Paul Granello

Associate Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: Counselor Education
(614) 688-4931
Paul F. Granello is associate professor of Counselor Education in the Department of Educational Studies and a Fellow of the American Counseling Association. He is a Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor with Supervising Credential in Ohio, and in his clinical work in private practice, he specializes in working with clients who present with depression, anxiety, and suicide risk. Dr. Granello has two major research foci that straddle the two extremes of mental health: suicide and wellness.
Research Focus: Suicide. Dr. Granello is a founding partner with the Ohio Department of Mental Health in establishing the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation and received over $2.2 million in federal grants to provide suicide prevention in Ohio. Dr. Granello has published three books on suicide and presented and trained on suicide prevention, assessment, and intervention over 200 times.
Research Focus: Wellness. Dr. Granello is the founder of the OSU S.M.A.R.T. Lab (Stress Management and Resiliency Training), which provides services to over 200 OSU students, faculty, and staff each semester. He also created an undergraduate wellness course that helps students create wellness plans to guide them through their undergraduate careers. He also developed the OSU Wellness Certificate, which is a multi-disciplinary certificate that allows students across disciplines to develop expertise in wellness. Dr. Granello developed a statewide certification in Ohio for licensed professionals to become experts in wellness counseling. He has written two books on wellness and presented on the topic over 50 times.
Overall: Dr. Granello has published six books (Wellness: Achieving a Healthy Lifestyle; Wellness Counseling; School Bullying and Violence: Interventions for School Mental Health Specialists; Suicide, Self-Injury, and Violence in the School; Case Studies in Suicide; Suicide: An Essential Guide for Helping Professionals), and more than 45 peer-reviewed journal articles and book chapters.
Please see Dr. Granello’s personal website for the most up-to-date copy of his Curriculum Vitae.
- PhD, Counselor Education, Ohio University, 1995
- MS, Mental Health Counseling, Stetson University, 1990
- BA, Psychology, Stetson University, 1987
Research Interests
- Adolescent and At-Risk Youth
- Suicide
- Trauma
- Violence
- Behavioral Aspects of Health
- Goal Achievement
- Wellness
- Counselor Education/School Counseling and Guidance Services
- Clinical Mental Health
- Pathology
- Suicide and Trauma
- Technology in Counseling
- Wellness
- Family Systems
- Public Health Education and Promotion
- Suicide Prevention
- Wellness Education
Selected Grants
- Co-Investigator (2009-2012), The Ohio State University Campus Suicide Prevention Program. Funded by: Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, $300,000.
- Principal Investigator (2007-2010), The Ohio Youth Suicide Prevention and Risk Assessment Project. Funded by: Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, $1.2 million.
- Co-Investigator (2007-2010), The Ohio State University Campus Suicide Prevention Program. Funded by: Substance Abuse Mental Health Services Administration, $225,000.
- Principal Investigator (2007), A Violence Prevention K-12 Curriculum. Funded by: Ohio Department of Education, $125,000.
- Principal Investigator (2005-2007), Proposal For The Development Of A Memo Of Understanding Between The Ohio State University And The Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation. Funded by: Ohio Department of Mental Health, $670,000.
- Principal Investigator (2005-2007), Proposal For The Development Of A Memo Of Understanding Between The Ohio State University And The Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation. Funded by: Ohio Department of Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services, $115,000.
- Principal Investigator (2005), Risk Assessment Directed Treatment Planning For Chemically Dependent Adolescents. Funded by: The Ohio State University OSU Cares - OSU Cares Outreach Grant, $12,415 ($7,415-OSU; $5,000-partner match).
Selected Publications
- Juhnke, G.A., Granello, D. H., & Granello, P. F. (2020). School bullying and violence: Interventions for school mental health specialists. Series: School-Based Strategies for Responding to Trauma & Building Resilience. Book 1. New York: Oxford University Press.
- Granello, P. F. (2013). Wellness: Achieving a healthy lifestyle. Upper Saddle Ridge, NJ: Pearson.
- Granello, P. F. (2012). Wellness counseling. Upper Saddle Ridge, NJ: Pearson.
- Juhnke, G.A., Granello, D. H., & Granello, P. F. (2011). Suicide, self-injury, and violence in the schools: Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention Strategies. New York: Wiley
Chinese translation edition. (2014). Psychological Publication Co.
Korean translation edition. (2015). Psychological Publication Co. - Granello, P. F. & Juhnke, G.A., (2009) Case studies in suicide: Experiences of mental health professionals. Upper Saddle Ridge, NJ: Pearson.
- Granello, D. H., & Granello, P. F. (2007). Suicide: An essential guide for helping professionals and educators. Boston: Allyn & Bacon.
Selected International Keynote Presentations
- “Suicide Prevention Programming: Practical Strategies for Youth and College Aged Adults.” 7th International Academic Conference on Social Science. Prague, Czech Republic, July, 2019.
- “Clinical Suicide Aphorisms.” Mental Health Conference. Chengdu, China. June, 2018.
- “Professional Counsellor Identity Evolution: Researching Counsellor Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills.” British Association for Counsellors and Psychotherapists. Chester, England. May, 2017.
- “Suicide Aphorisms” Cologne, Germany. 2nd International Conference on Mental Health & Human Resilience. July 2016.
- “Professional Counsellor Identity Evolution: Researching Counsellor Knowledge, Attitudes, and Skills.” Brighton, United Kingdom. British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy. May, 2016.
- “Suicide Assessment and Prevention in School and Community Settings.” Cairns, Australia. 6 hour keynote presentation. Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Conference. Edward Koch Foundation [NGO]. June, 2015.
- “Using a Partnership Model for Suicide Prevention Programming” Cairns, Australia. Suicide and Self-Harm Prevention Conference. Edward Koch Foundation [NGO]. June, 2015.
- “Wellness in Counseling.” Brisbane, Australia, June, 2015.
- “Suicide Assessment, Prevention, and Intervention.” University of Reykjavik , Iceland. May, 2014.
- “Advanced Clinical Skills for Suicide Assessment and Treatment”, Invited keynote for Association of Mexican School Counselors, Mexico City, Mexico. October 2012.
- “Suicide Prevention and Intervention; Information for Counselors.” Universidad Iberoamericana. Mexico City, Mexico. October, 2012.
- “Counseling Suicidal Students in Schools.” Mexican Counseling Association. Mexico City, Mexico. October, 2012.
- "When One Door Closes Another Opens: Suicide Prevention Conference" Invited suicide conference in Taipei, Taiwan by Taiwan National University. Co-Presented over 20 hours of content in two day conference. Taipei-Taiwan, November, 2009.
- "Suicide Assessment" International Counselling Conference, Cork, Ireland. July, 2007
- "Wellness: Differences in Developmental Stages" International Counselling Conference, Cork, Ireland. July, 2007.
- "Suicide Assessment" International Counseling Conference, Brisbane, Australia. June, 2006.
- "Suicide: Prevention & Assessment" Australian Catholic University, Brisbane, Australia. June 2006.
- "Suicide Prevention, Assessment, & Treatment: Practical Assistance for Counselors" ACA Blue Ribbon Panel Program Selection: 2006, A Learning Institute in Montreal, Canada. American Counseling Association World Conference, April 2006
- "Suicide: Essential Information for Counselors" Canadian Counseling Association National Conference, Halifax, Nova Scotia, May 2003.