Dean Lillard

Professor, Department of Human Sciences
Program Area: Consumer Sciences
(614) 292-4561
Dean Lillard is Professor of consumer sciences in the Department of Human Sciences. He received his PhD in economics from the University of Chicago in 1991. From 1991 to 2012, he was a faculty member and senior research associate in the Department of Policy Analysis and Management at Cornell University. He moved to The Ohio State University in August 2012.
He directs and manages the Cross-National Equivalent File Project – a compendium of panel data sets from nine (soon to be thirteen) countries that harmonizes the data to be comparable in concept and measurement. He is a member of the American Economic Association, Population Association of America, American Society for Health Economics, European Society for Population Economics, a research fellow at the German Institute for Economic Research in Berlin, Germany, and a research associate of the National Bureau of Economic Research.
He served on the advisory board of the Danish National Institute for Social Research in Copenhagen, Denmark from 2008-2016 and currently serves on the advisory board of the Federal Research Data Center at the University of Kentucky, the Italian Lives panel survey project, “The dynamics of youth employment precarity” project at the Polish Academy of Sciences in Warsaw, Poland, the Cross-National Studies Interdisciplinary Research and Training Program – a collaborative program run by the Polish Academy of Sciences (PAN), and together with the Mershon Centre at OSU.
- PhD, Economics, University of Chicago, 1991
- MA, Economics, University of Chicago, 1986
- BA, Economics (cum laude), University of Washington, 1983
Research Summary
Lillard's current research focuses on health economics, the economics of schooling and international comparisons of economic behavior. In health economics, he studies demand for cigarettes, tobacco, and e-cigarettes. He also has several NIH-funded research projects that construct, test, and validate health histories for individual survey respondents and then models variation in those histories using geographic and temporal variation in contextual and policy factors. His research on the economics of schooling includes studies of direct effects of policy on educational outcomes and on the role that education plays in other economic behaviors such as smoking, production of health, and earnings. His cross-national research ranges widely from comparisons of the role that obesity plays in determining labor market outcomes to comparisons of smoking behavior cross-nationally. Recently, he received an NIH grant to study the economic and social consequences of COVID-induced government mitigation policies. He and his colleagues use longitudinal data from eleven countries to model and estimate how government policies affected individual lives in the short- and longer-run.
- 2018 - present - Professor, Department of Consumer Sciences, The Ohio State University, Director and Project Manager - Cross-National Equivalent File
- 2012 - 2018 - Associate Professor, Department of Consumer Sciences, The Ohio State University, Director and Project Manager - Cross-National Equivalent File
- 2013 - present - Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER), Research Fellow, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (German Institute for Economic Research), Berlin, Germany
- 1999 - 2012 - Research Affiliate, Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung (German Institute for Economic Research), Berlin, Germany
- 2000 - 2012 - Senior Research Associate, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University, Co-Director and Project Manager - Cross-National Equivalent File
- 1998 - 2000 - Research Associate III, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University, Project Manager - Cross-National Equivalent File
- 1991 - 1998 - Assistant Professor, Department of Policy Analysis and Management, Cornell University
- Cross-National Patterns and Predictors of Life-course Smoking
- Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF)
- Cross-National Equivalent File – COVID-mitigation Policy Project (CNEF-COVID)
- Advisory Board, Cross-National Studies: Interdisciplinary Research and Training Program (CONSIRT), joint project of Polish Academy of Sciences (Warsaw, Poland) and The Ohio State University
- Editorial Board Member, Journal of Longitudinal and Life Course Studies
- Advisory Board, Danish National Institute for Social Research, Copenhagen, Denmark
- Scientific Committee, American Society of Health Economists 2010, 2012 biennial meetings
- Scientific Committee, Population Association of America 2012 annual meeting
- Organizing Committee, Population Association of America 2013 annual meeting
- CSCFFS 4130 – Career Decision-making II
- ConSci 8890 – Special Topic Seminar: The Production and Consumption of Health in the Household Context
Cornell courses
- Introduction to Econometrics
- The Economics of Consumer Policy
- Wealth and Income
- Information and Regulation
Selected Grants
- Lillard DR (PI), Grabka M (Co-I), Hong SC (Co-I), Karlsson M (Co-I), Kim DI (Co-I), Kim Y (Co-I), Kozyreva P (Co-I), Lalive R (Co-I), Lee J (Co-I), Peter K (Co-I), Ren Q (Co-I), Riva E (Co-I), Wooden M (Co-I), Xie Y (Co-I), Yamamoto I (Co-I). “The economic and social impact of COVID-19 mitigation policies: A cross-country analysis of macro events.” National Institutes on Aging. 2021- 2026.
- Lillard DR (PI), Bhattacharya J (Co-I). "Constructing, Validating, and Testing the Predictive Power of Life-Course Health Histories.” National Institutes on Aging. 2020- 2022. plus one-year supplement project "Recovering Individual Memory Problems Histories from Own and Proxy Retrospective Reports: A Feasibility Study," National Institutes on Aging. 2021- 2022.
- Lillard DR, (PI). (2020). "Cigarette Smuggling, Taxes, and Substitution between Cigarettes and E-Cigarettes.” OSU Institute for Population Research seed grant with core support from the NIH center grant P2CHD058484 National Institute of Child and Human Development. 2020.
- Lillard DR, (PI). (2020). "Supporting, Enhancing and Expanding the PSID-Cross-National Equivalent File.” National Institute of Aging. 2020-2021.
- Lillard DR, (PI). (2019). "Archiving, Enhancing, and Expanding the Cross-National Equivalent File.” National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. 2019-2021.
- Lillard DR, (PI). (2017). "Archiving the Cross-National Equivalent File." National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. 2017-2019. (no cost-extension to 2020).
- Lillard, Dean (PI) "Alcohol, Advertising, Drinking and Driving: An Econometric Study of Underage Youth and Adults." National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism. 2011-2015.
- Lillard, Dean (PI) “Cross-National Patterns and Predictors of Life-cycle Smoking Behavior.” National Institute of Aging. 2009-2015.
- Lillard, Dean (PI), Sfekas, Andrew (Co-PI). “Strategic Marketing of Cigarettes: Firm and Consumer Behavior.” National Cancer Institute. 2007-2012.
- Lillard, Dean (PI), Gerner, Jennifer (Co-PI). “Early Gains to Early Education: A Quasi-Natural Experiment.” National Institute of Child Health and Human Development. 2006-2008.
- Kenkel, Donald (PI), Lillard, Dean R. (Co-PI), Mathios, Alan (Co-PI). “Econometric Study of Schooling, Information, and Smoking.” National Cancer Institute. 2006-2009.
- Mathios, Alan (PI), Avery, Rosemary (Co-PI), Kenkel, Donald (Co-PI), Lillard, Dean R. (Co-PI). (2006) “Smoking Cessation and Advertising: An Econometric Study.” National Cancer Institute. 2006-2009.
- Lillard, Dean R.(PI), Kenkel, Donald (Co-PI), Mathios, Alan (Co-PI). (2003) “Smoking Cessation Among Older Americans.” National Institutes on Aging. 2003-2005.
- Kenkel, Donald (PI), Avery, Rosemary (Co-PI), Lillard, Dean R. (Co-PI), Mathios, Alan (Co-PI). (2002) “An Economic Study of Three Decades of Smoking Cessation.” National Cancer Institute. 2002-2005.
- Burkhauser, Richard V. (PI), and Lillard, Dean R. (Co-PI). (2002) “Adding Health Variables to the Cross-National Equivalent File.” National Institutes on Aging. 2002-2004.
- Lillard, Dean R. (PI). (2000). “The Effects of Mandated State Testing Programs.” The Spencer Foundation. 2000-2003.
Selected Publications
- Lillard DR. 2021. “Cross-national research: realized and potential contributions,” Australian Economic Review, December. DOI:10.1111/1467-8462.12447
- Lillard DR. forthcoming. “Harmonization of panel surveys: The Cross-National Equivalent File.” in Survey Data Harmonization in the Social Sciences, edited by Irina Tomescu-Dubrow; Christof Wolf; Kazimierz M. Slomczynski and J. Craig Jenkins. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
- Lillard DR. 2020. “The Economics of Nicotine Consumption.” in Handbook of Labor, Human Resources and Population Economics, edited by Klaus F. Zimmermann. Springer Nature Press. (also available as NBER working paper w26912).
- Lillard DR. 2020. “A Cross-National Design to Estimate Effects of COVID-Induced Non-Pharmacological Interventions.” Survey Research Methods. 14(2).
- Shin SH, Lillard DR, Bhattacharya J. 2019. "Understanding the Correlation between Alzheimer's Disease Polygenic Risk, Wealth, and the Composition of Wealth Holdings." Biodemography and Social Biology, 65(4): 323-350.
- Hanks AS, Gunther C, Lillard DR, Scharff RL. 2019. "From Paper to Plastic: Understanding the Impact of EBT on WIC Recipient Behavior." Food Policy, Vol. 83: 83-91.
- Lillard DR, Önder Z. 2019. "Health Information and Life-Course Smoking Behavior: Evidence from Turkey." European Journal of Health Economics, Vol. 20: 149–162.
- Lillard DR, Molloy E, Zan H. 2018. "Television and Magazine Alcohol Advertising: Exposure, Targeting, and Trends." Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs, 79(6): 881–892.
- Lillard DR. 2018. "The Evolution of Smoking in Switzerland." chapter 1 in Change and Inertia in Contemporary Switzerland - Understanding Swiss Society over Time. Tillmann, Robin, Voorpostel, Marieke and Farago, Peter (eds.). Springer Press, pp. 3-16.
- Lillard DR. 2017. "Educational Heterogeneity in the Association between Smoking Cessation and Health Information." in K. Bolin, B. Lindgren, M. Grossman, D. Gyrd-Hansen, T. Iversen, R. Kaestner, J.L. Sindelar (ed.) Advances in Health Economics and Health Services Research, Vol. 25: 183 - 206.
- Burkhauser RV, Hahn MH, Lillard DR, Wilkins R. 2016. "Does Income Inequality in Early Childhood Predict Self-Reported Health In Adulthood? A Cross-National Comparison of the United States and Great Britain." Research in Labor Economics, Vol. 43 (Inequality: Causes and Consequences): 407-476.
- Christopoulou R, Lillard DR. 2016. "A Novel Indicator of Life-Course Smoking Prevalence in the United States Combining Popularity, Duration, Quantity, and Quality of Smoking." American Journal of Public Health, 106(6): 1329-1335.
- Christopoulou R, Lillard DR. 2015. "Migration to the US and Marital Mobility." Review of Economics of the Household, Vol. 14(3): 669-694. (NBER Working paper w19495).
- Lillard DR, Burkhauser RV, Hahn MH, Wilkins R. 2015. "Does Early-Life Income Inequality Predict Self-Reported Health In Later Life? Evidence from the US." Social Science and Medicine, 128(3): 347-355.
- Christopoulou R, Lillard DR. 2015. "Is Smoking Behavior Culturally Determined? Evidence from British Immigrants." Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 110: 78-90.
- Lillard DR, Christopoulou R. (eds.) 2015. Life-course smoking behavior: Patterns and national context in ten countries. Oxford University Press: New York. (various chapters)
- Lillard DR. "Smoking in Australia." ch. 2
- Lillard DR. "Smoking in the United States." ch. 5
- Lillard DR. "Smoking in Germany." ch. 6
- Lillard DR, Dorofeeva Z. "Smoking in Russia and Ukraine before, during, and after the Soviet Union." ch. 9
- Lillard DR, Gil-Lacruz A. "Relative Smoking Patterns of Men and Women in Cross-Country Perspective." ch. 13
- Lillard DR, Christopoulou R. "Description and Sources of Raw Data." ch. 14
- Lillard, D., Manzoni, A. (2013). “International Migration as Occupational Mobility: The Case of Germany.” Journal of Applied Social Science Studies, 133(2): 263-273.
- Lillard, Dean R., Molloy, Eamon, Sfekas, Andrew. (2013). "Smoking Initiation and the Iron Law of Demand." Journal of Health Economics Vol. 32: 114-127.
- Lillard, Dean, Sfekas, Andrew. (2013). “Just Passing Through: The Effect of the Master Settlement Agreement on Estimated Cigarette Tax-Price Pass-through.” Applied Economics Letters,Vol. 20(4): 353-357
- Christopoulou, Rebekka, Lillard, Dean, Balmori, Jose R. (2013). "Smoking behavior of Mexicans: patterns by birth-cohort, gender, and level of education." International Journal of Public Health. Vol. 58: 335-343.
- Bar, Haim, Lillard, Dean. (2012). "Accounting for Heaping in Retrospectively Reported Event Data - A Mixture-Model Approach." Statistics in Medicine. Vol. 31(27).
- Lillard, Dean. (2011). "Keeping it in the Family? If Parents Smoke Do Children Follow?" Journal of Applied Social Science Studies. 131: 277-286.
- Christopoulou, Rebekka, Han, Jeffrey, Jaber, Ahmed, Lillard, Dean. (2011). "Dying for a Smoke: How Much Does Differential Mortality of Smokers Affect Estimated Life-Course Smoking Prevalence?" Preventive Medicine. 52: 66-70.
- Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean R., Liu, Feng. (2009). “An Analysis of Life-Course Smoking Behavior in China.” Health Economics 18: S147-S156.
- Avery, Rosemary, Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean, Mathios, Alan. (2007). “Private Profits and Public Health: Does DTC Advertising of Smoking Cessation Products Encourage Smokers to Quit?” Journal of Political Economy. Vol. 115 (3): 447-481.
- Frick, Joachim R., Jenkins, Stephen P., Lillard, Dean R., Lipps, Oliver, Wooden, Mark (2007). “The Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) and its Member Country Household Panel Studies.” Schmollers Jahrbuch (Journal of Applied Social Science Studies). Vol. 127 (4): 627-654. (Also published in German under title: “Die internationale Einbettung des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) im Rahmen des Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF).” Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung. 02/2008; Vol. 77(3).)
- Burkhauser, Richard V., Lillard, Dean R. (2007). “The Expanded Cross-National Equivalent File: HILDA Joins its International Peers.” The Australian Economic Review, Vol. 40 (2): 1–8.
- Avery, Rosemary, Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean, Mathios, Alan. (2007). “Regulating Advertisements: The Case of Smoking Cessation Products.” Journal of Regulatory Economics Vol. 31 (2): 185-208. (also NBER working paper 12001).
- Kenkel, Donald, Lillard, Dean R., Mathios, Alan. (2006). “The Roles of High School Completion and GED Receipt in Smoking and Obesity.” Journal of Labor Economics. Vol. 24 (3): 635-660.
- Burkhauser, Richard V., Lillard, Dean R. (2005). “The Contribution and Potential of Data Harmonization for Cross-National Comparative Research” Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis, Vol 7 (4): 313-330.