Applied Developmental Science in Education
Ohio State’s Applied Developmental Science graduate interdisciplinary specialization helps students across a variety of disciplines to develop an understanding of basic developmental research and theory in a substantive area (e.g., reading, motivation). This multidisciplinary field of social-science research seeks to integrate basic science and developmental theory with applied science on practices, policies, and programs.
Program Features
Offered in collaboration among the departments of Educational Studies, Human Sciences, Teaching and Learning, and the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy.
Designed for students with an academic focus on developmental science and theory or pedagogy, transcending the human lifespan; educational policy, practice and programs; basic and applied research methodologies.
Provides the opportunity to expand beyond a singular research focus and develop a multidisciplinary and integrative understanding of applied developmental science.
Exposes students to theories and methodologies used in such disciplines as psychology, linguistics, social work, sociology, human development, education, among others.
Complementary to students’ experiences in their focal discipline, as it is designed to help students explore linkages among human development and practice and policy applications.
Degree Requirements
Minimum requirements: PhD student in good standing, advisor permission, interest in applied developmental science
Deadline to apply
Applications are accepted any time
Minimum Program hours
Advising sheet