Scott Graves
![Headshot of Scott Graves](
Professor, Department of Educational Studies
Program Area: School Psychology
(614) 292-0644
Scott L. Graves, Jr., is a Professor of School Psychology and the Section Head of the Counselor Education and Counseling and School Psychology (CECSP) programs in the Department of Educational Studies at The Ohio State University. He earned his doctorate in educational psychology (school psychology emphasis) from the University of Kentucky. His research interests can be broadly categorized as understanding protective factors that lead to appropriate development in early childhood. His research agenda focuses on identifying strengths in African American children that lead to positive social–emotional and academic outcomes. Dr. Graves is the former Chair of the American Psychological Association’s (APA) Committee on Ethnic Minority Affairs (CEMA) and Committee on Psychological Tests and Assessment (CPTA). He also previously served as Chair of the Committee on Academic Misconduct (COAM) at Ohio State University and Chair of Graduate Studies for the Department of Educational Studies.
- PhD, School Psychology, University of Kentucky
- MA, Psychology, Marshall University
- BS, Applied Science (Biology), Bluefield State College
Research Interests
- Achievement
- Assessment
- Child Development
- Black Child Development
- Black Families
- Cognitive Development
- Education Policy
- Educational Achievement
- Educational Assessment, Testing, and Measurement
- Instrument Development
- Intelligence Testing
- Educational Statistics and Research Methods
- Equity
- Human Development and Family Studies
- School Psychology
- Recruitment and Retention
- Training Issues
- Social Justice
- Special Education
- Urban Education
- Black Boys
- Reading Achievement
- Social Emotional Intervention
Selected Grants
Title: Developing a University-School District partnership to improve the mental health of children in urban schools.
- Role: Principal InvestigatorDates: 2023-2027
- Total Support: $5,260,000
- Funding Agency: U.S. Department of Education (ED)
Title: Exploring Intervention Effects from a Randomized Trial of Head Start CARES
- Role: Principal InvestigatorDates: 2022-2023
- Total Support: $99,999
- Funding Agency: Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS)
Title: Mid-Career Advancement (MCA): Understanding School Professionals Disciplinary Decisions and Black Children
- Role: Principal InvestigatorDates: 2022-2024
- Total Support: Total: $399,999
- Funding Agency: National Science Foundation (NSF)
Title: Examining the low number of Black men in school-based professions: A mixed methods exploration.
- Role: Principal Investigator
- Total Support: $28,000
- Funding Agency: Ohio State University Office of Student Academic Success
Selected Publications
- Graves, S., & Blake, J. (2016). Psychoeducational Assessment and Intervention for Ethnic Minority Children: Evidence Based Approaches. American Psychological Association.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
Student contributors indicated by (*)
- Jones, M., *Jacobs, M., Heidelburg, K., & Graves, S. (accepted). Social-emotional and behavioral strategies to improve school outcomes for Black males. Theory into Practice.
- *Flood, S., *Phillips, S., *McConnell, *Goodwin, K., *Matthews, L., & Graves, S. (in press). An examination of self-care research in school psychology. Contemporary School Psychology.
- Graves, S. (2023).Assessing Black intelligence: National and international perspectives on standardization sample appropriateness. School Psychology International, 44(5), 585-592.
- Graves, S., *Johnson, K., *Phillips, S., *Jones, M., & *Jacobs, M. (2023). Quantifying the linguistic demands of the oral directions of preschool cognitive assessments. Psychology in the Schools, 60(3), 729-742.
- *Johnson, K., Graves, S., *Jones, M., *Jacobs, M., & *Phillips, S. (2023). Understanding African American Vernacular English and Reading Achievement: Implications for the Science of Reading. School Psychology (Quarterly), 38(1), 7-14.
- Graves, S., & *Wang, Y. (2023). It’s not that they are Big, it’s just that they are Black: The impact of Body Mass Index, School Belonging, and Self Esteem on Black boys’ School Suspension. School Psychology Review, 52(3), 279-291.
- **Mushunje, R., & Graves, S. (2023). Bibliometric analysis of suicide research among Black youth. Journal of Black Psychology, 49(3), 302-318.
- Graves, S. (2022). Introduction to Special Issue of School Psychology International: Revisiting the Pillars of Albert Sydney Beckham in the Contemporary Era. School Psychology International, 43(6), 542-544.
- Graves, S. (2022). Can clinical judgement overcome flawed materials when assessing Black children: The need for more intervention-based pedagogy and less assessment negligence. School Psychology International, 43(6), 584-590. https://10.1177/01430343221128244
- *Phillips, T., Graves, S., McCallum, E. (2022). The Effect of Video Self-Modeling for Black Boys with Challenging Behaviors in an Urban Setting. Journal of Applied School Psychology, 38(3), 205-222.
- *Lee, K., Graves, S. L., Jr., & *Bumpus, E. (2022). Competency standards in cognitive assessment course assignments: A national analysis of school psychology syllabi. Training and Education in Professional Psychology. Advance online publication
- *Bumpus, E.,* Vinco., M., *Lee., K., *Accurso, J., & Graves, S. (2022). The Consistency of Expectations: An Analysis of Learning Objectives within Cognitive Assessment Course Syllabi. Teaching of Psychology. 49(1), 30-36.
- Graves, S., *Phillips, S., *Jones, M., & *Johnson, K. (2021). A Systematic Review of the What Works Clearinghouse’s Behavioral Intervention Evidence: Does it relate to Black children? Psychology in the Schools, 58 (6), 1026-1040.
- Jimerson, S. R., Arora, P., Blake, J. J., Canivez, G. L., Espelage, D. L., Gonzalez, J. E., Graves, S. L., Huang, F. L., January, S.-A A., Renshaw, T. L., Song, S. Y., Sullivan, A. L., Wang, C., & Worrell, F. C. (2021). Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion in school psychology: Be the change. School Psychology Review, 50(1), 1–7.
- Graves, S.L., *Phillips, S., *Johnson, K., *Jones, M., & Thornton, D. (2021). Pseudoscience, an emerging field, or just a framework without outcomes? A bibliometric analysis and case study presentation of social justice research. Contemporary School Psychology. 25(3), 358-366.
- Woods, I., & Graves, S.L. (2021). The fortieth anniversary of Larry P. V. Riles: Cognitive assessment and Black children. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(2), 137–139.
- Graves, S., Smith, L.V. & *Nichols, K.D. (2021) Is the WISC-V a Fair Test for Black Children: Factor Structure in an Urban public school Sample. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(2), 157-169
- Smith, L.V., & Graves, S. (2021). An Exploration of Gender Invariance of the WISC-V among Black children in an urban school district. Contemporary School Psychology. 25(2), 170-182.
- *Miller, L. T., *Bumpus, E. C., & Graves, S. L. (2021). The state of cognitive assessment training in school psychology: An analysis of syllabi. Contemporary School Psychology, 25, 149– 156.
- Graves, S., Newell, M., *Harrell, F., *Wells, T., (2021). A Mixed-Data Analysis of graduate student mentoring for faculty careers in school psychology. Contemporary School Psychology, 25(1), 99-108.
- *Aston, C., Graves, S., McGoey, K., Townsend, T., Lovelace, T. (2018). Promoting sisterhood: The impact of a culturally focused program to address verbally aggressive behaviors in Black girls. Psychology in the Schools, 55, 50-62.
- Graves, S., *Aston C. (2018). A mixed-methods study of a social emotional curriculum for Black male success: A school-based pilot study of the Brothers of Ujima. Psychology in the Schools, 55, 76-84.
- *Nichols, K., Graves, S. (2018). Training in strength-based intervention and assessment methodologies in APA-accredited psychology programs. Psychology in the Schools, 55, 93-100.
- *Beeks, A., & Graves, S. (2017) Academic leadership’s views of school psychology: The case of Historically Black Colleges and Universities. Psychology in the Schools, 54, 612-623.
- *Brown, S., McGoey, K., Graves, S., & Schreiber, J. (2017). Influences of childcare quality for children with disruptive behavior disorders. Journal of Early Childhood and Infant Psychology, 2, 61-84.
- Graves, S., & Ye, F. (2017). Are Special Education Labels Accurate for Black Children: Racial Differences in Academic trajectories of youth diagnosed with specific learning and intellectual disabilities. Journal of Black Psychology, 43, 192-213.
- Graves, S., *Sobalvarro, A., *Nichols, K., *Ryan, A., *Aston, C.,* Blefari, A., *Schutte, K., *Schachner, A., *Vicoria, L, Prier, D. (2017). Examining the Effectiveness of a Culturally Adapted Social Emotional Intervention for African American Males in an Urban Setting. School Psychology Quarterly, 32, 62-74.
- Blake, J. J., Graves, S., Newell, M., & Jimerson, S. R. (2016). Diversification of school psychology: Developing an evidence base from current research and practice. School Psychology Quarterly, 31, 305-310.
- *Smith, L. V., Blake, J. J., Graves, S. L, *Vaughan-Jensen, J. E., *Pulido, R., & *Banks, C.
(2016). Promoting diversity through program websites: A multicultural content analysis of School Psychology program websites. School Psychology Quarterly, 31, 327-339.
- *Ryan, A., Graves, S., *Sobalvarro, A., *Nichols, K., *Schutte, K., *Aston, C., (2016). An Evaluation of Strong Kids in an Urban African American Female Sample: The Need for Gender-Specific and Culturally Focused Interventions. School Psychology Forum, 10, 157-164.
- *Aston, C. & Graves, S. (2016). Promoting Positive Self Identity in Urban Schools: The Impact of a Gender Specific Afrocentric Intervention. School Psychology Forum. 10, 165-176.
- *Beeks, A., & Graves, S. (2016). The Effects of the Mystery Motivator Intervention in an Urban Classroom. School Psychology Forum, 10, 142-156.
- McGoey, K., & Graves, S. (2016). Evidence-Based interventions in urban schools: Unique implications for implementation: Introduction to the special issue. School Psychology Forum, 10, 131-133.
- *Sobalvarro, A., Graves, S., & Hughes, T. (2016). The effects of check-in/check-out on kindergarten students in an urban setting. Contemporary School Psychology, 20, 84-92
- Miranda, A., Radliff, K., Graves, S., & Worrell, F. (2014). Culture Counts: Preparing school psychologists for working with diverse populations. Psychology in the Schools, 51, 329-331.
- Graves, S., Proctor, S., & *Aston, C. (2014). Professional roles and practices of urban school psychologists. Psychology in the Schools, 51, 384-394.
- Graves, S., & Serpell, Z. (2013). Racial Differences in Medication Use in a National Sample
of Children with ADHD Enrolled in Special Education. School Mental Health, 5, 175-182.
- *Smith, L., Blake, J., & Graves, S. (2013). School psychology programs effort to recruit culturally diverse students. Trainers Forum 32 (1), 4-23.
- Brown-Wright, L., Tyler, K., Graves, S., Thomas, D., Stevens-Watkins, D., & Mulder, S. (2013). Examining the associations among home-school dissonance, motivation, and classroom disruptive behavior for urban high school students. Education and Urban Society, 45, 142- 162.
- Graves, S. & Brown-Wright, L. (2013). A qualitative study of ethnically diverse school psychology faculty experiences in the professoriate: Implications for diversifying higher education. Trainers Forum, 31(2), 29-46.
- Graves, S., Blake, J., Kim, E. (2012). Differences in parent and teacher ratings of preschool problem behavior in a national sample: The significance of gender and SES. Journal of Early Intervention, 34, 151-165.
- Proctor, S. L., Graves, S., & *Esch, R. C. (2012). Assessing African American students for specific learning disabilities: The promises and perils of Response to Intervention. Journal of Negro Education, 81, 268-282.
- Graves, S. (2011). School and Child level predictors of academic success for African American children in 3rd grade: Implications for No Child Left Behind. Race, Ethnicity, and Education, 14, 675-697.
- Graves, S., & Mitchell, A. (2011). Is the Moratorium Over? African American Psychology Professionals’ Views on Intelligence Testing in Response to Changes to Federal Policy. Journal of Black Psychology, 37, 407-425.
- Graves, S. & Howes, C. (2011). Ethnic Differences in Behavioral Problems in Preschool: The impact of Teacher Child Relationships, Ethnic Match, and Classroom Quality. School Psychology Quarterly, 26, 202- 214.
- Stevens-Watkins, D., & Graves, S. (2011). Differences between African American males who are and are not involved in the Criminal Justice System: Evidence from a National Sample. Ethnicity in Criminal Justice, 9, 136-151.
- Graves, S., & Wright, L. (2011). Parent Involvement at School Entry: A National Examination of group differences and Achievement. School Psychology International, 32, 35-48.
- Harris, T. & Graves, S. (2010). The influence of cultural capital transmission on reading achievement in African American fifth grade boys. Journal of Negro Education, 79, 447-457.
- Graves, S. (2010). Are we neglecting African American males: Parental involvement differences between African American males and females during elementary school? Journal of African American Studies, 14, 263-276.
- Graves, S. & Wright, L. (2009). HBCU students’ and faculties’ views of School Psychology: Implications for increasing diversity in higher education. Psychology in the Schools, 46, 616-626.

- Graves, S. & *Frohwerk, A. (2009). Multilevel Modeling and School Psychology: A review and practical example. School Psychology Quarterly, 24, 84-94.
Graves, S. (2009). Albert Sidney Beckham: The first African American school psychologist. School Psychology International, 30, 5-23.

- Sullivan, A. L., A’Vant, E., Baker, J., Chandler, D., Graves, S., et al. (2009, October). Confronting inequity in special education: Promising practices for addressing disproportionality. NASP Communiqué, 38(2), 1.
- Sullivan, A. L., A’Vant, E., Baker, J., Chandler, D., Graves, S., et al. (2009, September). Confronting inequity in special education: Understanding the problem of disproportionality: Part I. NASP Communiqué, 38(1), 1, 16.
- Graves, S., & Wright, L. (2007). Comparison of individual factors in school psychology graduate students: Why do students pursue a degree in school psychology. Psychology in the Schools, 44, 865-872.