Darcy Haag Granello
Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: Counselor Education
(614) 688-4605
Darcy Haag Granello, Ph.D., LPCC-S
Professor of Counselor Education
Darcy Haag Granello, Ph.D., is a Professor of Counselor Education and Director of The Ohio State University Suicide Prevention Program. She is an Ohio Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with a Supervising Credential and a Fellow of the American Counseling Association. She has published over 70 articles in peer-reviewed national journals, has made over 300 international, national, and state presentations and has secured over $3 million in grants and funding. She is co-author of four books (Suicide: An essential guide for helping professionals and educators; Suicide, self-injury and violence in the schools; Counseling Today: Foundations of professional identity; School bullying and violence: Interventions for school mental health specialists). One of Darcy’s research foci is in suicide prevention, assessment, and intervention, and she is the founder and director of the largest campus program in the United States to develop and implement a comprehensive suicide prevention plan for the OSU campus. Her second area of interest is in counselor education, specifically the cognitive development of counselors, counseling supervision and developing cultural competence in supervision, and attitudes towards persons with mental illness.
Please see Dr. Haag Granello’s personal website for most up-to-date Curriculum Vitae.
- Doctor of Philosophy, Counselor Education. Ohio University, Athens, Ohio. 1996. Dissertation title: An analysis of interactional patterns and influence strategies and their relationship to gender in the clinical supervisory dyad.
- Master of Science, Mental Health Counseling, Stetson University, DeLand, FL. 1993.
- Master of Arts, Political Science, Stetson University, DeLand, Florida. 1990.
- Bachelor of Arts, Political Science, Stetson University, DeLand, Florida. 1987.
- Fellow. American Counseling Association. 2018.
- “The ACA Fellows Awards are the highest honor granted by the American Counseling Association. ACA Fellows are ACA members who have contributed to the counseling profession throughout their career and have made significant contributions through professional practice, scientific achievement and governance, or teaching and training.”
- Recipient. Ohio Counseling Association Herman J. Peters Award, 2017.
- given to one “who promotes innovative ideas and theories in the counseling field and has a significant impact on future trends.”
- Recipient. OSU Alumni Award for Distinguished Teaching, 2011.
- This award is the “highest honor given to OSU faculty.” The Distinguished Teaching Award recognizes “superior teaching and [faculty are] nominated by present and former students and colleagues and selected by a committee of alumni, students, and faculty”
- Founding Member. School of PAES Faculty Teaching Academy, 2010.
- Inducted into the academy that recognizes faculty in the OSU School of PAES who work to constantly improve their teaching.
- Recognition as one of the top ten (#7) leading contributors internationally to the field of multicultural research within the fields of counseling, psychology, and social work. The article listed “Leading contributors to the Multicultural Counseling Competencies Empirical Research Literature (1986-2005).”
- Article citation: Worthington, R. L., Soth-McNett, A. M., & Moreno, M. V. (2007). Multicultural counseling competencies research: A 20-year content analysis. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 54(4), 351-361.
- Recipient, Ohio Counseling Association Chuck Weaver Award, 2010.
- Awarded for “long & distinguished service to the counseling profession and exemplary caring for people.”
- Recipient, United Nations Association Peace Medal. 1987.
- Awarded by the United Nations Association. Given for work to promote international peace through understanding.
Selected Publications
BOOKS (2012-2020)
- Granello, D. H., & Young, M. E. (2012; 2019). Counseling Today: Foundations of Professional Identity. Boston: Pearson.
- Juhnke, G. A., Granello, D. H. & Granello, P. F. (2020). School Bullying and Violence: Interventions for school mental health specialists. Series: Interventions for School Mental Health Specialists. Book 1 of the series. Oxford University Press.
- Baker, E., Zyromski, B, & Granello, D. H. (in press). School or Guidance Counselor: How the title influences public perception. Professional School Counseling.
- Garcia, G., Granello, D. H., & Boehm, K. (2020). At last: Empirical proof that the ‘R-Word’ really must go: The influence of terminology on tolerance. Inclusion, 8(2), 155-162. doi: 10.1352/2326-6988-8.2.155
- Inclusion chose to feature this article on their YouTube channel and make a brief spotlight video about the findings: https://youtu.be/3N6wBiTfxPY
- Slesnick, N., Zhang, J., Feng, Z, Wu, Q, Cully, L, & Granello, D. H. (2020). Cognitive therapy for suicide prevention: A randomized pilot with suicidal youth experiencing homelessness. Cognitive Therapy & Research (42), 402-411. doi:10.1007/s10608-019-10068-1
- Li, D., Duys, D. K., & Granello, D. H. (2020). Applying Markov Chain Analysis to supervisory interactions. Journal of Counselor Preparation and Supervision,13(1). doi: 10.7729/131.1325
- Zyromski, B., Hudson, T. D., Baker, E., & Granello, D. H. (2019). Guidance Counselors or School Counselors: How the name of the profession influences perceptions of competence. Professional School Counseling, 22(1), 1-10.
- Because of the importance of this topic to the School Counseling profession, the American School Counselor Association released an Infographic with the findings of this article to its entire membership, with a copy on its website.
- Messerschmitt-Coen, S. & Granello, D. H. (2019). Cadets’ attitudes toward help-seeking: The effects of language and labels. Journal of Military & Government Counseling, 7(3), 83-96.
- Granello, D. H. (2019). The ‘R-Word’ is more than hate speech: Differences in counselors’ level of tolerance based on language and labels. Journal of Humanistic Counseling, 58, 170-183.
- Li, D., Duys, D. K., & Granello, D. H. (2018). Interactional Patterns of Clinical Supervision: Using Sequential Analysis. Asia Pacific Journal of Counselling & Psychotherapy, 10(1), 70-92. 1-23. DOI: 10.1080/21507686.2018.1553791
- Fullen, M., Richardson, V., & Granello, D. H. (2018). Comparing successful aging, resilience, and holistic wellness as predictors of the good life. Educational Gerontology, 44, doi: 10.1080/03601277.2018.1501230
- Fullen, M.C., Granello, D.H., Richardson, V.E., & Granello, P.F. (2018). Using wellness and resilience to predict age perception in older adulthood. Journal of Counseling and Development, 94(4), 424-435.
- Fullen, M. C., & Granello, D. H. (2018). Holistic wellness in older adulthood: Group differences based on age and mental health. Journal of Holistic Nursing, 36(4), 395-407.
- Granello, D. H., & Gibbs, T. A. (2016). The power of language and labels: “The mentally ill” versus “person with mental illness.” Journal of Counseling & Development, 94, 31-40.
- According to Altmetric, which tracks online attention for scholarly journal articles, within two weeks of first appearing in the journal, this article had a score of 203, putting it in the 99th percentile of the nearly 7 million research outputs ever tracked by Altmetric.
- Altmetric Score as of December, 2016: 213
- This ranks #1 in the history of the journal
- This ranks #21,374 of over 7 million articles ranked by Altmetric (99.997%ile)
- Granello, D. H. & Granello, P. F. (2013). School-based suicide prevention programming: Responding to Mexico’s rise in youth suicide. Temas Selectos en Orientacion Psicologica (Mexican Counseling Association Journal),7, 15-24
- Borders, L. D., Wester, K. L., Granello, D. H., Chang, C. Y., Hayes, D. G., Pepperell, J., & Spurgeon, S. L. (2012). ACES Guidelines for Research Mentorship: Development and implementation. Counselor Education and Supervision, 51, 162-175.
- Ober, A., Granello, D. H., & Wheaton, J. E. (2012). Grief counseling: An investigation of counselors’ training, experience, and competencies. Journal of Counseling & Development, 90, 150-159.
Selected Presentations
- “Suicide Prevention Programming for College Aged Adults.” 8th International Academic Conference on Social Science. Xiamen, China. November, 2020. Keynote Speaker [Virtual Presentation].
- “Suicide Prevention Programming: Practical Strategies for Youth and College Aged Adults.” 7th International Academic Conference on Social Science. Prague, Czech Republic, July, 2019.
- “Suicide Intervention Strategies.” Mental Health Conference. Chengdu, China. June, 2018.
- “Professional Counsellor Identity Evolution: Researching Counsellor Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills.” British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists. Chester, England. May, 2017.
- “The Power of Language: How Words Can Affect Tolerance and Stigma.”
- Invited Keynote. Mental Health & Human Resilience Conference, Cologne, Germany. July 2016.
- “Using a Partnership Approach for Suicide Prevention Programming: An Enhanced Public Health Approach." Mental Health & Human Resilience Conference. Cologne, Germany. July, 2016.
- “Professional Counsellor Identity Evolution: Researching Counsellor Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills.” British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists. Brighton, England. May, 2016.
- “Suicide Assessment and Prevention in School and Community Settings.” Cairns, Australia. June, 2015. 6 hour keynote presentation. Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Conference. Edward Koch Foundation [NGO].
- “Using a Partnership Model for Suicide Prevention Programming” Cairns, Australia. June, 2015. Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Conference. Edward Koch Foundation [NGO].
- “Wellness in Counseling.” Brisbane, Australia, June, 2015.
- “Suicide Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention.” University of Reykjavik , Iceland. May, 2014.
- “Suicide Prevention and Intervention; Information for Counselors.” Universidad Iberoamericana. Mexico City. October, 2012.
- “Suicide Prevention Programming in the Schools.” Mexican Counseling Association. Mexico City. October, 2012.
- “Counseling Suicidal Students in Schools.” Mexican Counseling Association. Mexico City, October, 2012.
- “Suicide Prevention, Assessment, Intervention, and Research.” Two day workshop (each day was 10-hours of programming). Taipei, Taiwan. National Taipei College of Nursing. November, 2009.
- “Suicide Prevention: Living in Order to Live Life Fully.” International Counselling Conference. Cork, Ireland. July, 2007.