Student Profiles
PhD in Health and Exercise Science, Kinesiology

Tampa, Florida
Academic Background:
Graduated in 2019 with a Bachelors of Science degree in Exercise Science, and graduated in 2021 with a Masters of Science degree in Exercise Science from the University of South Florida in Tampa, Florida.
Currently, she is enrolled in the PhD program of Kinesiology, Health & Exercise Science.
Topics of interest/research:
Health Behaviors (nutrition, physical activity, and psychological well-being) and Strength training
Selected Publications/Presentations/Awards/Achievements/Internship:
Balea holds a Graduate Teaching Associate position and a Graduate Research Associate position, where she is able to teach undergraduate students in Exercise Science and collaborate and conduct research with the College of Psychology. She has presented at the National American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) conference and has presented at the Midwest ACSM chapter where she is also on the administration board as a student representative. She is a member of the Clinical Exercise Physiology Association, as well. At Ohio State Balea serves as the President for the Kinesiology Graduate Student Council (KGSC) and is a Graduate Student Ambassador for the Department of Human Sciences. Balea has her certification through ACSM as an Exercise Physiologist.
What brought you to this program? What is a highlight of this degree at OSU?
Ohio State has been a goal and dream of mine ever since I was young. My whole family is from the great state of Ohio, so being here has always been the goal. One of the best things about being here at Ohio State is the collaborations and the individuals I am able to work with on a daily basis. Whether if I need assistance from administration, my faculty advisor, or professors everyone is very understanding and will always put you in the best position to succeed no matter what path you are on.
I am forever grateful to be at the best university in the world, and thankful for those who have helped me up to this point in my career.

Columbus, Ohio
Academic Background:
Ohio State University
2022 - Current PhD Kinesiology: Exercise Science / Human Health & Behavior
2019 - 2021 Masters Degree Kinesiology: Exercise Science / Human Health & Behavior
2008 - 2013 Undergraduate SLS: Leadership & Humanities
Topics of interest/research:
Chronic Fatigue and Healing through behavior change interventions via hybrid delivery models
Selected Publications/Presentations/Awards/Achievements/Internship:
- Hohn, S. R. (2021). A Qualitative Investigation of the Collaborative Lifestyle Intervention Program for Knee Osteoarthritis Patients (CLIP-OA) Virtual Intervention Delivery during the COVID-19 Pandemic [Master's thesis, Ohio State University]. OhioLINK Electronic Theses and Dissertations Center.
- Focht, B. C. et al. (2022). The Collaborative Lifestyle Intervention Program in Knee Osteoarthritis Patients (CLIP-OA) trial: Design and methods. Contemporary clinical trials, 115, 106730.
- Haynam, M. et al. (2021). Preliminary efficacy of a community-based, group-mediated cognitive behavioral lifestyle intervention among breast cancer survivors.. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 39. e24035-e24035. 10.1200/JCO.2021.39.15_suppl.e24035.
- The Robert N. and Sharon S. Gandee Endowed Scholarship Fund Recipient 2021
- Wesley and Katharine Cushman Memorial Scholarship Recipient 2020
- Business Owner, Superfly Un Limited 2016-Current
What brought you to this program? What is a highlight of this degree at OSU?
We have an excellent leadership team of professors who are making profound change in exercise, nutrition, health, and wellness being widespread knowledge and tools used in clinical settings as preventative medicine. I am grateful to work with such a cohesive and supportive team.

Cincinnati, OH
Academic Background:
B.S., Exercise Science at Ohio State (AU 2016-SPR 2020)
M.S., Kinesiology at Ohio State (AU 2020-AU 2022)
Topics of interest/research:
Behavior Change, Self-Regulation, Barriers & Facilitators to Behavior Change, Rock Climbers
Selected Publications/Presentations/Awards/Achievements/Internship:
- "Adapting the Physical Activity Self-Regulation Scale to Rock Climbers" - 2023 National ACSM Conference in Denver, CO
- "Measuring Self-Regulatory Behavior in Rock Climbers"" - 2023 International Rock Climbing Research Association (IRCRA) 6th Congress in Bern, Switzerland"
What brought you to this program? What is a highlight of this degree at OSU?
A full-ride scholarship for golf caddying called the Evans Scholarship brought me to OSU. Originally, my major was design, but I pivoted after the first year to exercise science based on my sports background and love of learning about health-related components. I stayed on at OSU for the growth opportunities it continues to provide me as a researcher, teacher, and student. The highlight of this degree is getting to build upon the knowledge acquired in my bachelors and masters, but tailoring its application to my interests.

Kent, Ohio
Academic Background:
B.A. - Communication, Minor in Exercise Science - OSU
M.A. - Health and Exercise Science - OSU
Topics of interest/research:
Physical Activity Behavior, Physical Activity Adherence and Health in African American Women
Selected Publications/Presentations/Awards/Achievements/Internship:
Conference Presentations
- Turpin Stanfield, J. & Petosa, R. (2022). Social Cognitive Theory and Physical Activity Interventions in African American Women: A Systematic Review. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. (poster & published abstract)
- Schumacher, B., Turpin Stanfield, J. & Petosa, R. (2022). Exercise Role Identity and Physical Activity in U.S. College Students. International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity Annual Meeting. Phoenix, AZ. (poster & published abstract)
- Turpin Stanfield, J. & Petosa, R. (2022). Social Cognitive Theory and Physical Activity Interventions in African American Women: A Systematic Review. Preliminary Findings. The Ohio State University. College of Education and Human Ecology Research Forum. Columbus, OH. (poster & published abstract)
- Turpin, J. , Suminski, R. R., & Petosa, R. L. (2005). Message Framing and Source Credibility Influence Decisions Concerning Physical Activity Policies. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37(5), S322. Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Nashville, TN. (poster & published abstract)
- Suminski, R. R., Petosa, R., Katzenmoyer, L., Stevens, E., & Turpin, J. (2005). Perceptions of Neighborhood Features and Their Level of Influence On Different Types of Physical Activity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37(5), S331. Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Nashville, TN. (poster & published abstract)
- Speed-Andrews, A. E., Suminski, R., Turpin, J., Petosa, L. R., Katzenmoyer, L., Prickett, P., & Wolfe, M. (2005). Stage of Change for Small Business Policies Toward Employee and Community Promotion of Physical Activity. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 37(5), S331-S332. Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Nashville, TN. (poster & published abstract)
- Waggle, L., Katzenmoyer, L., Stevens, E., Turpin, J., Petosa, R., & Suminski, R. R. (2004). A comprehensive model for examining the association between physical activity and the physical environment. Medicine & Science in Sports & Exercise, 36(5), S77-S78. Annual Meeting of the American College of Sports Medicine. Indianapolis, IN. (poster & published abstract)
- Central State University 2023 Research Seed Grant Recipient
What brought you to this program? What is a highlight of this degree at OSU?
I am an Assistant Professor in the department of Health and Human Performance at Central State University in Wilberforce, Ohio. I returned to OSU to pursue my PhD because the training and academic preparation provided here is bar none. I knew this was the perfect place to prepare me for my next professional goals.