interconnecting system where users could explore and share ideas.
Much of this research and a general view of the Internet in education is in my recent book, Educational Technology and the Internet.
I am currently involved in a virtual reality program. My graduate student, Irina Kuznetcova, and I are trying to apply the virtual reality program Second Life to a general education class. We are building the curriculum within an Open Source Educative Processes framework as I teach the course. We believe this is one of the most encompassing studies using virtual reality as an educational tool. We are experiencing the hills and valleys you always experience when trying to do something new. We hope to keep everybody up-to-date on what we are doing.
Selected Publications
- Glassman, M. (2016). Educational Psychology and the Internet. New York: Cambridge University Press.
Refereed journal articles
- Glassman, M. (2013). Open source theory. 01. Theory & Psychology, 23(5), 675-69.
- Glassman, M. (2012). Occupying the Noosphere: The evolution of media platforms and creating a web of community protest. The Berkeley Planning Journal, 25.
- Glassman, M. (2012). An Era of Webs: Technique, Technology and the new cognitive (r)evolution. New Ideas in Psychology, 30, 308-318.
- Glassman, M. (2011). Is Education Ripe for a Paradigm Shift? The Case for the Capability Approach. Educational Change, 15, 161-174 .150
- Glassman, M., Bartholomew, M. & Hur, E. (2013). The importance of the second loop in educational technology: An action science study of introducing blogging in a course curriculum. Action Research, 11, 337-353.
- Glassman, M. Bartholomew+, M, Jones, T.+ (2011). Migrations of the mind: the emergence of Open Source Education. Educational Technology, 51, 26-31.
- Glassman, M., & Burbidge, J.+ (2014). The Dialectical Relationship Between Place and Space in Education: How the Internet Is Changing Our Perceptions of Teaching and Learning. Educational Theory, 64(1), 15-32.
- Glassman, M., & Erdem, G.+ (2014). Participatory Action Research and Its Meanings Vivencia, Praxis, Conscientization. Adult Education Quarterly, 54, 206-221.
- Glassman, M, Erdem, G.+, Barholomew, M.+ (2013) Action Research and its History as an Adult Education Movement for Social Change". Adult Education Quarterly, 53, 272-288.
- Glassman, M. & Kang, M. (in press). Teaching and Learning through Open Source Educative Processes. Teaching and Teacher Education.
- Glassman, M. & Kang, M. (2012). Intelligence in the Internet Age: The Evolution of Open Source Intelligence (OSINT). Computers in Human Behavior, 28, 673-682.
- Glassman,M. & Kang, M.+ (2011a). Five classrooms: different forms of democracies and their relationship to cultural pluralism(s). Educational Philosophy and Theory, 43, 365-386.
- Glassman, M. & Kang, M. + (2011b). The Logic of Wikis: The Possibilities of a Web 2.0 Classroom. International Journal of Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning, 6, 93-112.
- Glassman, M. & Kang, M. + (2010). Pragmatism, connectionism and the internet: A mind’s new storm. Computers in Human Behavior, 6, 1412-1418.
- Glassman, M., Karno D.+ and Erdem, G.+ (2010). The problems and barriers of RHYA as social policy. Children and Youth Services Review, 36, 6, 798-806.
- Glassman, M. & Patton, R. + (2013). Capability through participatory democracy: Sen, Freire, & Dewey. Educational Philosophy and Theory, 46, 1353-1365.
- Allen, A., Glassman, M., Riegel, L., & Dawson, H. (2013). Investigating constituent values and school policy. Education and Urban Society, 45, 340-361.
- Bartholomew, M. +, Jones, T.+ & Glassman, M. (2012). A community of voices: educational blog management strategies and tools. Techtrends, 56, 19-25.
- Bartholomew, M.,+ Schoppe-Sullivan, S., Glassman, M., Kamp-Dush, C., & Sullivan, J. (2012). New parents facebook use at the transition to parenthood. Family Relations, 61, 465-469.
- Hur, E.+, Glassman, M., Kim, Y.+ (2013). Finding autonomy in activity: Development and validation of a democratic classroom survey. Educational Assessment, Evaluation and Accountability, 25, 303-320.
- Kang, M.+ & Glassman, M. (2010). Moral action as social capital, moral thought as cultural capital. Journal of Moral Education, 39, 1, 21-36.
- Karno, D., & Glassman, M. (2013). Science as a Web of Trails: Redesigning Science Education with the Tools of the Present to Meet the Needs of the Future. Journal of Science Education and Technology, 22(6), 927-933.
- Kim, Y. & Glassman, M (2013). Beyond Search and Communication: Development and Validation of the Internet Self-efficacy Scale (ISS). Computers in Human Behavior, 29, 1421-29.
- Kim, Y.,+ Glassman, M. , Bartholomew, M.+ & Hur. E.+ (2013). Creating an educational context for Open Source Intelligence: The development of Internet self-efficacy through a blogcentric course. Computers and Education, 69, 332-342.
- Kim, Y., Glassman, M., & Williams, M. S.+ (2015). Connecting agents: Engagement and motivation in online collaboration. Computers in Human Behavior, 49, 333-342.
- Patton, R., Snyder, A., Glassman, M., (2013) Rethinking substance abuse treatment with sex workers: How does the Capability Approach inform practice?" Journal of Substance Abuse Treatment, 45, 196-205.
+ Denotes graduate student at the time of research.