headshots of Donna Ford, James Moore, and Lori Patton Davis on a buckeye leaf background

Three College of Education and Human Ecology professors are among 200 ranked as 2021’s most influential education scholars in the United States by Education Week.

The annual RHSU Edu-Scholar Public Influence Rankings consider more than 20,000 university scholars who shape educational practice and policy. The scholars were ranked by Rick Hess, resident scholar at the American Enterprise Institute and blogger for Education Week, along with a 28-member selection committee.

EHE Distinguished Professor Donna Ford, a professor of special education, was ranked No. 55.

James L. Moore III, vice provost for diversity and inclusion and chief diversity officer for Ohio State, ranked No. 75. Moore is also the college’s Distinguished Professor of Urban Education.

Lori Patton Davis, chair of the Department of Educational Studies and a professor of higher education and student affairs, was ranked No. 182.

Both Ford and Patton Davis were hired as part of the Dean Don Pope-Davis' diversification efforts in 2019.

The scholars were scored in nine categories — Google Scholar score, book points, highest Amazon ranking, education press, web mentions, newspaper mentions, Congressional record, syllabus points and Twitter score.

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