Matt Mayhew

Headshot of Matt Mayhew

William Ray & Marie Admsn Flsh, Department of Educational Studies

Program Area: Higher Education and Student Affairs

(614) 292-2387

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Matthew J. Mayhew is the William Ray and Marie Adamson Flesher Professor of Educational Administration with a focus on Higher Education and Student Affairs at The Ohio State University. He received his BA from Wheaton College, Illinois; his master’s degree from Brandeis University; and his PhD from the University of Michigan.

He has focused his research on examining the relationship between college and its influence on student learning and democratic outcomes. To support the study of college and its impact on student development and learning, he has been awarded more than $20 million in funding from sources including the United States Department of Education; the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation; the Merrifield Family Trust; the National Science Foundation and an anonymous non-religiously affiliated organization with interests in social cooperation. He is the current editor of the Digest of Recent Research. He has been on the editorial boards of the Journal of Higher Education, Research in Higher Education, and the Journal of College Student Development. He recently received the American Educational Research Association Religion and Education SIG Emerging Scholar Award. He was also recognized as a diamond honoree by ACPA-College Student Educators International.


  • PhD, Higher Education Administration: Research, Evaluation, and Assessment, University of Michigan – Ann Arbor, 2004
  • MA, Developmental/Social Psychology, Brandeis University, 1999
  • BA, Psychology and Theology, Wheaton College, 1996

Research Summary

EDiCTS and EDiCTS 2.0

The Enhancing Diversity in Career and Technical STEM (EDiCTS) project is a multi-year study that seeks to enhance diverse student representation in the automotive technical fields by increasing their recruitment, retention, graduation, and workforce entry via the development of extra-curricular elements, institutional financial support, and iterated program evaluation and training. EDiCTS is a partnership project between researchers in The Ohio State’s College Impact Laboratory (CoIL), The Ford Motor Company, the ECMC Foundation, and select community colleges that offer the Automotive Student Service Educational Training (ASSET) program.

EDiCTS 2.0 builds on the findings from EDiCTS and will scale up the project to all community colleges across the U.S. that house the ASSET program (approximately 40 two-year institutions). Through a rigorous randomized delayed treatment design, EDiCTS 2.0 will add educational modules around financial literacy and mental health awareness to enhance the wellbeing of students in the ASSET program while continuing institutional financial support and evaluative data collection.


The EmPOWERment Project is funded by a five-year multi-million dollar grant from the National Science Foundation. Now entering its last year, this project uses mixed methods to evaluate the experiences and learning outcomes of graduate students enrolled in a novel trans-disciplinary STEM program. This STEM program leverages cutting-edge pedagogies and practices in order to prepare graduates for the difficult work of effectively de-carbonizing commercial electricity production in the United States.

Including Faculty on Religious, Spiritual, & Secular Mattering (InFORM)

InFORM seeks to capture information on faculty religious, spiritual, and secular (RSS) identification patterns and examine how the expression of RSS beliefs of faculty working in American colleges and universities shape their teaching, research, and service. This project is funded by the Templeton Religion Trust.

Interfaith, Spiritual, Religious, and Secular Campus Climate Index (INSPIRES)

INSPIRES is an assessment tool that measures, evaluates, and represents an institution’s efforts towards, and commitment to, establishing a welcoming climate for students of different worldview identities. This project is funded by the Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, an organization committed to courageous multi-faith efforts.

Selected Grants

  • Mayhew, M. J., Sayre, J., Bielicki, J. M., Crisafulli, C., Jones, L. (2024).  Bridging Academic Training Through Experiential Research and Innovation (BATTERI). NSF-ExLENT. Funded: $999,887
  • Mayhew, M. J. (2023). The National Study of Faculty Religious, Spiritual, and Secular Affiliation and Practice. Templeton Religion Trust (TRT). Funded: $1,122,401
  • Mayhew, M. J. (2022). EDiCTS: Enhancing Diversity in Career and Technical STEM. Educational Credit Management Corporation (ECMC) Foundation. Funded: $499,912
  • Mayhew, M. J. (2021). Interfaith Spiritual Religious and Secular Campus Climate Index (INSPIRES Index). The Arthur Vining Davis Foundation. Funded: $522,925 
  • Mayhew, M. J., Sioshansi, R., Irwin, E., Ramnath, R., and Jeffrey Beilicki (2019). Convergent Graduate Training and EmPOWERment for a Sustainable Energy Future. National Science Foundation. Funded: $2,980,383
  • Mayhew, M. J. (2019). Assessment of Collegiate Residential Environments and Outcomes. Funded: $18,200
  • Mayhew, M. J., Interfaith Youth Core and Alyssa N. Rockenbach (2018). Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Funded: $1,000,000
  • Mayhew, M. J., Interfaith Youth Core and Alyssa N. Rockenbach (2018). Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey. Fetzer Institute. Funded: $527,888
  • Mayhew, M. J. (2018). Exploring the effectiveness of pedagogical innovative practices in the development of student leaders’ innovation capacities. Funded: $3,600
  • Mayhew, M. J. (2018). Assessment of Collegiate Residential Environments and Outcomes. Funded: $13,500
  • Mayhew, M. J. (2017). iLead: Expanding Innovative Leadership Capacities. Funded: $2,500
  • Mayhew, M. J. (2017). Project Innovative Leadership (iLead). Funded: $1,500
  • Mayhew, M. J., Interfaith Youth Core and Alyssa N. Rockenbach (2017). Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey – Case Studies. Funded: $1,500
  • Mayhew, M. J. (2017). The Study of Integrated Living Learning Programs. Funded: $24,500
  • Mayhew, M. J., Interfaith Youth Core and Alyssa N. Rockenbach (2017). Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey. Fetzer Institute. Funded: $500,000
  • Mayhew, M. J., Interfaith Youth Core and Alyssa N. Rockenbach (2017). Interfaith Diversity Experiences and Attitudes Longitudinal Survey. The Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. Funded: $1,200,000

Selected Publications


  • Mayhew, M. J., Rockenbach, A.B., Seifert, T.A., Bowman, N.A., & Wolniak, G.C. (2016). How College Affects Students: A Third Decade of Research. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
  • Bryant, A. N., & Mayhew, M. J. (2013). Spirituality Enacted in Higher Education: Translating Research into Practice. New York, NY: Routledge.

Book Chapters

  • Dahl, L. S., Youngerman, E., Stipeck, C. J., & Mayhew, M. J. (2023). Elevating Equity in Living–Learning Communities: Faculty Strategies for Engaging “New Majority” Students. In J. Eidum, & L. Lomicka (Eds.), The faculty factor: A vision for developing faculty engagement with living learning communities (pp. 19-33). Routledge.
  • Núñez, A. M., Mayhew, M. J., Shaheen, M., & McChesney, E. (2023). Critical quantitative intersectionality: Maximizing integrity in expanding tools and applications. In Handbook of Critical Education Research (pp. 430-451). Routledge.
  • Singer, K., Durako Fisher, L. E., Mayhew, M. J., & Rockenbach, A. N. (2021). How foreign language faculty are helping students engage and appreciate worldview differences. In D. J. Davis (Ed.), United we stand: The role of spirituality in engaging and healing communities. Charlotte, NC: Information Age.
  • Mayhew, M. & McChesney, E. (2020). The abiding promise of OSU. In S. Gavazzi & D. Staley (Eds.), Fulfilling the 21st century land-grant mission: Essays in honor of The Ohio State University’s sesquicentennial commemoration. Columbus, OH: The Ohio State University Press.
  • Correia-Harker, B. P., Snipes, J. T., Rockenbach, A. N., & Mayhew, M. J. (2019). Student perceptions of and engagement with worldview diversity. In K. Goodman, M. E. Giess, & E. Patel (Eds.), Educating about religious diversity and interfaith engagement (pp. 22-39). Sterling, VA: Stylus.
  • Morin, S. M., Foste, Z. H., Mayhew, M. J., Rockenbach, A. N. (2019). Creating space for support and expression of diverse worldviews: A case exploring religious identity development. In J. C. Garvey, J. C. Harris, D. R. Means, & C. J. Porter (Eds.), Case studies for student development theory: Advancing social justice & inclusion in higher education. New York, NY: Routledge.
  • Selznick, B. S., Zhang, L., Mayhew, M. J., Bock, C., & Dilmetz, D. (2019). Developing students’ innovation capacities: A comparison between US and Germany. In R. M. O. Pritchard, M. O’Hara, C. Milsom, J. Williams, & L. Matei (Eds.), The Three C-s of Higher Education: Competition, Collaboration and Complementarity, (pp. 233-250). Budapest, Hungary: Central European University Press.

Published Refereed Articles

  • Bielicki, J., Weng, Y-H., Creamer, E., Mayhew, M. (2024). EmPOWERing a Sustainable Energy Future through Interconnected Curricular and Co-Curricular Pedagogies. In Proceedings of the American Society of Engineering Education 2024 Annual Research Conference and Exposition. #42682. American Society of Engineering Education. [Selected as the best paper at the conference.]
  • Rockenbach, A.N., & Mayhew, M.J. (2024). Pathways to Religious Pluralism in College: A Critical Analysis of Identity, Campus Contexts, and Engagement. The Review of Higher Education 47(4), 401-435.
  • Selznick, B.S., Mayhew, M.J., Winkler, C.E. et al. (2024). Developing College Students’ Jewish Appreciation: A Four-year Mixed-methods Study. Innovative Higher Education.
  • Dahl, L. S., Staples, B. A., Mayhew, M. J., & Rockenbach, A. N. (2023). Meeting Students Where They Are: Using Rasch Modeling for Improving the Measurement of Active Research in Higher Education. Innovative Higher Education, 48(3), 557-577.
  • Selznick, B. S., Mayhew, M. J., Dahl, L. S., & Rockenbach, A. N. (2022). Developing appreciative attitudes toward Jews: A multi-campus investigation. The Journal of Higher Education, 93(2), 297-325.
  • Duran, A., Dahl, L. S., Prieto, K., Hooten, Z., & Mayhew, M. J. (2022). Exposing the intersections in LGBQ+ student of color belongingness: Disrupting hegemonic narratives sustained in college impact work. Journal of Diversity in Higher Education, 15(2), 153.
  • Selznick, B. S., Mayhew, M. J., Winkler, C. E., & McChesney, E. T. (2022, May). Developing innovators: A longitudinal analysis over four college years. In Frontiers in Education, 7(2022), 1-12.
  • Shaheen, M., Mayhew, M. J., & Rockenbach, A. N. (2022). Religious coercion on public university campuses: Looking beyond the street preacher. Journal of College Student Development, 63(1), 69-84.
  • Riggers-Piehl, T., Dahl, L. S., Staples, B. A., Selznick, B. S., Mayhew, M. J., & Rockenbach, A. N. (2022). Being evangelical is complicated: How students’ identities and experiences moderate their perceptions of campus climate. Review of Religious Research, 64(2), 199-224.
  • Mayhew, M. J., Selznick, B., Zhang, L., Barnes, A., & Mangia, S. (2021). Teaching innovation capacities in undergraduate leadership courses: the influence of a short-term pedagogical intervention. The Journal of Higher Education, 92(6), 877-896.
  • Bock, C., Dilmetz, D., Selznick, B. S., Zhang, L., & Mayhew, M. J. (2021). How the university ecosystem shapes the innovation capacities of undergraduate students–evidence from Germany. In Innovation and Entrepreneurship in the Academia (pp. 73-108). Routledge.
  • Selznick, B. S., Dahl, L. S., Youngerman, E., & Mayhew, M. J. (2021). Equitably linking integrative learning and students’ innovation capacities. Innovative Higher Education, 1-21.

Selected Presentations

  • [Forthcoming] Townsend, S. W., Creamer, E. T., & Mayhew, M. J. (2024, November). Striving for success: Self-determination as a driver of student aspirations in community college technical education. Podium presentation at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
  • [Forthcoming ] Weng, Y., McChesney, E.T., Selznick B. & Mayhew M. J. (2024, November). The Role of Reflective Practice in Enhancing Interdisciplinary Team Among STEM Ph.D. Work-in Progress Presentation presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
  • [Forthcoming] Weng, Y. & Mayhew M. J. (2024, November). Unleashing innovation: The impact of interdisciplinary training on graduate team scientists' innovation capacities. Paper Presentation presented at at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
  • Bielicki, J., Weng, Y., Creamer, E., & Mayhew M. J. (2024, June). Cultivating Ph.D. students’ innovation capacities through interdisciplinary learning. Paper Presentation presented at American Society for Engineering Education, Portland, OR, United States.
  • Weng, Y., McChesney, E.T., & Mayhew M. J. (2023, November). Examining the Development of Team Scientists: Experiences in an Interdisciplinary STEM Ph.D. Program. Work-in Progress Presentation presented at the Association for the Study of Higher Education (ASHE) Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
  • Weng, Y., Creamer, E., & Mayhew M. J. (2023, October). Unlocking the potential of interdisciplinary STEM program: Leveraging campus resources for enhance outcomes [Poster presentation]. NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) annual meeting at Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ, United States [Remote].
  • McChesney, E. T., Agarwal, A., Bielicki, J., Dormady, N., Irwin, E., Mayhew, M. J., Newton, E., Quiring, S., Ramnath, R., & Sayre, J. (2021, January). Effects of a level-setting bootcamp for interdisciplinary STEM students [Poster presentation]. NSF Research Traineeship (NRT) annual meeting. [Remote].