Graduate Student Travel Award Program
Graduate students enrolled in a graduate program within the College of Education and Human Ecology may request funding from faculty for support, up to $350 from their department of enrollment, and apply for up to $250 for a matching award through the Office of Research, Innovation and Collaboration (ORIC) for presenting their original research at national and international professional meetings.
The purpose of these awards are:
- To encourage graduate student research growth and development through financial assistance to support presenting results of original research at national and/or international professional meeting.
- Testimonial from award winner: “Thank you for this exciting news! I am writing to express my sincerest gratitude for the travel funding that was awarded to me for the SWPACA 2023 Conference. As a graduate student, attending academic conferences and events is crucial to my professional development and future career goals. Your support has made it possible for me to attend this important conference and expand my knowledge in my field of study. I am particularly grateful for the financial assistance provided by our department, Teaching and Learning, the ORIC Matching Graduate Student Award Program, and my advisor, Dr. Lisa Pinkerton. I would also like to thank the committee for their time and dedication in reviewing my application. Your investment in my academic pursuits is deeply appreciated and will have a positive impact on my future research and career opportunities.Thank you all once again for your generosity and support.” Yueyue Li, Department of Teaching and Learning
- To provide a streamlined, consistent process for administering student travel awards.
- To ensure adherence to the federal regulations and ensure compliance regarding educational support to students.
- To reduce/eliminate the number of exceptions caused by student travel.
Before applying for an EHE graduate student travel award, please review the information on this page.
In order to streamline the experience for faculty, staff, and students, we have moved to a single EHE application for faculty, department, and ORIC funding requests.
Questions regarding the EHE Graduate Student Department Travel Award should be directed to the EHE Graduate Associate Manager, Amanda Crall, crall.25@osu.edu.
Award information
Award guidelines and information
Eligibility Guidelines
In order to be eligible for an EHE Graduate Student Department Travel Award, graduate students must:
- Be pursuing a graduate degree in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University.
- Be in good standing in the Graduate School (including a minimum 3.0 CPHR).
- Maintain reasonable progress towards a graduate degree. (Please check program website or handbook for specific requirements.)
- Be presenting results of original research at national and/or international professional meeting.
- Submit a complete travel award application and receive approval prior to travel taking place.
- Students may only be awarded one department and one ORIC EHE graduate student travel award per academic year with a maximum of three department and three ORIC awards per degree pursued.
- ORIC will accept external to OSU funding as a match as long as they have the necessary information to confirm the funding. Please make sure to attach the approval of the funding award to the application as part of the additional funding awards attachment. Award approvals should indicate the funding source/organization, amount of funding to be received, and conference. Personal funding is not considered a matchable fund.
- Staff employees (full or part time) enrolled in an EHE graduate student program are eligible for the travel grant.
- Student statement of account must be paid in full.
Note: If a student graduates prior to the presentation taking place, the student is not eligible for the travel award as they will no longer meet the eligibility criteria of pursing a graduate degree in the College of Education and Human Ecology at The Ohio State University.
Application Materials
Prior to completing the application, applicants should have the following materials prepared.
- Brief Description of Research: You will be asked to provide a brief description of your research.
- Acceptance Letter to present at the conference, including location and dates.
- Notification of Additional Awards (if applicable): If you have received additional awards, such as the Ray Travel Award, Women’s Place, etc., please attach the funding letters to your application. ORIC will accept external to OSU funding as a match as long as they have the necessary information to confirm the funding. Please make sure to attach the approval of the funding award to the application as part of the additional funding awards attachment. Award approvals should indicate the funding source/organization, amount of funding to be received, and conference. Personal funding is not considered a matchable fund.
Note: Students should not apply for this funding before receiving acceptance to present at a conference. - PDF Versions of Documents: Documents can be scanned and turned into PDFs or saved as a PDF. Many departments can scan documents to email in PDF format. If you do not have access to a department scanner, you can create a PDF file for free at http://www.freepdfconvert.com/. Please save each document as a separate file.
Application Process
- Eligible students review the information on this page, and prepares application materials.
- Student fills out travel application, which consists of the following:
- Enter your contact information on the form.
- List your Faculty Advisor or Program Approver to request faculty/program funding. This also serves as a notification to your faculty/program that you have a presenting opportunity.
- Click “Begin Signing” to complete your information on the form. You will have the opportunity to indicate if you are interested in requesting funding from faculty, applying for the EHE Department Graduate Student Travel Grant and/or for the matching ORIC Graduate Student Travel Grant.
- Once you complete the request, the document will route to the following reviewers as selected for award consideration.
- Faculty award reviewer: Faculty Advisor/Program Approver as indicated by you on the form. Please note that having faculty funding is not a requirement for receiving an award.
- Eligibility reviewer: The GA Manager will review to ensure applicant is meeting eligibility criteria (listed above).
- Department reviewer: Will review for the department award funding. The department award is not a matching award.
- ORIC reviewer: Will review for the ORIC award funding. This is a matching award and requires an additional award to be matched. Faculty and department requests are reviewed prior to the ORIC review, so they can be used as matches or students can attach documentation of additional funding to be matched.
- Upon final approval of the application, the applicant will receive an award review notification, and if awarded, funding will be processed.
Timeline & Funding Allocation Policy
- Federal regulations require all external scholarships and financial resources received by a student are to be included as part of their financial aid package. Students may not receive financial aid including external resources in excess of the annual cost of attendance (COA) at Ohio State.
- EHE student travel awards funds will be issued directly to the student through the Office of Student Financial Aid and will reflect as a “refund” on the student’s statement of account.
- There may be some situations in which a student cannot receive their travel funds directly through the Office of Student Financial Aid to be reflected as a “refund” on the statement of account. For this reason, it is imperative that students plan ahead and submit their applications prior to purchasing travel. Instead, they would work with the Fiscal Coordinator via the Spend Authorization process. These situations include:
- Student is traveling on university business (i.e., required for university employment experience, representing a unit at a conference), then the student must submit their travel through the university travel system.
- Student athlete
- Student has met Cost of Attendance (COA).
- Note: If a student does not indicate on the application that they have exceeded cost of attendance, then this could delay the travel grant awarding process as the funding would be reported to the Office of Student Financial Aid who would review and send a notification of the COA being exceeded. Then the student would need to be notified that the spend authorization process needs to be pursued. This entire process could take several weeks.
- Student is receiving funds from an OSP grant.
- Student is receiving additional funding in which a spend authorization is required, such as Ray Travel Award or Women’s Place grant.
- There may be some situations in which a student cannot receive their travel funds directly through the Office of Student Financial Aid to be reflected as a “refund” on the statement of account. For this reason, it is imperative that students plan ahead and submit their applications prior to purchasing travel. Instead, they would work with the Fiscal Coordinator via the Spend Authorization process. These situations include:
- Upon application approval, students will be notified via email of the award. In order to receive an award and be eligible for future awards, students must follow the guidelines and action items as requested by the GA Manager and Fiscal Coordinator (if applicable) within the timeframes requested. Failure to meet deadlines can result in loss of award and/or eligibility for future awards.
- In the event that EHE student travel award funds will be issued directly to the student, such as through a reimbursement, the funds will be reported through the Office of Student Financial Aid.
- The Graduate Student Travel Award application is accepted at any time during the year, however, the application must be submitted and approved prior to travel taking place.
- It is recommended that students plan ahead and apply a semester (at least 3 months) prior to the travel taking place if not earlier because
- Award requests that are made to the Office of Financial Aid will be subject to the processing policies of the Office of Financial Aid, and the timing of the deposit is determined by that office, not by the College.
- Award requests moving through the Spend Authorization process requires students to work with a Fiscal Coordinator the funding is allocated by working with a Fiscal Coordinator to purchase registration, flight, and/or lodging.
- It is recommended that students plan ahead and apply a semester (at least 3 months) prior to the travel taking place if not earlier because
International Travel
Students who are engaging in international curricular or co-curricular travel, which is supported academically and/or financially by the University, are to carry the University’s international supplemental insurance (GeoBlue – applied for with and provided by the Office of International Affairs Global Education) as a condition of support. Any student receiving international travel grants/scholarships/departmental funding must submit a travel registration (supplemental insurance application) with OIA as a condition of funding.
Directions for confirming if a student has met the supplemental insurance enrollment condition: submit a request confirmation form to oia-globaleducation@osu.edu.
Additional Funding
In addition to the EHE Graduate Student Department Travel Award and ORIC Graduate Student Travel Award, there are other opportunities to obtain travel and professional development funding at The Ohio State University.
- The Edward J. Ray Travel Award for Scholarship and Service (Ray Award) encourages and enables graduate students across the university to participate in professional conferences, both in their respective fields and in the broader academic community, by reimbursing or partially reimbursing the expenses incurred by graduate students during travel to conferences and meetings to present original research. Unlike other programs that grant travel funds, the Ray Award gives substantial weight to the applicant’s service to his/her department, the university, and the surrounding community. Ray Award judges also take into account the academic standing of the applicant, the applicant’s professional goals, the nature of the conference being attended, and the applicant’s ability to convey the focus of their research to a general audience. Click here for details and the application.
- Grant Opportunities through the Graduate School: https://gradsch.osu.edu/grants
- The Office of International Affairs supports graduate research abroad through a variety of scholarships and grants. The Office of Research maintains a directory of Ohio State sponsored and external funding opportunities for graduate students and various colleges and departments provide funding opportunities to support student research as well. Faculty and staff may also be aware of specific awards to support research endeavors.
- Critical Difference (CD) is a scholarship/grant offering program of The Ohio State University offering financial support to students, faculty, and staff. The Women’s Place (TWP) and CD are closely connected as TWP is the administrative home of CD.
2023-2024 Award Winners
- Maria Abdul-Masih, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Akua Adjei, Learning Technologies, Educational Studies
- LaNorris Alexander, Adolescent, Post-secondary and Community Literacies, Teaching and Learning
- Jordan Alves-Foss, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Shelia Ameri, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Jacob Arnold, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Zeynep Arslan Ozkaynak, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Nabilla Audina, Human Nutrition, Human Sciences
- Bahar Balaban, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Adrian Bitton, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Arianna Black, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Shanterica Blake, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Tanya Bomsta, Philosophy and History of Education, Educational Studies
- Austin Borreson, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Jace Brown, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Nicole Buckley, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Jacob Campbell, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Holland Cavanaugh, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Wonjoon Cha, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Ashwini Chebbi, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Minso Choi, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Lisa Combs, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Christy Conway, Special Education, Educational Studies
- Kala Coyan-McClure, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Caleb Cuthbertson, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Sohan Daniel, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Alanis De La Cruz Perez, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Michaela Dengg, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Natese Dockery, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Emily Drought, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Maryan Dualle, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Mianmian Fei, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Fuyi Feng, Dramatic and Arts-based Research, Teaching and Learning
- Erin Fox, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Kevin Fulton, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Marcella Gallmeyer, Special Education, Educational Studies
- Selvet Genek Ilgaz, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Chelsea Gilbert, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Theresa Gillespie, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Andrew Gold, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Yihui Gong, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Keyla Gonzalez Diaz, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Dasom Han, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Courtney Harris, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Hoda Hashemi, Special Education, Educational Studies
- Danielle Haslem, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Benjamin Helms, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Sarah Henry, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Jamie Herman, Philosophy and History of Education, Educational Studies
- Angga Hidayat, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Lizeng Huang, Learning Technologies, Educational Studies
- Lisa Huelskamp, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Rayna Hutcherson, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Jin-Wei Hung, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Yuseva Iswandari, Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Jennifer Jackson, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Marcel Jacobs, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Suhyun Jeon, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Kyanna Johnson, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Mark Jones, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Lin-Hsiang Kang, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Caroline Karbowski, Sensory Impairments, Teaching and Learning
- Myeongji Kim, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Taehyun Kim, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Juhui Ko, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Jessica Kulp, Learning Technologies, Educational Studies
- Henry Lara-Steidel, Philosophy and History of Education, Educational Studies
- Jongwoo Lee, Special Education, Educational Studies
- Joowon Lee, Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood, Teaching and Learning
- Jun Lee, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Sangeun Lee, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Zhi Jie Lee, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Mickey Lin, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Warren Lor, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Xinyue Lu, Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Guofu Ma, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Innocent Makgwakae, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Emily Manzo, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Bethany Martens, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Shea Martin, Adolescent, Post-secondary and Community Literacies, Teaching and Learning
- Adriana Martinez, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Eduan Martinez-Soto, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- August Masonheimer, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Neal McKinney, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Emma McNamara, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Abigail Mensah, Human Nutrition, Human Sciences
- Rumbidzai Mushunje, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Desmond Myles, Workforce Development, Educational Studies
- Alexander Nichols, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Huy Nguyen, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Matthew O'Connor, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement, Educational Studies
- Valerie Ofori Aboah, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement, Educational Studies
- Ruth Oliwe, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Eric Olsen, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Larry Onokpite, Special Education, Educational Studies
- Elizabeth Osbourne, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Filiz Oskay, Philosophy and History of Education, Educational Studies
- Tisha Owusua, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Onur Ozkaynak, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Carlos Padilla, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Dhwani Parikh, Special Education, Educational Studies
- Haeun Park, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Lane Piska, Philosophy and History of Education, Educational Studies
- Muhammad Qazi, Educational Policy, Educational Studies
- Monica Quezada Barrera, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Kailynn Reidinger, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Hannah Reyes, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Imani Reynolds, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Lisa Robinette, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Rachel Ryan, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Omar Sanchez, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Andrew Seibert, Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Ragul Senthil, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Saphia Shariff, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Yue Sheng, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Aly Stults, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- LeeAnn Swager, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Mutiara Syifa, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Ionell Terogo, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Carrie Anne Thomas, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Ivy Tyson, Philosophy and History of Education, Educational Studies
- Connor Vezina, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Chanon Viriyasatien, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Charlize Wang, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Ziye Wen, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Yun-Han Weng, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Riley Whiting, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Winifred Wilberforce, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement, Educational Studies
- Emily Wojniak-Heselton, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Derrick Wyman, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Jiarui Xie, Learning Technologies, Educational Studies
- Wu Xie, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Rui Xu, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Junyeong Yang, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement, Educational Studies
- Chia-Hsin Yin, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Anna Zaitseva, Teaching and Learning
- Huizi Zeng, Educational Policy, Educational Studies
- Shiqi Zhang, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Xian Zhang, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Kathryn Zimmerman, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
2022-2023 Award Winners
- Maria Abdul-Masih, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Christopher Acton, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Elise Allen, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Yvonne Allsop, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Ibrahim Almahaireh, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Virgina Alonso, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Jordan Alves-Foss, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Shelia Ameri, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Andri Andriansyah, Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood, Teaching and Learning
- Philomina Anyidoho, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement, Educational Studies
- Avonti Basak, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Rachel Berger, Kinesiology, Human Sciences Adrian Bitton, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Arianna Black, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Shanterica Blake, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Austin Borreson, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Renee Bowling, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Riley Bragg, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Dimetrius Brandon, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Jace Brown, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Carter Bulington, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Caitlin Casapao, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Rebecca Cepeda, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Busra Ceviren, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement, Educational Studies
- Wonjoon Cha, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Dorsin Chang, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Wonseok Chey, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Alina Cioletti, Kinesiology, Human Sciences Mariah Clay, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Lisa Combs, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Tali Cornblath, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Christopher Crabtree, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Alanis De La Cruz Perez, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Michaela Dengg, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Leslie Dillon, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Natese Dockery, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Emily Drought, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Dakota Dustin, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Mianmian Fei, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Fuyi Feng, Dramatic and Arts-based Research, Teaching and Learning (DARTL), Teaching and Learning
- Daniel Ferguson, Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Stephanie Flood, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Erin Fox, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Adam Friend, School Psychology, Teaching and Learning
- Rashin Ghahreman, Consumer Science, Human Sciences
- Chelsea Gilbert, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Nancy Gillespie, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Theresa Gillespie, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Yihui Gong, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Kristyn Goodwin, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Julie Gressley, Consumer Science, Human Sciences
- Risa Haridza, STEM Education Program, Teaching and Learning
- Madison Hartman, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Jingwen He, Learning Technologies, Educational Studies
- Jamie Herman, Philosophy and History of Education, Educational Studies
- Lizeng Huang, Learning Technologies, Educational Studies
- Steven Hunt, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Rayna Hutcherson, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Yuseva Iswandari, Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Jennifer Jackson, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Marcel Jacobs, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Kyanna Johnson, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Debra Jones, Educational Policy, Educational Studies
- Hunter Jones, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Ali Kalhori, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Lin-Hsiang Kang, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Taehyun Kim, Consumer Science, Human Sciences
- Miriam Knopp, Human Nutrition, Human Sciences
- Juhui Ko, Consumer Science, Human Sciences
- Meghan Kuehnle, Adolescent, Post-secondary and Community Literacies, Teaching and Learning
- Vishakha Kumari, Consumer Science, Human Sciences
- Joowon Lee, Reading and Literacy in Early and Middle Childhood, Teaching and Learning
- Jongwoo Lee, Special Education, Educational Studies
- Sangeun Lee, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Henry Lara-Steidel, Philosophy and History of Education, Educational Studies
- Suzanne Lewis, Adolescent, Post-secondary and Community Literacies, Teaching and Learning
- Yanqi Li, Consumer Science, Human Sciences
- Yueyue Li, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Xingfeiyue Liu, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Ho-Chieh Lin, Mathematics/STEM Education, Teaching and Learning
- Mickey Lin, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Xinyue Lu, Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Monica Lu, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Summer Luckey, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Alexis Malone, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Kate Marris, Human Nutrition, Human Sciences
- Adriana Martinez, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Mario Martinez Garcia, Language, Education, and Society, Teaching and Learning
- August Masonheimer, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Lindsay Matthews, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Neal McKinney, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Emma McNamara, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Doricka Menefee, Adolescent, Post-secondary and Community Literacies, Teaching and Learning
- Abigail Mensah, Human Nutrition, Human Sciences
- Rumbidzai Mushunje, Counselor Education, Educational Studies
- Manisha Nagpal, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Huy Nguyen, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Alexander Nichols, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Ruth Oliwe, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Eric Olsen, Consumer Science, Human Sciences
- Tisha Owusua, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Onur Ozkaynak, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Carlos Padilla, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Lanoke Paradita, Language, Education, and Society, Teaching and Learning
- Haeun Park, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Shanye Phillips, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Avi Pokala, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Courtney Price, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement, Educational Studies
- Hanna Primeau, Learning Technologies, Educational Studies
- Monica Quezada Barrera, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Chardae Reeves, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Tori Rehr, Educational Policy, Educational Studies
- Imani Reynolds, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Shahabeddin Rezaei, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Maleehah Robertson, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Lisa Robinette, OSUN, Human Sciences
- George Rooney, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Rachel Ryan, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Barbara Sanchez, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Omar Sanchez, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Balea Schumacher, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Andrew Seibert, Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Wahyu Setioko, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Musbah Shaheen, Higher Education & Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Saphia Shariff, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Kara Shawbitz, Special Education, Educational Studies
- Yue Sheng, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Aly Stults, School Psychology, Teaching and Learning
- Kai Su, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Mutiara Syifa, Science, Technology, Engineering, & Math, Teaching and Learning
- Carrie Anne Thomas, Literature for Children and Young Adults, Teaching and Learning
- Shantanu Tilak, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Scott Trainer, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Emaly Vatne, Kinesiology, Human Sciences
- Chanon Viriyasatien, School Psychology, Educational Studies
- Charlize Wang, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Ziye Wen, Educational Psychology, Educational Studies
- Riley Whiting, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Winifred Wilberforce, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement, Educational Studies
- Wu Xie, Higher Education and Student Affairs, Educational Studies
- Fan Xu, Learning Technologies, Educational Studies
- Junyeong Yang, Quantitative Research, Evaluation, and Measurement, Educational Studies
- Qingqing Yang, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences
- Xuerui Yang, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Chia-Hsin Yin, Foreign, Second, and Multilingual Language Education, Teaching and Learning
- Anna Zaitseva, Teaching and Learning, Teaching and Learning
- Huizi Zeng, Educational Policy, Educational Studies
- Mina Zeng, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Shiqi Zhang, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Zezhong Zhang, Consumer Sciences, Human Sciences
- Zihan Zhang, OSUN, Human Sciences
- Jinjie Zhu, Educational Administration, Educational Studies
- Kathryn Zimmerman, Human Development and Family Science, Human Sciences