Leeann Lower-Hoppe

Associate Professor, Department of Human Sciences
Program Area: Kinesiology
(614) 247-7909
Leeann M. Lower-Hoppe is an Assistant Professor of Sport Management in the Department of Human Sciences at The Ohio State University. Lower-Hoppe earned her B.A. in Math-Economics and Business Administration from Anderson University, during which time she competed as a Cross Country and Track athlete and directed intramural sport programming at the university. She completed her M.S. in Sport Management from Baylor University, while assisting with administration of the university’s intramural sport program. Lower-Hoppe received a PhD in Sport Management from The Ohio State University, with a concentration in development through sport, recreation, and play, and specialization in general interdisciplinary quantitative research methodology. While at Ohio State, she acted as the research coordinator for the Learning in Fitness and Education through Sports (LiFEsports) initiative and assisted the Recreational Sports Department with program evaluation and research.
Lower-Hoppe’s research investigates sport for health and human development through a multi-dimensional framework of organizational effectiveness to extend theory and practice, ultimately advancing the health and development of people through sport. Her largely collaborative research has resulted in 70+ peer-reviewed journal articles, 2 chapters in edited books, and 80+ international, national, and regional professional presentations. Engaging campus and community partners (e.g., OSU Recreational Sports, Special Olympics Ohio, LiFEsports) is a central feature of Lower-Hoppe’s scholarship, to meet the needs of the community and effectively translate research to practice. Lower-Hoppe serves as an Associate Editor of the Recreational Sport Journal, Topic Editor for Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, and member of three editorial review boards. In addition, she provides research consultation for community sport organizations within central Ohio.
- PhD, Sport Management, The Ohio State University, 2015
- MS, Sport Management, Baylor University, 2011
- BA, Math-Economics & Business Administration, Anderson University, 2007
Research Summary
Lower-Hoppe's research foci can be categorized under two broad themes: sport for health and human development; and organizational effectiveness and evaluation of sport programs. Her research is guided by the overarching question, “How do sport programs contribute to health and human development of diverse populations?” Her scholarship examines sport as a mechanism for health and human development and considers the organizational effectiveness of sport programs as a critical determinant of participant development. Her secondary research interests include: legal issues, research methods, and pedagogical strategies in sport management.
Selected Grants
- NIRSA: Leaders in Collegiate Recreation. (2023). NIRSA Research Grant. (Principal Investigator). Awarded: $9,519.
- NIH National Center for Advancing Translational Sciences UL1TR002733. (2019). OSU Integrating Special Populations Pilot Grant. (Principal Investigator). Awarded: $12,868.
- North American Society for Sport Management. (2018). NASSM Janet B. Parks Research Grant. (Principal Investigator). Awarded: $2,000.
- Ohio Parks and Recreation Association Foundation. (2018). Research Grant. (Principal Investigator). Awarded: $2,000.
- National Intramural-Recreational Sports Association. (2016). NIRSA Collegiate Recreation Research Grant. (Principal Investigator). Awarded: $9,980.
Selected Publications
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Farrell, A., *Cioletti, A., *Talcott, A., *Rector, M., Brgoch, S. M., & Barcelona, R. J. (in press). Risky business: Reopening recreational sport facilities during COVID-19. Journal of Applied Sport Management.
*Kapusta, R., & Lower-Hoppe, L. M., (in press). Golf course website: A case analysis of ADA Title III website compliance. The Physical Educator.
*Cioletti, A. & Lower-Hoppe, L. M. (in press). The clash of sports officials and fans: When free speech borders harassment. The Physical Educator.
McCray, K.,Evans, J. O., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Ryder, A., & Brgoch, S. M. (2023). Does athlete status explain sexual violence victimization and perpetration on college campuses? A socio-ecological study. Journal of Interpersonal Violence. https://doi.org/10.1177/08862605231178356
*Romano, A., *Schuetz, L., Oja, B. D., & Lower-Hoppe, L. M. (2023). Skating to legitimacy: Institutional work practices within collegiate club hockey. Leisure Studies. https://doi.org/10.1080/02614367.2023.2218597
Newman, T., McCray, K., & Lower-Hoppe, L., Rockhill, C., *Ingram, D., *Ohanasian, J., & Simmons-Horton, S. (2023). Healthy masculinity construction: The influence of race, faith, and athletics. Children & Society, 37(3), 854-874. https://doi.org/10.1111/chso.12634
*Brgoch, S. M., Giannoulakis, C., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Johnson, J., & Hankemeier, D. (2022). Impact of early sport specialization on interscholastic athletes and programs. Journal of Amateur Sport, 8(1), 1-27.
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Aicher, T. J., & Baker, B. J. (2022). Intention-behavior relationship within community running clubs: Examining the moderating influence of leisure constraints and facilitators within the environment. World Leisure Journal. https://doi.org/10.1080/16078055.2022.2125572
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Dahl, L. S., *Brgoch, S. M., & Dahl, S. (2022). Too much of a good thing? Exploring diminishing returns in collegiate recreational sports. Journal of Sport Behavior, 45(3), 41-60.
*Rockhill, C., Newman, T., *Ingram, D., Lower-Hoppe, L., & *Brgoch, S. (2022). Exploring how urban male youth athletes understand and value their own identities. Journal of Sport Behavior, 45(2), 185-202.
*Robinson, E., Newman, T., *Scheadler, T., Lower-Hoppe, L., & Baeth, A. (2022). The unique lived experiences of LBGQ athletes: A collegiate women’s rugby club team as an inclusive and empowering community. Journal of Homosexuality. https://doi.org/10.1080/00918369.2022.2160684
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., *Lee, W., *Brgoch, S. M., *Ryder, A., & *Lowe, C. (2022). Making the connection: Examining the antecedents and consequences of athlete burnout among collegiate sport club athletes. Journal of Sport Behavior, 45(4), 108-131.
*Davis, E. A., *Brgoch, S. M., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., *Lynch, M., *Johnston, D. A., Wray, D., McCray, K., & Parietti, M. L. (2022). Utilization and impact of career services among collegiate student-athletes. Journal of Athlete Development and Experience, 4(3), 230-247.
Horne, E., & Lower-Hoppe, L., Green, B. C. (2022). Co-creation in youth sport development: Examining (mis)alignment between coaches and parents. Sport Management Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/14413523.2022.2050107
*Lynch, M. R., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., *Brgoch, S. M., Evans, J. O., Bailey, R. L., Beattie, M., *Samad, M., & *Ryder, A. (2022). Implementation and evaluation of mock trial within undergraduate sport law curriculum. Sport Management Education Journal, 16(2), 130-141. https://doi.org/10.1123/smej.2021-0008
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Farrell, A., Barcelona, R. J., *Brgoch, S. M., *Lowe, C., & *Dunn, D. (2022). Reopening collegiate recreation during COVID-19: A case study of plans and policies. Recreational Sports Journal, 46(1), 16-30. https://doi.org/10.1177/15588661221086344
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Kim, A. C. H., *Brgoch, S. M., *Zwolski, C., *Paponetti, M. K., Schmitt, L., & Quatman-Yates, C. C. (2022). Investigating the social network structure of physical literacy scholars to advance a paradigm for physical activity promotion. Frontiers in Sports and Active Living, 4, 1-13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fspor.2022.809946
Evans, J. O., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., McCray, K., *Brgoch, S. M., *Ryder, A., & Burkhard, B. (2022). Sexual violence prevention among intercollegiate athletes, recreational athletes, and non-athletes: Environmental considerations for program interventions. Sport Social Work Journal, 1, 136-162.
Beattie, M. A., & Lower-Hoppe, L. M. (2022). The Marshall plan: How diversity and inclusion transformed the Dallas Mavericks’ organizational culture. Sport Management Education Journal, 16(1), 75-85. https://doi.org/10.1123/smej.2020-0043
Czekanski, W. A., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Marsh, P. J., & Petersen, J. C. (2021). Partnerships in collegiate sport clubs: A social exchange perspective. European Sport Management Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1080/16184742.2021.1952467
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Anderson-Butcher, D., *Newman, T. J., & Logan, J. (2021). The influence of peers on life skill development and transfer in a sport-based positive youth development program. Journal of Sport for Development, 9(2), 69-85.
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Czekanski, W. A., Marsh, P. J., Petersen, J. C., & *Brgoch, S. M. (2021). The collegiate sport club model: Development of a conceptual framework. International Journal of Sport Management, 22(3), 241-271.
Anderson-Butcher, D., Bates, S., Amorose, T., Wade-Mdivanian, R., & Lower-Hoppe, L. (2021). Social-emotional learning interventions in youth sport: What matters in design? Child and Adolescent Social Work, 38, 367-379. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10560-021-00773-w
Judge, L. W., Petersen, J., Bellar, D. M., Lower, L. M., Schoeff, M. A., Blake, A. S., Zupin, D., & Nordmann, N. (2021). Growing the Youth Olympic Games: Comparing millennial generation sport festival engagement. International Journal of Exercise Science, 14(6), 578-593.
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., *Evans, J., & *Brgoch, S. M. (2021). Examining the social cognitive determinants of collegiate recreational sport involvement and outcomes. Leisure/Loisir, 45(2), 207-236. https://doi.org/10.1080/14927713.2021.1874832
Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Evans, J. O., Bailey, R. L., & *Brgoch, S. M. (2021). Mock trial: Transforming curriculum through coopetition. Sport Management Education Journal, 15(1), 54-56. https://doi.org/10.1123/smej.2020-0006
*Newman, T. J., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Burch, M., & Paluta, L. (2021). Advancing positive youth development-focused coach education: Contextual factors of youth sport and youth sport leader perceptions. Managing Sport & Leisure, 26(4), 326-340. https://doi.org/10.1080/23750472.2020.1766760
Newman, T. J., *Jefka, B., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., *Kimiecik, C., *Brgoch, S., *Dillard, R., *Dwyer, K., *Rockhill, C., & *Ingram, D. (2021). Youth identity formation: (Mis)alignment between urban male youth and sport coaches. Children & Youth Services Review, 120, 105733. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.childyouth.2020.105733
*Ryder, A., Hsaio, R., Lower-Hoppe, L., Turner, B., Storti, K. L., Paternostro-Bayles, M. & McKee, K. (2021). Specialization versus diversification: Impact of female youth sport experiences. Journal of Sport Behavior, 44(1), 120-140.
Selected Presentations
- Brgoch, S., Lower-Hoppe, L., Turner, B., Quatman-Yates, C., & Sutherland, S. (2023, May). Bridging the gap: A scoping review on early sport specialization and diversification recommendations. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management 2023 Conference, Montreal, Canada.
- *Rethorn, T., Kronenberg, J., Brgoch, S., Zwolski, C., Lower-Hoppe, L., Worthen-Chaudhari, L., Schmitt, L., Bogner, J., & Quatman-Yates, C. (2023, May). Physical activity variability in individuals with chronic brain injury. Paper accepted for presentation at the American College of Sports Medicine Annual Meeting, Denver, CO.
- *Schuetz, L., *Romano, A., Oja, B., & Lower-Hoppe, L. (2022, September). Institutional work practices within a club sport team: Implications of professionalization. Paper presented at the European Association for Sport Management Conference, Innsbruck, Austria.
- McCray, K. L., Evans, J., Ryder, A., Brgoch, S., & Lower-Hoppe, L. M. (2022, June). Is college sport an at-risk community? Examining student- and school-level predictors of sexual violence victimization and perpetration among intercollegiate, recreational, and non-athlete populations. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management 2022 Conference, Atlanta, GA.
- Davis, E. A., & Lower-Hoppe, L. M. (2022, April). “Sport is a competition”: The effects of a performance narrative on adolescent athlete identity development. Paper presented at the North American Society for the Sociology of Sport 2022 Conference, Montreal, Quebbec, CA.
- Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Brgoch, S. M., McCray, K. L., Evans, J. O., & Ryder, A. (2022, February). Sexual violence prevention among intercollegiate athletes, recreational athletes, and non-athletes: Environmental considerations for program interventions. Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Brgoch, S. M., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Farrell, A., Barcelona, R., *Dunn, D., & *Lowe, C. (2022, February). Reopening collegiate recreation during COVID-19: A case study of plans and policies. Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Davis, E., & Lower-Hoppe, L. (2022, February). Redefining the norm: Adolescent athlete identity development during the COVID-19 pandemic. Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Indianapolis, IN.
- Lower-Hoppe, L., Pastore, D., Strode, J., McCray, K., & Walton, D. (2021, October). Modes of course delivery pre-, mid-, post-COVID-19: Perspectives from administration, faculty, and students in higher education. Paper presented at the International Society for Exploring Teaching & Learning Annual Conference, Virtual.
- Lower-Hoppe, L., Brgoch, S., & Newman, T. (2021, May). Developing and managing sport team captains as formal leaders: Perspectives from collegiate coaches. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management 2021 Conference, Virtual.
- Lower-Hoppe, L., Lee, W., Brogch, S., Ryder, A., & Lowe, C. (2021, May). Making the connection: Antecedents and consequences of athlete burnout among collegiate sport club members. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management 2021 Conference, Virtual.
- Beattie, M.,& Lower-Hoppe, L. (2021, May). Using the case method to teach students the value of an organizational culture of diversity. Paper presented at the North American Society for Sport Management 2021 Conference, Teaching and Learning Fair, Virtual.
- Ryder, A., Brgoch, S., Lower-Hoppe, L., Lowe, C., Bailey, R., Dahl, S., & Wray, D. (2021, February). How do collegiate sport clubs achieve organizational effectiveness? Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Virtual.
- Davis, E. A., Brgoch, S. M., Lower-Hoppe, L. M., Lynch, M., Johnston, D., Wray, D., McCray, K., & Parietti, M. L. (2021, February). Utilization and impact of career services among collegiate student-athletes. Paper presented at the Applied Sport Management Association Conference, Virtual.
- Newman, T., Lower-Hoppe, L., Jefka, B., Dwyer, K., Rockhill, C., Ingram, D., Brgoch, S., Kimiecik, C., & Dillard, D. (2021, January). Influences of youth identity formation: Areas of (mis)alignment among youth and adults involved in a sport-based positive youth development program. Poster presented at the Society for Social Work and Research 25th Annual Conference, Virtual