Dustin Miller

Chair Titles, Department of Educational Studies
Clinical Assistant Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Interim Associate Chair, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: Educational Administration
(614) 688-3891
Dr. Miller is the director of the EdD in Educational Administration and an assistant professor - clinical in the Department of Educational Studies at The Ohio State University. His research interests focus on principal professional learning, leading in times of crises, and creating supportive LGBTQ+ environments for school leaders and teachers. He teaches courses on leadership, professional learning, and human resource management.
Dr. Miller spent 20 years in k-12 as a high school principal, middle school principal, director of secondary education, and an English teacher. He has served on the board of directors for the Ohio Association of Secondary School Administrators (OASSA), including a term as the president. In addition to his service on the OASSA board of directors, he has chaired the Assistant Principal Committee, the Curriculum Leadership Committee, the Athletic Committee, and has presented at several OASSA conferences on topics varying from educational change in the 21st century to effective communication for leaders. He also held an appointment on the Ohio Department of Education Standards Board.
Dr. Miller is a member of the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the American Educational Research Association, the University Council for Educational Administration, and the Carnegie Project on the Education Doctorate.
- PhD, Educational Administration, The Ohio State University
- MA, Education, The Ohio State University
- BS, Education, The Ohio State University
Research Interests
- Education Policy
- Educational Administration
- Professional Learning
- Purposeful Communication
- The Principalship (High School)
- Understanding Leadership Stress (Weight of Responsibility)
- Educational Statistics and Research Methods
Research Summary
- Educational Administration
- The High School Principalship
- Professional Learning
- Leading in Crisis
- Queer Leadership Studies
- Supporting LGBTQ+ school leaders
- Creating support school environments for LGBTQ+ students and educators
- History of LGBTQ+ school leaders
- Doctorate of Education (EdD)
- Scholarly Practitioner
- Dissertations in Practice
- Attributes of EdD Students
Selected Publications
- Miller, D. & Anthony, A. (2021). “Professional learning plan: A tool to facilitate teacher collaboration and improve instructional practice.” Journal of Cases in Educational Leadership, 1-19. https://doi.org/10.1177/15554589211021139
- Gimbert, B., Miller, D., Herman, E., Breedlove, M., & Molina, C. E. (2021). Social emotional learning in schools: The importance of educator competence. Journal of Research on Leadership Education, 1-37. https://doi.org/10.1177/19427751211014920
Selected Presentations
- Long, N. & Miller, D. (accepted). First year principals: Understanding where school leaders face challenges. Proposal for paper presentation at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Convention, November 2021.
- Miller, D. (2021). Reducing stress: How to effectively navigate interactions with angry parents. Presentation to the Buckeye Valley & Delaware City Schools Summer Academy. Delaware, Ohio, USA.
- Pompei, V., Miller, D., Garrison, R. (2021). Creating supportive and inclusive environments for LGBTQ+ students and educators. Presentation to the National Association of Secondary School Principals Conference. Virtual.
- Anthony, A. B., Miller, D., & Beard, K. S. (2020). Reimagining education: A framework for equitable blended learning. Proposal for paper presentation at the annual meeting of the University Council for Educational Administration, Convention, November 2020.
- Miller, D. (2020). Social justice in K-12 settings. Panel presentation to The Ohio State University, College of Education and Human Ecology, Department of Educational Studies Diversity Lecture Series. Virtual.
- Miller, D. (2020). Communication 101: Maximizing your interactions with others. Presentation to the Young Professionals Academy and Dublin Teachers Academy. Virtual.
- Miller, D. & Garrison, D. R. (2020). How school administrators can create supportive and inclusive environments for LGBTQ students and educators. Presentation at the Time to Thrive Conference. Washington D.C., USA.
- Miller, D. & Schwanke, J. (2019). You’re not alone: Tips for being an effective school leader in trying times. Presentation at the Northwest Ohio Educational Research Council. Bowling Green, Ohio, USA.