Azita Manouchehri

Headshot of Azita Manouchehri

Professor, Department of Teaching and Learning

Program Area: Math, STEM

(614) 688-4258


Dr. Azita Manouchehri is professor of mathematics education in the Department of Teaching and Learning. She completed her doctorate in mathematics education under the guidance of Dr. James W. Wilson at the University of Georgia. Her scholarly work in the past decade has concentrated on identifying factors that enhance or impede successful implementation of reformed based mathematics teaching in classroom settings.

Dr. Manouchehri has conducted nearly 100 professional development sessions and seminars on various topics including: technology in mathematics, mathematical problem solving, mathematical problem posing, the role and features of inquiry in mathematics classroom, authentic assessment in mathematics for middle, high school, university faculty, and researchers across the country.

Dr. Manouchehri is a member of National Council of Teachers of Mathematics, Psychology of Mathematics Education, American Educational Research council, Research Council on Mathematics Learning, Mathematical Association of America, Association of Mathematics Teacher Educators and Association of Women in Mathematics.

Research Interests

Research Summary

Manouchehri's research focuses on understanding the anatomy of inquiry based mathematics instruction and factors that contribute to the development of generative mathematical discourse among learners. As such, she examines the role of teachers' subject matter knowledge, cultural tools (in particular, technology), and innovative curriculum on the emerging patterns of interactions in mathematics classrooms. Drawing from Bandura's socio-cognitive theory, she her work attempts to distinguish the processes by which individuals both internalize and contribute to socially-constructed mathematical meanings and ways in which those meanings are communicated by individuals in the learning environment.

Her current research focuses on three interpenetrating domains. Firstly, she is involved in developing research based, pedagogically powerful contexts that successfully engage mathematical inquiry among middle and secondary teachers. Secondly, she studies the utility of such materials on development of mathematical knowledge among teachers. Thirdly, closely linked to the previous two agendas, she is vested in designing research instruments that capture growth of knowledge base for mathematics teaching as it pertains to secondary teaching and curriculum.

Selected Grants

  • 2005-2007, Co-PI (with Douglas Lapp): CONCEPT: CONnecting Content and Pedagogical preparation of Teachers. National Science Foundation.
  • 2003- 2004, Research Fellow- Central Michigan University.
  • 2002-2004, Studying the autonomy of inquiry based mathematics learning and teaching. Faculty Research and Creative Endeavor.
  • 2001-2003, Listening to teacher's voice. PRIF: President's Research Investment Fund.

Selected Publications

  • Manouchehri, A. & Almohalwass, A. (in press). Using case based tasks in mathematics teacher preparation: What is appropriate? Teaching Children Mathematics Journal.
  • Manouchehri, A. (in press). Inquiry-discussion based mathematics teaching. Mathematics Teacher, Focus issue on Discourse in mathematics classroom.
  • Manouchehri, A. (in press). Task design in mathematics teacher education: Bridging theoretical views and practical considerations. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education: Focus issue on task design in mathematics teacher preparation.
  • Manouchehri, A. & St. John, D. (2006). From classroom discussions to mathematical discourse, Mathematics Teacher, 99 (8), 544-560.
  • Manouchehri, A. (2004). Learning to ask good questions. In Michelle Chappell (Ed.) Empowering beginning teachers of mathematics. National Council of Teachers of Mathematics Year book: Author.
  • Manouchehri, A. (2004). Using interactive algebra software to support a discourse community. The Journal of Mathematical Behavior, 23, 37-62.
  • Manouchehri, A. (2004). Reforming high school mathematics: Considering the teachers' perspectives. Action in Teacher Education, 11(4), 98-123.
  • Manouchehri, A. (2004). Teachers' motivational style and reform implementation. Urban Education. 39(5), 472-508.
  • Manouchehri, A. (2003). Exploring number structures with electronic spreadsheets. In Ivan Baugh, & Anne Raymond (Eds.) Making math success happen (257-261). International Society for Technology in Education, Eugene, OR.
  • Manouchehri, A., & Pagnucco L. (2003). Explorations with technology. In Ivan Baugh, & Anne Raymond (Eds.) Making math success happen (233-237). International Society for Technology in Education, Eugene, OR.
  • Manouchehri, A. & Enderson, M. (2003). Peer discourse and learning to teach mathematics. Teacher Education Quarterly, 30(1), 113-137.
  • Manouchehri, A. & Lapp, D. A. (2003). Unveiling student understanding with questioning. Mathematics Teacher, 96(8), 561-569.
  • Manouchehri, A. (2003). Mathematical modeling as a vehicle to reform secondary mathematics teaching. Focus: Learning Problems in Mathematics, 25(2), 52-74.
  • Jiang, J., Manouchehri, A., & Enderson, M. C. (2003). Geometric explorations with dynamic geometry software. Erudition Books, North Chelmsford, MA.
  • Manouchehri, A. (In progress). Problem based technology enhanced geometry learning and teaching.
  • Manouchehri, A. (in progress). Analyzing Classroom Interactions and Mathematics Learning Using Case Studies