More than $7M has been received for these six active projects, all of which focus on learning how to design and effectively use learning technologies. The National Science Foundation Division on Research on Learning, STEM+Computing program, awarded Arnulfo Perez (Teaching and Learning), Kathy Malone (Teaching and Learning) and Christopher Stewart (Computer Science and Engineering) more than $1.2M in October 2015 to assess the impact of computer modeling and programming in secondary algebra. The study will leverage computational thinking for 21st-century learning by integrating modeling and computer programming into a project-based exploration of linear functions using engineering applications.
Laura Justice (Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy (CCEC)), Jessica Logan (CCEC) and Kui Xie (Educational Studies) were awarded almost $1.5M from the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, in August 2015 to develop a technology-based version of the research-based Read It Again (RIA) curriculum supplement focused on at-risk preschoolers. The curriculum targets the development of children’s vocabulary knowledge, narrative skills, print knowledge and phonological awareness. Project staff will develop digital versions of existing components and professional development and learning management supports for effective implementation of key elements of the curriculum.
Theodore Chao (Teaching and Learning) is part of a team that received a Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) award from the Institute of Education Sciences, U.S. Department of Education, in March 2015. The project team developed a series of supplemental math games designed to provide elementary students with engaging, adaptive and personalized or team-based learning opportunities. This current SBIR project will develop a digital dashboard to strengthen teachers’ ability to integrate these games within their instructional practice, and within a full third-grade mathematics curriculum.
The Institute of Education Sciences, US Department of Education also funded Gwendolyn Cartledge (Educational Studies) and faculty from Computer Science and Engineering almost $1.4M in July 2012 to develop a voice-activated software intervention that has the potential to increase the oral reading fluency of young (first- and second-grade) urban learners with or at risk for disabilities. Additional funding from the National Science Foundation, Small Business Technology Transfer Program, to support the commercialization of this software has been awarded to Carney Labs, LLC., and PI Cartledge.
Michael Battista (Teaching and Learning) was funded through the National Science Foundation, Division on Research on Learning, Discovery Research K-12 program, to develop a cognition-guided, formative-assessment-intensive, individualized computer-based dynamic geometry learning system for grades 3-8. The project started in September 2011 and was in the amount of more than $2.7M. This learning system contains four instructional modules in geometry and measurement that reflect the recommendations of the Common Core State Standards (CCSS).
For additional information about any of these projects, please contact the principal investigator.