Franklin County Exchange of Services

The College of Education and Human Ecology, along with the Franklin County Superintendents Association and the Franklin County Teachers Associations, has maintained a long-standing Exchange of Services Agreement which allows the college to place clinical candidates in Franklin County schools.

In exchange for these clinical field placements, the college provides fee authorizations that can be used for on-campus tuition in appropriate career-related coursework, or in customized courses delivered to school district buildings. School districts team with Ohio State faculty to customize graduate level coursework for their licensed staff.


  • The Ohio State University 
  • Franklin County Council of Education Associations 
  • Columbus Education Association
  • Franklin County Superintendents' Association

Meeting Schedule:

  • The MEOS members meet at least twice every year.
Section Items

Research Procedures

Professional development credit is also earned by faculty or graduate students conducting research within the Franklin County school districts.

The Office of Accreditation, Placement, and Licensure helps faculty and graduate students as they seek research sites in Franklin County schools. The districts that participate as research sites earn fee authorizations. Faculty and students should follow research requesting procedures as outlined by the college's Office of Research.

Section Items

Utilizing Your Fee Authorization

Fee authorizations are allocated on an annual basis and reported directly to participating institutions. Educators should follow their district or organization’s procedures to access fee authorizations.

To view course availability, please go to the OSU course catalog. Although, which course an educator registers for is a decision for the educator and their employer, to narrow your search we recommend that you filter by campus (Columbus), subject (Educ Sts: XXXX or Education: Teaching and Learning), and graduate (course career).

To enroll and register:

Fee authorizations pay instructional, general, and technology fees. Other fees may be applicable depending on course enrollment. For more information on fees, please visit the University Registrar Fees Explanation.

Institutions submit their fee authorization usage each term to