Madison Kackley

Research Scientist, Department of Human Sciences
Lecturer, Department of Human Sciences
(614) 247-9650
Dr. Madison Kackley is a distinguished Research Scientist, focusing on the effects of exogenous ketones and ketogenic diets on physiological outcomes, metabolic health, and cognitive function. Her career has been dedicated to exploring the remarkable impacts of keto-adapted phenotypes in diverse populations.
Dr. Kackley has conducted numerous interdisciplinary human research studies, investigating exogenous ketones and ketogenic diets' effects on weight loss, body composition, metabolic health, and exercise performance. Her pioneering work on ketone salt ingestion earned her the prestigious Charles E. Ragus Award from the American Nutrition Association.
She has led groundbreaking clinical trials on ketogenic interventions, resulting in five published manuscripts and three ongoing projects. Her research on achieving ketosis through various methods, including ketogenic diets, exogenous ketones, exercise, and their effects on brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), significantly contributed to scientific literature. Notably, her recent trial linked ketogenic interventions to restoring menstrual cycles in overweight or obese women, with potential benefits on BDNF levels. This finding has spurred further research on women's health, insulin resistance, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), and perimenopause.
- PhD, Kinesiology, The Ohio State University, 2021
- MS, Kinesiology, The Ohio State University, 2018
- BS, Health Promotion and Fitness, Otterbein University, 2014
Research Interests
- Adult Development and Aging
- Biochemistry
- Dietetics and Nutrition
- Ketogenic Diets
- Endocrinology
- Exercise Physiology
- Foods, Nutrition, and Wellness Studies
- Human Nutrition
- Kinesiology and Exercise Science
- Metabolomics
- Nutritional Science
- Dietary interventions in special populations
- Dietary interventions in women
Selected Publications
- Kackley, M.L*, Belany, P.* Zhao, S., Kluwe B., Buga, A., Crabtree, C. D., Nedungadi, D., Kline, D., Brock, G., Volek, J.S, Joseph, J. J. The effects of a hypocaloric low-fat diet, ketogenic diet and ketogenic diet& ketone supplement on aldosterone and renin in overweight or obese participants.
- Buga, A., Kackley, M. L, Crabtree, C. D., Sapper, T. N, Robinson, B.T., Stoner, J.T., Decker, D.D., Hyde, P. N., LaFountain, R. A., Brownlow, M. L., O’Connor, A., Volek, J.S. Diurnal ketone and glucose pattern changes in a ketogenic diet, with and without a racemic ketone salt supplementation.
- Kackley, M.L*, Brownlow, M.L*, Buga, A., Crabtree, C.D, Sapper, T.N., O’Connor, A. & Volek, J.S. The effects of a six-week controlled, hypocaloric ketogenic diet, with and without exogenous ketone salts, on cognitive performance and mood states in overweight and obese adults.
- Kackley, M. L*., Buga, A., Crabtree, C. D., Sapper, T. N., & Volek, J.S. Influence of Nutritional Ketosis Achieved through Various Methods on Plasma Concentrations of Brain Derived Neurotropic Factor.
- Post, E. M, Kraemer, W.J., Kackley, M. L., Caldwell, L.K., Volek, J. S., Sanchez, B. N., Focht, B.C., Newton, R.U., Hakkinen, K., Maresh, C. M., The effects of resistance training on physical fitness and neuromotor-cognitive functions in adults with Down Syndrome.
- Crabtree, C. D., Blade, T., Hyde, P.N., Buga, A., Kackley, M. L., Sapper, T. N., Panda, O., Diaz, S., Newman, J.C., Volek, J. S., Stubbs, B. J. (2022) Bis hexanoyl (R)-1,3-butanediol, a novel ketogenic ester, acutely increases circulating R- and s- ß-hydroxybutyrate concentrations in healthy adults. Journal of the American Nutrition Association.
- Crabtree, C. D., Kackley, M. L., Buga, A., Fell, B., LaFountain, R. A., Hyde, P. N., Sapper, T. N., Kraemer, W. J., Scandling, D., Simonetti, O. P., & Volek, J. S. (2021). Comparison of Ketogenic Diets with and without Ketone Salts versus a Low-Fat Diet: Liver Fat Responses in Overweight Adults. Nutrients, 13(3), 966.
- Hyde P.N., Sapper, T.N., LaFountain R.A., Kackley, M. L., Buga, A., Fell, B., Crabtree, C. D., Phinney, S. D., Miller, V. J., King, S. M., Krauss, R. M., Kraemer, W. J., & Volek, J.S.(2021) Effects of Palm Stearin versus Butter in the Context of Low-Carbohydrate/High-Fat and High-Carbohydrate/Low-Fat Diets on Circulating Lipids in a Controlled Feeding Study in Healthy Humans. Nutrients 13(6):1944.
- Buga, A., Kackley, M. L., Crabtree, C. D., Sapper, T. N., Mccabe, L., Fell, B., LaFountain, R. A., Hyde, P. N., Martini, E. R., Bowman, J., Pan, Y., Scandling, D., Brownlow, M. L., O’Connor, A., Simonetti, O. P., Kraemer, W. J., & Volek, J.S. (2021). The Effects of a 6-Week Controlled, Hypocaloric Ketogenic Diet, With and Without Exogenous Ketoone Salts, on Body Composition Responses. Frontiers in Nutrition, 8.
- Kackley, M. L., Short, J. A., Hyde, P. N., LaFountain, R. A., Buga, A., Miller, V. J., Dickerson, R. M., Sapper, T. N., Barnhart, E. C., Krishnan, D., McElroy, C. A., Maresh, C. M., Kraemer, W. J., & Volek, J. S. (2020). A Pre-Workout Supplement of Ketone Salts, Caffeine, and Amino Acids Improves High-Intensity Exercise Performance in Keto-Naïve and Keto-Adapted Individuals. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 39(4), 290–300.
- Hyde, P. N., Sapper, T. N., Crabtree, C. D., LaFountain, R. A., Kackley, M. L., Buga, A., Fell, B., McSwiney, F. T., Dickerson, R. M., Miller, V. J., Scandling, D., Simonetti, O. P., Phinney, S. D., Kraemer, W. J., King, S. A., Krauss, R. M., & Volek, J. S. (2019). Dietary carbohydrate restriction improves metabolic syndrome independent of weight loss. JCI Insight, 4(12).
- Crabtree, C. D., LaFountain, R. A., Hyde, P. N., Chen, C., Pan, Y., Lamba, N., Sapper, T. N., Short, J. A., Kackley, M. L., Buga, A., Miller, V. J., Scandling, D., Andersson, I., Barker, S., Hu, H. H., Volek, J. S., & Simonetti, O. P. (2019). Quantification of Human Central Adipose Tissue Depots: An Anatomically Matched Comparison Between DXA and MRI. Tomography, 5(4), 358–366.
- LaFountain, R. A., Miller, V. J., Barnhart, E. C., Hyde, P. N., Crabtree, C. D., McSwiney, F. T., Beeler, M. K., Buga, A., Sapper, T. N., Short, J. A., Bowling, M. L., Kraemer, W. J., Simonetti, O. P., Maresh, C. M., & Volek, J. S. (2019). Extended Ketogenic Diet and Physical Training Intervention in Military Personnel. Military Medicine, 184(9–10), e538–e547.
Selected Presentations
- Nutrition Network's Women’s Health Elective 2023, "Fitness & Fueling for Women: A Health-Focused Perspective."
- City College Exercise Science Symposium 2023, Mind- Body Connection- “Food for Thought: The connection between nutrition and Cognitive Function."