Multicultural and Equity Studies in Education (EDUTL-ES, MES)

Department of Teaching and Learning
OSU Oval Seal

Specialization leading to an Education Specialist in Teaching and Learning

Core Requirements (15 hours)

Teaching & Learning Required Courses (6 hours)

  • EDUTL 8003 Logics of Inquiry in Educational Research (3)
  • EDUTL 8015 Diversity and Equity in Education (3)

Multicultural Education and Diversity in Education Requirement (3 hours)

Alternative courses may be available, consult your advisor

  • EDUTL 6808 Critical and Cultural Perspectives in Teaching and Learning (3)

Research Methods (6 hours)

More advanced courses may be available, consult your advisor

  • EDUTL 6052 Classroom-Based Inquiry: MA (3)
  • EDUTL 6625 Introduction to Educational Research (3)

Specialization Requirements (15 hours)

Students must meet with a faculty advisor within the first two semesters to plan a program of study. With the approval of a faculty advisor and the Graduate Studies Committee, the program of study may deviate from the curriculum below depending on scholarly and research interests.

Required Courses (9 hours)

  • EDUTL 7014 Epistemologies & Theories of Race, Justice & Equity in Education (3)
  • EDUTL 7015 Curricular Approaches to Studies of Race, Justice, & Equity in Education (3)

Supporting Courses (choose two, 6 hours)

  • EDUTL 6808 Multicultural and Global Perspectives on Teaching and Learning (3)  
  • EDUTL 7025 Culturally Relevant and Sustaining Pedagogies (3)
  • EDUTL 7030 Multicultural Influences in Education (3)
  • EDUTL 7035 Teaching and Research for Social Justice (3)
  • EDUTL 8890 Advanced Seminar (3)

Apprenticeship (3-6 hours)

Consult your faculty advisor

  • EDUTL 8998   

Applied Project (3hours)

Consult your faculty advisor

  • EDUTL 8998 Research Apprenticeship in Teaching and Learning (3‐6)

Minimum hours post MA/MS: 36

Program Degree Department Email
Education Specialist Teaching and Learning


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.