Diane Sainato

Faculty Emeritus, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: Special Education
(614) 292-8709
- PhD, The University of Pittsburgh
Selected Publications
- Jung, S., & Sainato, D. M. (in press). Teaching play skills to young children with autism. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability.
- Jung, S., & Sainato, D. M. (in press). Teaching play skills to young children with autism. Journal of Intellectual and Developmental Disability.
- Jung, S., Sainato, D. M., & Davis, C. A., (2008). Using high-probability request sequences to increase social interactions in young children with autism. Journal of Early Intervention, 30(3), 163–187.
- Jung, S., Sainato, D. M., & Davis, C. A., (2008). Using high-probability request sequences to increase social interactions in young children with autism. Journal of Early Intervention, 30(3), 163–187
- Morrison, R. S., Sainato, D. M. BenChaaban, D. & Endo, S. (2002). Increasing the play skills of children with autism in an inclusive classroom using activity schedules and correspondence training. Journal of Early Intervention, 25(1), 58–72.