Roger Goddard

Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: Educational Administration
(614) 688-4102
Roger D. Goddard, Ph.D. is the Novice G. Fawcett Chair in Educational Administration and a Professor at The Ohio State University in the Department of Educational Studies. Professor Goddard’s research examines school leadership and its impact on instructional improvement and student learning. He also focuses on the meaning, measure and impact of school climate, especially collective efficacy beliefs and social trust in groups. His most recent funded project involved leading the development of a new staff opinion survey for the State of Victoria in Australia, which is now used to provide reports for use in ongoing school improvement efforts to over 1500 schools across Victoria.
Professor Goddard earned a bachelor’s degree with honors from the Fisher College of Business at The Ohio State University during which time he was an exchange student at Oxford University. He earned a master’s degree from the University of Pittsburgh School of Education, and M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from The Ohio State University College of Education and Human Ecology.
Research Interests
- Achievement
- Education Policy
- Educational Achievement
- Educational Administration
- Instructional leadership
- Organizational theory
- Professional development
- School effects research
- Educational Psychology
- Collective efficacy beliefs
- Self-efficacy beliefs
- Social cognitive theory
- Educational Statistics and Research Methods
- Educational measurement
- Experimental design
- Hierarchical linear modeling
- Program evaluation
- Quasi-experimental design
- Structural equation modeling
- International and Comparative Education
- Sociology
Research Summary
Professor Goddard’s interests include the social psychology of organization and leadership, with a special focus on educational measurement, research design and methodology. Professor Goddard is also interested in the design of professional development programs for school leaders and whole school improvement approaches intended to improve instruction and student learning. His current work is aimed at understanding how to bring principals and teachers together in schools with the supports and skills necessary to improve instruction. Professor Goddard’s theoretical interests are in the areas of social cognitive theory and the sociology of education, both of which provide lenses through which he frames studies of school leadership and organization.
Before joining the faculty at The Ohio State University, Professor Goddard worked in the field of education in the following capacities:
- Secondary Mathematics Teacher
- Director of Planning and Research for a large Ohio school district
- Assistant and Associate Professor at the University of Michigan School of Education
- Professor and Founding Director of the Education Leadership Research Center at Texas A&M University
- Senior Fellow at McREL International
Professor Goddard’s editorial and peer review experience includes the following:
- Member, Editorial Board, Educational Administration Quarterly, 2004—2005, 2014—ongoing
- Member, Editorial Board, Journal of Educational Administration, 2014—ongoing
- Associate Editor, Educational Administration Quarterly, 2009—2013
- Guest Editor, Elementary School Journal, Special Issue on The Conceptualization, Measurement, and Effects of School Leadership, 2009—2010
- Member, Editorial Board, American Education Research Journal, 2008—2013
- Member, Institute of Education Sciences Systems and Broad Reform Scientific Peer Review Panel, 2009—2014.
- Scientific peer reviewer, Shota Rustaveli National Science Foundation. Fundamental research program. Nation of Georgia. 2011—ongoing.
Professor Goddard has received a Spencer Foundation/National Academy of Education Post-doctoral Fellowship (2002-2004), the University Council for Educational Administration (UCEA) Jack Culbertson Award for Early Career Achievement (2004), and the William Davis Award from UCEA in 2010 for the best article of 2009 in Educational Administration Quarterly (co-authored with Professors Serena Salloum and Dan Berebitsky).
Selected Grants
Professor Goddard has received over $4,000,000 in funding for his research including an award from the U.S. Department of Education to study of the casual impacts of one of the most widely known school leadership training programs in the U.S. His grants include:
- $2,753,650. Principal Investigator, U.S. Institute of Education Sciences. “A randomized control trial to assess the efficacy of the Balanced Leadership program.” Funded January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2012. Yvonne Goddard, Co-PI. Co-PI for No cost extension through June 30, 2014, Yvonne Goddard PI, Robin Jacob, Co-PI.
- $567,207. Principal Investigator, Victorian Department of Education and Early Childhood Development. “Developing a School Staff Opinion Survey for Victoria” Funded July, 2013 to June, 2014.
- $99,935. Principal Investigator, Michigan Department of Education. “Michigan Technology Readiness Infrastructure Grant” From July, 2013 to June 2014.
- $107,301. Principal Investigator, Mid-continent Research for Education and Learning. “The School Leadership Improvement Study Extension.” Yvonne Goddard, Robin Jacob, & Robert Miller Co-PIs. March 1, 2012 to March 30, 2013.
- $104,837. Principal Investigator, U.S. Institute of Education Sciences. “School Leadership Improvement Study.” Funded January 1, 2009 to June 30, 2012. Yvonne Goddard, Co-PI.
- $50,000. Co-Principal Investigator, Texas A&M University Office of the Vice President for Research. “Development of a Culturally Responsive Leadership Model: Countering the 'Receivement Gap' Among African American and Latina/o American Students.” Funded January 1, 2012 to September 30, 2012. Gwendolyn Webb-Hasan (Principal Investigator), Terah Venzant-Chambers, Robert J. Miller, Jim Scheurich, Mario S. Torres, Jr., (Co-PIs).
- $10,000. Principal Investigator, Texas A&M University. “Cross-national Comparison and Development of Equitable and Effective School Leadership Practices.” Funded to conduct a research roundtable at the 4th biennial China-U.S. Relations Conference October, 2009—June, 2011.
- $236,124. Principal Investigator, U.S. Institute of Education Sciences. “A randomized control trial to assess the efficacy of the Balanced Leadership program.” July 1, 2008 to December 31, 2008.
- $100,000. Project Director. Distinguished speaker series on business and education funded by the Spencer Foundation and co-sponsored by the University of Michigan School of Education and Ross School of Business. 2005—2006.
- $75,000. Principal Investigator. Wallace Foundation. Executive Education Leadership Training Seed Grant. (Co-Principal Investigator with Professor Noel Tichy). 2006.
- $4,000. University of Michigan Office of the Vice President for Research, Spring/Summer Research Grant to support “Collective Efficacy and Student Achievement in Public High Schools: A Path Analysis.” 2002—2003.
- $50,000. National Academy of Education/Spencer Foundation Post-doctoral Fellowship to support “The Meaning, Effects, and Development of Collective Efficacy in Diverse Urban Schools.” 2002—2004.
- $35,000. Spencer Foundation Small Grant to fund “Collective Efficacy and Student Achievement: A Multilevel Examination of Equity and Excellence in Urban Schools.” 2002—2003.
- $15,000. University of Michigan Rackham Graduate School Research Grant to fund: “Collective Efficacy in Diverse Secondary Schools: Organizational Effects on Student Achievement and Teacher Efficacy.” 2002—2003.
- $20,000. Continuous Improvement Development Grant from the Ohio Department of Education for Strategic Planning in the Westerville City Schools, 1999.
- $8,000. Texas Instruments. Award funded two Ohio State graduate courses for the implementation of technology in middle school mathematics and math modeling. 1996.
- $4,000.Texas Instruments. Award funded an Ohio State graduate course for the implementation of technology in mathematics and science teaching. 1995.
Selected Publications
Professor Goddard has authored or co-authored over 100 peer-reviewed published papers, conference papers and book chapters. Some of his recent papers and book chapters include the following:
- Goddard, Y. L., & Goddard, R.D. (in press). A statewide study of the influence of differentiated instruction on fourth grade students’ mathematics and reading achievement. American Journal of Education.
- Jacob, R., Goddard, R. D., Kim, M., Miller, R. J., & Goddard, Y. L. (in press). Assessing the impact of the McREL Balanced Leadership program for school leaders on students, teachers, principals, and schools. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis. doi:10.3102/0162373714549620
- Tschannen-Moran, M., Salloum, S. J., & Goddard, R. D. (in press). Context Matters: The influence of collective beliefs and norms. H. Fives & M. Gregoire-Gill (Eds.) Handbook of Research on Teachers' Beliefs, New York: Routledge.
- Goddard, R. D., Goddard, Y. L., Kim, E. S., & Miller, R. J. (2015). A theoretical and empirical analysis of the roles of instructional leadership, teacher collaboration, and collective efficacy beliefs in support of student learning. American Journal of Education, 121(4), 501-530.
- Jacob, R., Goddard, R. D., Kim, E. S. (2014). Using state assessment data to assess the impact of school-based interventions: A comparison of student-level and school-level analyses. Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis, 36(1), 44-66.
- Berebitsky, D., Goddard, R. D., Carlisle, J. (2014). An Examination of Teachers’ Perceptions of Principal Support for Change and Teachers’ Collaboration and Communication around Literacy Instruction in Reading First Schools. Teachers College Record.
- Goddard, R. D. & Salloum, S. (2011). Collective efficacy beliefs, organizational excellence, and leadership. In K. Cameron & G. Spreitzer (Eds.) Positive Organizational Scholarship Handbook, 642-650. Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Selected Presentations
Professor Goddard’s most recent peer-reviewed research conference presentations include the following:
- Goddard, R.D., Stewart, J., Clark, T. & Hill, A. (2015). Examination of school climate in Australian schools. Paper accepted for presentation at the annual conference of the American Evaluation Association, Chicago, IL.
- Goddard, R. D., Bailes, L. P. (2015). Principal efficacy. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, IL.
- Jacob, R. & Goddard, R. D. (2014). The impact of the Balanced Leadership professional development program (BLPD) for school leaders on principal and teacher turnover. Paper presented at the spring conference of the Society for Research on Educational Effectiveness, Washington, DC.
- Jacob, R., Goddard, R., Kim, M., & Miller, R. (2012). Using Mixed Methods to Evaluate the Impact the Balanced Leadership Program on Student Achievement. Paper presented at the American Public Policy and Management Association Annual Conference, November, 2012, Boston, MA.
- Miller, R. J., Goddard, R. D., Kim, M., Schroeder, P. & Goddard, Y. L. (2012). Professional development training effects on principals’ school leadership behavior: Results from a randomized control trial. Paper presented at the annual conference of the University Council for Educational Administration, Denver, CO.
- Miller, R. J., Goddard, R. D., Kim, E. S., Kim, M., Goddard, Y. L., & Schroeder, P. (2012). Principals’ professional development learning: Evaluation results from a longitudinal randomized control trial. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association.
- Schroeder, P., Madsen, J., Goddard, R. D., Miller, R. J., & Kim, E. S. (2012). Assessing the fidelity of a principal professional development program: Design, delivery, and receipt. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association.
- Miller, R. J., Goddard, R. D., Kim, E.S., Goddard, Y., L. & Schroeder, P. (2011). Evaluation of principals’ professional development learning: Results from a randomized control trial. Paper presented at the annual conference of the University Council for Educational Administration, Pittsburgh, PA.
- Schroeder, H.M., Stark, R. W., Bowers, A., Goddard, R. D., & Jacob, R. T. (2011). Assessment of measurement error and nonresponse error using respondent-provided paradata from paper self-administered questionnaires. Paper presented at the annual Joint Statistical Meetings of the American Statistical Association, Miami Beach, FL.
- Goddard, R. D., Goddard, Y. L., Kim, E. S., & Miller, R. J. (2011). A social cognitive perspective on collective efficacy and goal attainment in schools: The roles of principals’ instructional leadership and teacher collaboration. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Education Research Association, New Orleans, LA.
- Jacob, R., Goddard, R. D., & Kim, E. S. (2010). Using state assessment data to assess the impact of school-based interventions: A comparison of student-level and school-level analyses. Paper presented at the Association for Public Policy Analysis and Management Annual Research Conference, Boston, MA.
- Miller, R. J., Goddard Y., L., Goddard, R. G., & Larsen, R. (2010). Shared instructional leadership: A pathway to teacher collaboration and student achievement. Paper presented at the annual convention of the University Council for Educational Administration, New Orleans, LA.
- Goddard, R. G., Goddard, Y. L., Miller, R. J., Larsen, R., & Jacob, R. (2010). Principal leadership, teacher collaboration, and student achievement. Paper presented at the annual Institute of Education Sciences Research Conference, National Harbor, MD.
- Goddard, Y.L., Miller, R., Larsen, R., Goddard, R., Jacob, R., Madsen, J., & Schroeder, P. (March, 2010). Connecting principal leadership, teacher collaboration, and student achievement. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
- Madsen, J., Schroeder, P., Goddard, R.D., Goddard, Y.L., Jacob, R., Larsen, R., & Miller, R. (March, 2010). Principals' perceptions of the influence of professional development on their instructional leadership. Paper presented at the American Education Research Association Annual Conference, Denver, CO.
- Salloum, S. & Goddard, R.D. (March, 2010). The relative effects of finance and social capital in the production of human capital. Paper presented at the annual conference of the American Education Finance Association, Richmond VA.