Literacies, Literature and Learning (TCHLRN-PH-LLL)

Department of Teaching and Learning
Specialization Curriculum
OSU Oval Seal

Specialization leading to Doctor of Philosophy in Teaching and Learning

Core Requirements (18 hours)

Teaching & Learning PhD Core (9 credits)

  • EDUTL 8003 Logics of Inquiry in Educational Research (3)
  • EDUTL 8015 Diversity & Equity in Education (3)
  • EDUTL 8040 T&L Professional Seminar (3)

Research Requirement (minimum 9 credits)

Students select a sequence of courses in consultation with their advisor.

Specialization Courses (24 hours)

Specialization Requirements (9 credits)

  • EDUTL 7451 Understanding Literature for Children and Young Adults (3)
  • EDUTL 8301 Perspectives on Literacies and English Language Arts (3)
  • EDUTL 8425 Understanding Reading and Writing Development: From Novice to Conventional Processes (3)

Scholarly Focus/Elective Courses (12 credits)

Students choose scholarly focus/elective courses in consultation with their advisor. Students’ must take one designated department Spotlight Course. One course must be taken outside of the students’ specialization.

Spotlight Course:

  • EDUTL 6350 Graphic Novels and Social Justice
  • EDUTL 7308 Literary Experience & Understanding: Readers, Texts & Contexts (3)
  • EDUTL 7316 Language Arts in the Early and Middle Childhood Program (3)
  • EDUTL 7322 Literature Across the Curriculum (3)
  • EDUTL 7324 Literary Theory and Adolescent Literature (3)
  • EDUTL 7341 Poetry for Children (3)
  • EDUTL 7343 Literature in Middle Childhood Education (3)
  • EDUTL 7356 Advanced Literature for Adolescents (3)
  • EDUTL 7361 Literature in Early Childhood Education (3)
  • EDUTL 7362 Roots of Fantasy (3)
  • EDUTL 7370 The English Language Arts Curriculum: Past, Present, Future (3)
  • EDUTL 7418 Synthesizing Research in Reading and Literacy (3)
  • EDUTL 7428 Trends and Issues in Teaching Reading (3)
  • EDUTL 7477 Leveraging Literacies and Technologies for Social Change (3)
  • EDUTL 7464 Charlotte S. Huck Children’s Literature Seminar (3)
  • EDUTL 8307 History of Children’s and Young Adult Literature (3)
  • EDUTL 8313 Research and Theory in Written Composition (3)
  • EDUTL 8334 Research Methods for Children’s and Young Adult Literature (3)
  • EDUTL 8421 Guided Survey of Research in Reading (3)
  • EDUTL 8426 Advanced Study in Reading Difficulties of Young Children (3)
  • EDUTL 8427 Learning and Teaching Reading Comprehension (3)
  • EDUTL 8890 Advanced Seminar (topics vary) (3)

Professional Experiences (minimum 6 hours)

  • EDUTL 8997 Doctoral Professional Experience (1-6)

Candidacy Examination (minimum 3 hours)

Students must be registered for at least 3 graduate credits during the semester(s) in which the candidacy examination is being completed. These need not be additional, Individual Study hours.

  • EDUTL 7193 Individual Studies (1-3)

Dissertation Research (minimum 6 hours)

  • EDUTL 8999 Dissertation Research (1-15)

Minimum hours: 80

Program Degree Department Email
Doctoral Teaching and Learning


Note: Students exact curriculum may vary depending upon program of study determined by student and advisor.