Allen Mallory

Assistant Professor, Department of Human Sciences
Program Area: Human Development and Family Science
Allen Mallory is an assistant professor of Human Development in the Department of Human Sciences. His research has two primary foci; (1) Understanding the intersectional risk and protective factors for the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ youth and adults; and (2) risk and protective factors for individuals and couples’ sexual well-being
- Ph.D. Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 2020
- M.A. Human Development and Family Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, 2018
- M.S. Marriage and Family Therapy, Kansas State University, 2016
- B.A. Psychology and Cognitive Science, Case Western Reserve University, 2012
Research Interests
- Adolescent and At-Risk Youth
- Intersectionality
- LGBTQ+ youth
- Human Development and Family Studies
- Intimacy/Sexuality
- Couples' sexual communication
- Romantic relationships
- Sex education
- Sexual health
- LGBTQ+ Studies
- Health disparities
- Intersectionality
- Risk and protective factors
- Youth
Research Summary
His primary research area takes an intersectional approach to understanding the health and well-being of LGBTQ+ populations. Specifically, he studies how health disparities vary among and between LGBTQ+ youth and adults across multiple identities and how the processes tied to multiple identities, such as discrimination, intersect to affect health and well-being.
His secondary research area focuses on risk and protective factors of sexual health and well-being. One approach to this topic focuses on couples’ sexual communication and another on comprehensive and inclusive sex education.
Selected Grants
- Mallory, A. B. (2021-2023). Examining the Variability in Treatment Outcomes for SGM populations in RCTs of Behavioral Interventions to Reduce Substance Use. National Institute for Drug Abuse Loan Repayment Program, 1L60DA054640-01. Role: PI.
- Mallory, A.B. Reczek, R., Bermea, A. (2022-2023). Feasibility of Collecting a National Longitudinal Study of Sexual and Gender Minorities. Institute for Population Research Seed Grant, $85,000. Role: PI.
- Mallory, A.B., Bishop. M. D., Zellner, M., & Racz, G. The role of parental knowledge of sexual development in parents’ preferences for sexuality education in school. University of Texas at Austin, Health Communication Scholars Program. 2/2019-3/2020, $2,000. Role: PI.
- Mallory, A. B. The influence of intersections of race, gender, and sexual orientation discrimination for the mental health of LGB youth and adults. National Institute of Mental Health, F31MH115608, 8/2018-8/2020, $82,670. Role: PI.
Selected Publications
- Russell, S. T., & Mallory, A. B., Fish, J. N., Frost, D. M., Hammack, P. L., Lightfoot, M., Lin, A., Wilson, B. D. M., Meyer, I. H. (2022). Distribution and prevalence of health in a nationally representative sample of three cohorts of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults in the United States. LGBT Health. Online First.
- Mallory, A. B., Luthy, E., Martin, J. K., & Slesnick, N. (2022). Variability in treatment outcomes from a housing intervention for young mothers misusing substances and experiencing homelessness by sexual identity. Children and Youth Services Review, 139, 106554.
- Bishop, M. D., Mallory, A. B., & Russell, S. T. (2022). Sexual minority identity development: Latent profiles of developmental milestones in a national probability sample. Psychology of Sexual Orientation and Gender Diversity. Advanced online publication.
- Caba, A. E., Mallory, A. B., Simon, K. A., Rathus, T., & Watson, R. J. (2022). Complex outness patterns among sexual minority youth: A latent class analysis. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 51, 746-765.
- Mallory A. B. (2022) Dimensions of couples’ sexual communication, relationship satisfaction, and sexual satisfaction: A meta-analysis. Journal of Family Psychology. 36, 358-371.
- Chen, S. & Mallory, A.B. (2021). The Effect of Racial Discrimination on Mental and Physical Health: A Propensity Score Weighting Approach. Social Science and Medicine. 285,
- Chavez, L.J., Kelleher, K.J., Bunger, A., Brackenoff, B., Famelia, R., Ford, J., Feng, X., Mallory, A., Martin, J., Sheftall, A., Walsh, L., Yilmazer, T., Slesnick. N. Housing First Combined with Suicide Treatment Education and Prevention (HOME + STEP): Study Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial (2021). BMC Public Health. 1128.
- Slesnick, N., Chavez, L., Bunger, A., Famelia, R., Ford, J., Feng, X. Higgins, S., Holowacz, E., Jaderlund, S., Luthy, E., Mallory, A., Martin, J., Walsh, L., Yilmazer, T., Kelleher, K. (2021). Housing, Opportunities, Motivation and Engagement (HOME) for homeless youth at-risk for opioid use disorder: Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial. Addiction Science & Clinical Practice. 16.
- Mallory A.B. & Russell, S. T. (2021). Intersections of racial discrimination and LGB victimization for mental health: A prospective study of sexual minority youth of color. Journal of Youth and Adolescence. 50, 1353–1368.
- Pollitt, A. M & Mallory, A. B. (2021). Mental and sexual health disparities among bisexual and unsure Latino/a and Black youth. LGBT Health, 8, 254-262.
- Mallory, A. B., Pollitt, A. M., Bishop, M. D., & Russell, S. T. (2021). Changes in disclosure stress and depression symptoms in a sample of lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth. Developmental Psychology, 57, 570–583.
- Pampati, S., Johns, M.M., Szucs, L., Bishop, M.D., Mallory, A.B., Barrios, L., Russell, S.T. (2020). Inclusive sexual health programs for sexual and gender minority youth: A systematic mapping of the literature. Journal of Adolescent Health, 68, 1040-1052.
- Layland, E. K., Exten, C., Mallory, A. B., Williams, N. D., & Fish, J. N. (2020). Suicide attempt rates and associations with discrimination are greatest in early adulthood for sexual minority adults across diverse racial and ethnic groups. LGBT Health, 7, 439-447.
- Russell, S. T., Mallory, A. B., Bishop M. D., & Dorri, A.A. (2020). Innovation and Integration of Sexuality in Family Life Education. Family Relations, 69, 595-613.
- Bishop, M., Mallory, A. B., Fessner, M., Frost, D., Russell, S.T. (2020). Legacies of exclusion: Sexuality education experiences across three generations of sexual minority people. Journal of Sex Research, 58, 648-658.
- Mallory, A.B., Stanton, A. M., & Handy, A. B. (2019) Couples’ sexual communication and dimensions of sexual function: A meta-analysis. The Journal of Sex Research, 56, 882-898.
- Weitzman, A., & Mallory, A. B. (2019). Racial, socioeconomic, and attitudinal disparities in trajectories of young women's willingness to refuse unwanted sex. Journal of Adolescent Health, 64, 746-752.
- Spencer, C., Mallory, A. B., Cafferky, B. M., Kimmes, J. G., Beck, A. R., & Stith, S. M. (2019). Mental health factors and intimate partner violence perpetration and victimization: A meta-analysis. Psychology of Violence, 9, 1-17.
- Pollitt, A. M, Mallory, A. B., Fish, J. N. (2018). Homophobic bullying and sexual minority youth alcohol use: Do sex and race/ethnicity matter? LGBT Health, 5, 421-430.
- Mallory, A. B., Spencer, C., & Kimmes, J. G., Pollitt, A. M. (2018). Remembering the good times: The influence of relationship nostalgia on relationship satisfaction across time. Journal of Marital and Family Therapy, 44, 561-574.
- Yelland, E. L., Cless, A. W., Mallory, A. B., & Cless, J. D. (2017). Sex, marital relationships, and dementia in long-term care: Public perspectives. Journal of Aging and Health, 30, 800-815.
- Spencer, C., Mallory, A., Toews, M., Stith, S., & Wood, L. (2017). Why sexual assault survivors do not report to universities: A feminist analysis. Family Relations, 66, 166-179.
- Kimmes, J. G., Mallory A. B., Spencer, C., Beck, A. R., & Stith, S. M. (2017). Risk markers for same-sex physical intimate partner violence. Trauma, Violence, and Abuse, 20, 374-384.
Selected Presentations
- Mallory. A. B., Martin, J. K. (September, 2022). Mental Health Disparities Between Female Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Youth With Substance Use Disorders and Who Are Experiencing Homelessness. Accepted for an Oral Presentation at the 2022 Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Conference. Minneapolis, MN.
- Mallory A.B. Prachi, S. (2022, April). Structural Stigma Towards Sexual Minorities and HIV Rates: A Google Searches Approach [Paper]. Accepted to the Population Association of American Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
- Mallory, A. B., Kamp-Dush, C., Manning, W. D. (2022, April). Variability in Identity-Related Experiences Among Same-race, Interracial, Same-Gender, and Different-Gender Couples in a Population Representative Sample [Poster]. Population Association of American Annual Conference. Atlanta, GA.
- Mallory, A. B., Ford, J., & Anderson, A. (2022, March). Differences in Sexual Behaviors Between Sexual Minority and Heterosexual Young Women with Substance Use Disorders and are Experiencing Homelessness. Society for Research on Adolescence [Poster]. New Orleans, LA.
- Mallory, A.B., Bishop. M. D., Racz, G., Zellner, M. (2021, November). Are parents’ preferences for school- based sexuality education malleable? An experimental survey design [Paper]. National Council of Family Relations Conference. Baltimore, MD.
- Mallory, A. B. and Russell, S. T. (2021, May). Intersections of Race, Gender, and Sexual Identity Attributions Towards Discrimination and Mental Health Across Three Generations of LGB Adults [Paper]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. Virtual.
- Mallory, A.B & Chen, S. (2021, May). The Effect of Racial Discrimination on Mental and Physical Health: A Propensity Score Weighting Approach [Paper]. Population Association of America Annual Meeting. Virtual.
- Mallory, A. B. and Russell, S. T. (2021, April). Intersections of racial discrimination and LGB victimization and mental health: A prospective study of LGB youth of color [Symposium Paper]. Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting. Virtual.
- Mallory, A. B. and Russell, S. T. (2021, April). Intersections of racial discrimination and LGB victimization and mental health: A prospective study of LGB youth of color [Symposium Paper]. Society for Research on Child Development Biennial Meeting. Virtual.
- Mallory, A. B. A Socioecological Examination of Everyday Discrimination Among Young Women During the Transition to Adulthood[Poster]. (2020, November). National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference. Virtual.
- Mallory, A. B. and Russell, S. T. (Part of paper symposium accepted to Society for Research on Adolescence 2020 Biennial Meeting). Intersections of racial discrimination and LGB victimization and mental health: A prospective study of LGB youth of color. Society for Research on Adolescence 2020 Biennial Meeting. Virtual.
- Mallory, A. B. (2019, November). Dimensions of Couples’ Sexual communication, Relationship Satisfaction, and Sexual Satisfaction: A Meta-Analysis [Paper]. National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference. Fort Worth, Texas.
- Mallory, A. B. (Chair), Hernandez, S. (Moderator), Martinez, R. (Moderator), Doan, L. (Panelist), Martin, C. (Panelist), Lee, H. (Panelist), Gollust, S. (2019, October). Funding 101 [Panel]. Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Sciences Annual Conference. Seattle, Washington.
- Mallory, A. B. Fish, J. N., Russell, S. T. (2019, October). An intersectional approach to measurement with a nationally representative sample of three cohorts of lesbian, gay, and bisexual adults in the United States [Poster]. Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Sciences Annual Conference. Seattle, Washington.
- Mallory, A.B., Fish, J.N., & Russell, S.T. (2019, April). Measurement Non-Invariance of the Everyday Discrimination Scale by Race, Sexual Identity, and Cohort in a National Sample of LGB Adults [Poster]. Annual Population Association of America Meeting. Austin, Texas
- Mallory, A.B. & Russell, S.T. (2019, March). Evaluating Measurement Invariance of Racial Discrimination and Coming out Stress in a Sample of Diverse Sexual Minority Youth [Paper]. Presented at the Biennial Society for Research on Child Development Conference. Baltimore, Maryland.
- Mallory, A.B. & Russell, S.T. (2019, March). Evaluating Victimization and Racial Discrimination and Associations with Suicidal Ideation for Sexual Minority Youth of Color [Paper]. Biennial Society for Research on Child Development Conference. Baltimore, Maryland.
- Mallory, A. B. & Russell, S. T. (2018, October). Strategies for implementing anti-bullying policies: Are they effective?[Paper].Interdisciplinary Association for Population Health Science. Washington, D.C.
- Mallory, A. B., Pollitt, A. M., & Russell, S. T. (2018, April). Sex education policy and federal funding: A state level analysis of adolescent sexual health outcomes [Poster]. Population Association of America Conference, Denver, Colorado.
- Mallory, A. B., Pollitt, A. M., Grossman, A., Russell, S. T. (2018, April). Changes in depressive symptoms over time in sexual minority youth [Poster]. Biennial Society for Research on Adolescents Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Mallory, A. B., Pollitt, A. M., Russell, S. T. (2018, April). Sex education policy and federal funding: A state level analysis of sexual health outcomes for sexual minority youth [Paper]. Biennial Society for Research on Adolescence, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Mallory, A. B., Fish, J. (2017, April). Profiles of polysubstance use among heterosexual and LGB youth: Differences by sex, sexual identity, and race/ethnicity [Paper]. Biennial Society for Research on Adolescence Conference, Minneapolis, Minnesota.
- Mallory, A. B., Spencer, C., Kimmes, J., Pollitt, A. M. (2017, November). Remembering the Good Times: The Influence of Relationship Nostalgia on Relationship Satisfaction [Poster]. National Council on Family Relations Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida.
- Mallory, A. B. & Pollitt, A. M. (2017, April). Mental and sexual health disparities among bisexual and unsure Latino/a and Black youth [Poster]. Population Association of America Meeting, Chicago, Illinois.