This annual event highlights the research efforts of our faculty, postdocs, research scientists, graduate and undergraduate students. On February 14, 2019, more than 150 people shared their research through a variety of formats: panels, individual presentations, posters and exhibits. Topics ranged from kindergarten readiness to the impacts of green tea on obesity – we have a very diverse college! Our plenary speaker this year was Kelly Purtell, Human Sciences, and our lunch keynote was Dean Don Pope-Davis.
One of the panels led by Shayne Piasta, Teaching and Learning, focused on language as a key component in early education. Piasta and her colleagues, Teddy Chao, Michiko Hikida and Mandy Smith, with expertise in reading, mathematics, literacy and science, presented their research findings and discussed the ways in which educator preparation programs can foster language that facilitates early education.
Alexis Little, Christopher Yaluma and Michael Leonard (graduate students in Educational Studies) presented on the topic of estimating the impact of expulsions, suspensions and arrests on student achievement. Sarah Ahmed (graduate student, Educational Studies) described successful practices that teachers can use with refugee and immigrant students. This is especially important in Ohio because the state has one of the largest refugee populations in the nation.
The poster presentations were very rich as well. For example, Moetiz Samad (Human Sciences) discussed the implications of recruitment of black athletes by white head coaches, Joseph Antonides (Teaching and Learning) identified current issues and trends in research on career and technical education, and Erin Clarke (Educational Studies) described a critical review of research on libraries’ use of online digital literacy instruction.
We are already planning next year’s event. The 2020 EHE Research Forum will be held on Thursday, February 13, 2020, at the Ohio Union, so save the date!