Early career awards provide protected time so faculty can develop their own line of independent research during their first years at higher education institutions. These grants present an excellent opportunity for recently minted scholars to deepen their expertise, acquire new skills, work with additional resources and make connections with others in their fields. This year, three of our faculty received early career awards.


Matt Brock, Educational Studies

Matthew Brock 




Sponsor: U.S. Department of Education, IES Early Career, Development and Mentoring Program (ies.ed.gov/)

The project, Promoting System-Wide Implementation of Evidence-Based Practice for Students with Severe Disabilities through Multi-Tier Professional Development, will focus on improving the instructional strategies of paraprofessionals and outcomes for students with severe disabilities. Brock will develop and test the efficacy of a multi-tier system of training to improve paraprofessional implementation fidelity of systematic instructional strategies and outcomes for students with severe disabilities. The proposed professional multi-tier system will build on these features to develop an effective and efficient avenue for enacting system-wide change that benefits these students.

Sarah Gallo, Teaching and Learning

Assistant Professor Sarah Gallo 




Sponsor: Fulbright Postdoctoral Scholar Award (cies.org/)

This ethnographic study, Deportations, Forced Repatriation and Transnational Schooling in Mexico, seeks to contribute to this understudied issue through an exploration of how repatriated primary school students and classroom teachers in Mexico navigate transnational schooling experiences during routine pedagogical interactions. Through this study, Gallo will be able to extend her previous work on undocumented status and bilingual language and literacy learning in the U.S. by following young students affected by deportations into their Mexican schools. This research will illustrate the nuanced ways that deportation-based immigration policies shape young children’s educational realities across geopolitical borders.

Tzu-Jung Lin, Educational Studies

Tzu-Jung Lin 




Sponsor: NAEd/Spencer Postdoctoral Fellowship Program (naeducation.org/)

This study, Promoting Interpersonal Competencies and Academic Achievement through Collaborative Social Reasoning, will examine the impact of a dialogic intervention on early adolescents’ social reasoning, interpersonal competencies and academic achievement, and will uncover the underlying social-cognitive mechanisms of change. The central hypothesis is that the intervention will lead to significant growth in social reasoning, interpersonal competencies and academic achievement. The outcomes are expected to have a significant and positive impact on future designs of a longitudinal social-emotional learning program or school curriculum to simultaneously foster students’ social, emotional and cognitive development.


Find additional early career funding opportunities

You can search and create your own personalized email alerts in the InfoEd Global SPIN funding opportunities database at https://guides.osu.edu/c.php?g=893452. If you have any questions, please contact Jeff Agnoli.

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